An auction is to put a product up for sale. How to post ads on eBay? Product announcement

If all your accounts have already been prepared and you are mentally ready to start selling goods on the largest trading platform in the world, then this article is just for you. After studying this article, you will be able to put your first product up for sale yourself. And immediately after the content of the article, you will find a video tutorial about the process of putting a product up for sale from a time-tested intermediary. It is possible that after watching the video tutorial you will not have to read the article further.


The content of this video tutorial fully corresponds to the real process of listing a product for sale, with one exception - at the very end of the listing process you must enter the address of your PayPal wallet! This is described in more detail below. The video tutorial shows an expanded product sale ad editor, while the article focuses on a simplified editor that successfully copes with its task.

Starting the process of listing a product for sale and selecting a category

Displaying goods on eBay The easiest way to start is with the page that is shown at the last stage of editing a user account and adding permission to automatically withdraw money from the account PayPal under the buyer protection program eBay. This page looks like this:

The link to it should be saved in your bookmarks, unless, of course, you read and followed my recommendations. On this page click on the button List your item. If you do not have a link to this page, use this link that I found for you in the help system eBay. You can also find a link to start displaying an item for any item you purchased, unless, of course, you want to sell the item you bought on eBay or is it similar to the one you want to sell.

You will be redirected to the first step of adding a product. You need to enter the approximate title of your advertisement for sale; in most cases, a short name of the product is sufficient. After entering, click the Get started button

You will be presented with the most relevant categories for a given title. Use the checkbox to select a product category. The further success of your trade depends on your choice, since an incorrectly selected category will not allow a sufficient number of potential buyers to see your product in the search results.

If the search results do not give a suitable result, you can select a product category manually, continue listing the product by clicking on the link or the Browse categories tab and going down the category tree, find the one suitable for your product.

Regardless of the method that suits you, after selecting a category, click on the Continue button.

If you want to sell a fairly common product, then you can try to find a ready-made description of it. Use enter the name of the product, its model in the line and click the Search button. You may be shown the most relevant products from this category. If you want to sell one of which is offered, select it and click on the Sell your button. When choosing such a product, you will no longer need to add its main characteristics to the product description; several can also be automatically added stock photos goods. We will consider the option of putting a product up for sale when there is no description of an identical product and will create one ourselves. Click the Continue with your listing button.

Choose how to create a product description. Fundamentally, these methods differ only in a more detailed (or rather simply more colorful) division of information into sections and the number of photographs that can be added in this product description editor. We will create a description of more in a simple way in a form called Keep it simple. Click the Go button in the column with the name of this form.

Creating a listing for selling an item on eBay

IN open form When creating a listing, all added information is divided into 5 semantic sections. In the first section, enter the title of the ad. Be sure to indicate in what condition the product is being sold: new – “Brand new”; new in box – “New in Box” or “NIB”; used – “USED”; used in perfect condition - “USED Viry Nice”.

Also in the header of the form for creating a product ad there is a link to go to the advanced editor and a Save for later link to save the current ad to drafts.

In the second section of this form you can add up to 4 photos. The minimum number of photographs is 1, but it is possible without photographs if the lot itself does not require it; maximum – up to 12 photos, which can be added in the extended lot creation form. For $0.35 you can choose an additional service Gallery Plus, which will allow potential buyers to see enlarged photos of the product in the search results.

In the third part of the simplified form for creating a lot description, you must indicate the technical characteristics of the product and give it detailed description. This example uses screenshots of the process of putting a lens up for sale, so the column headings technical characteristics are replete with various expressions from the photo world and in addition to the standard Brand and Model, there are specific ones: maximum aperture, focal length, lens type - fisheye, standard, macro, and so on. All these indicators need to be filled out, because the more truthful information on your product is presented, the fewer questions and misunderstandings the buyer has and the greater the likelihood of a purchase.

At the bottom of the third part of the form there is a text editor for creating a back description of the lot. Describe the condition of the product, give a truthful assessment of its performance, and also indicate special conditions for payment, return and delivery of the product, if any. If you will not send goods to countries in Africa or South America, please also inform us about this.

The fourth section of the form regulates the financial relationship between the seller and the buyer; it requires:

  1. indicate the method of sale: auction, sale at a fixed price, auction with a fixed price, format for selling goods with an offer of price Make Offer and auction with reserve price are available only in the advanced ad creation editor;
  2. enter prices for the selected sales methods;
  3. add available methods delivery and their cost;
  4. determine whether it is necessary to hide the advertisement for the sale of goods for residents of countries where there is no regional eBay site;
  5. indicate the order processing time in WORKING days;
  6. Using the “tick” switch, mark the possibility of returning a product that matches the description if for some reason the buyer is not satisfied with it.

It is worth noting that in the “simplified” ad editor on the site Only American delivery services are available such as , FedEx, UPS, that is, you will not have the opportunity to choose any other delivery method and, accordingly, will not be in the list of delivery methods Russian Posts and even Russian Post. Adding Standard Methods international delivery such as Economic Shipping, Standard Shipping, Expedited Shipping only possible in the advanced editor. To go to the advanced editor, follow the link Switch to form with more choices, which is in the header of this editor. In the advanced editor, scroll the page to the appropriate section and indicate the city in which the product is located. After this, you will be able to add standard delivery methods to the list of used ones. This is described in more detail in the video presented at the beginning of the article.

In the fifth section you just need to indicate the address PayPal, to which the buyer's payment must be sent. It is also possible to block the acceptance of bets from buyers who do not have a linked account. PayPal. This free feature will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems when, after winning an auction, the buyer refuses to purchase due to the fact that he is unable to pay through PayPal.

At this point, the process of creating a listing is completed, all that remains is to find out the amount of the fee for listing the lot for sale and carefully check the information that you provided. When listing the first 50 lots within a calendar month, you should strive to reduce the cost of putting the item up for sale to zero. After checking the information in the ad, click on the Save and preview button.

On the next page you will be shown the created ad, as it will look in search results and when viewing the ad in a separate browser tab. If you are satisfied with everything in the created ad, click Continue.

You will be shown a message notifying you that the item is up for sale. After this, you can go to the My eBay section or tell your friends in Facebook that you are selling a product on eBay!

From the following article you will learn what to do after the goods have been paid for by the buyer: how to properly pack and send the goods, how to deal with the tracking number that you receive in the mail?


If you want to sell an elephant, a chest of drawers, a jalopy, or, horror of horrors, your beloved hamster, then is the place for you.
It is there that you can sell everything that you are so tired of and that turns out to be unnecessary. I want to make it clear right away that this is not an auction. This is a typical bulletin board, with the only difference that this is one of the most popular boards, and therefore the chance that you will quickly find a buyer for your junk there increases noticeably. Ebay classifieds are a 21st century replacement for the typical newspaper classifieds that we are used to perusing in order to buy something secondhand in excellent condition and cheaper than in a store.
So, I decided to try advertising on this site. What was waiting for me there?
First, go to the main page of private advertisements

On the side, select “Publish an ad” and begin to fill out the windows that appear very simply. Something like this:

In order for a buyer to find you later, fill out your contact information. It is not necessary to write down the apartment number, hours when you are not at home, etc. Just an email address is enough. You can also add a phone number:

Then agree to the rules (if you don’t agree, then go and hang ads on poles) and click “publish an ad.”
But your junk hasn't appeared on ebay yet. For this to happen, you need to go to your mailbox that you indicated on the website and find this message there:

All you need to do is simply confirm it by clicking on the similar inscription below.
And then you will see this message:

Rejoice! Because this means that everything is going according to plan, as evidenced by this email:

This means that your product is up for sale and is waiting for its buyer!
You can read about this by following the link “go to ad”:

Here it is, your dear announcement about getting rid of unnecessary volumes of the great Russian writer Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy! Please note that the default payment is set as “at a meeting with the seller”, that is, a priori, you do not need to have any account for payment. Although, of course, you can agree with the seller and transfer the money to a virtual account, or send it by mail if you are sending it somewhere to another region.

I want to note that I posted an ad here without a photo, but nothing can stop you from getting your favorite Hasselblad and taking a photo bookshelf with a novel by uploading a photo to the Internet!

All ad submissions are absolutely free!
You throw them like a hook into a river and wait for a buyer. Then you sell things you don’t need in your household and become a millionaire! Everything is very simple! Use it! =)

Ebay is a well-known, popular and simply huge auction on the Internet, where many people sell and buy various goods. For some, this platform is intended only for one-time sales, while for others it becomes a source of good profit, since they open their own online store, which provides regular income. Here you can sell almost any thing, and the buyer can be a resident of another state.

You need to know how to sell on ebay, because for this there are certain nuances that must be taken into account and certain steps must be implemented.

Introductory stages

Before you start making money using the site, you need to study it well. You can start the process by doing the following:

  • Thoroughly master the ebay website, for which you need to find it in a search engine and go to the very first option. It is better to view the site initially in Russian, so you need to select the appropriate setting. Since you plan to open your own store, you need to pay attention to the rules that need to be followed when selling various products. The rules are clear, but also strict, so you cannot work in violation of them. Since you will have to post your own ad, it is advisable to study the existing options in order to understand the principle by which goods are advertised. Particular attention should be paid to those ads that are at the very top of the search, since potential buyers see them first.
  • Next, you need to create your own unique account. To do this, come up with a suitable name for it, which you need to remember well. You need to enter not only your name, but also your email address, and you also need to come up with a high-quality and reliable password. A letter from the auction will be sent to the specified address, which will contain a link to confirm the creation of an account. If you plan to open a profitable online store, then you need to select “open a business account.” Afterwards you will need to fill out certain lines, according to which the name of the company and some other information about it are written.
  • The form of payment is selected. There are quite a few payment methods that are offered to sellers and buyers. It is important not only to know how to make money on ebay, but also how to withdraw cash. The most optimal choice withdrawal is considered to be through the Paypal system, on the website of which you need to create your account.
  • The rules of operation on the site take into account that only those sellers who have a good reputation can sell their goods profitably, so it is advisable to choose one online store or several in which a few small goods will be purchased. You can select the best-selling items, and the sellers may be from Russia or other countries. As a result, you can get a few positive reviews and a small rating, so selling on ebay can be successful, but many buyers do not want to deal with sellers who do not have a review and rating.
  • Before you start selling, it is advisable to set up your profile so that the online store looks interesting and understandable. It is recommended to post a photo and add some information about yourself. This attitude will have a positive impact on the impression of potential buyers.

It is quite clear how to become a seller on ebay, but it is advisable to know what to sell on ebay so that it would be profitable for sellers from Russia to work on this resource.

In fact, you can sell completely different products that may be of some value to customers. If a special online store is opened that will specialize in selling certain things, then you will need to post suitable and appropriate products.

Unusual and original lots that cannot be purchased in stationary retail outlets or online stores are considered especially valuable.

Sellers from Russia sell very well various antiques and vintage items that embody the unique culture of the country. This may include watches or figurines, rare equipment or books.

If you want to earn good money on the site, you can open a unique online store offering original and unique products that will be sold in large quantities, so you can even get regular customers. It is important to find suppliers and ensure regular deliveries.

What is prohibited from selling?

The eBay auction prohibits the sale of certain goods, which include:

  • alcoholic products;
  • initially prohibited elements, which are drugs or illegal services;
  • tobacco products;
  • animals;
  • some products that are classified as adult items.

If you post things that are prohibited, your account may be frozen or even deleted.

The trade itself is carried out in several stages:

  • The work format is selected. The fact is that eBay offers sellers two options for selling their products. For this purpose, an auction or sale at a strictly established price may be used. An auction on ebay is conducted in such a way that a seller from Russia sets a certain starting price, after which potential buyers begin to bargain for it, increasing the bid. The second option involves setting a single and constant price, so the first buyer who wants to buy the product can make the purchase. Each format has pros and cons, with auction usually being chosen for the most unique and unusual items that many buyers want, so a very high dollar amount can be achieved. At the same time, the auction itself can be standard or Dutch, and a private scheme and bidding are also offered, accompanied by the setting of a reserved price. Either all buyers or a limited number of them can participate in the auction.
  • A specific category is selected. For each product, a suitable category must be selected, which must correspond to its purpose and type. Therefore, it is important to know where this or that product should be taken. If the wrong category is selected, ebay staff may reject the listing of the item.
  • Creating an ad. Selling goods through ebay will be successful and effective if the lots are well advertised. To do this, use a special ad, for which you need to come up with a bright and interesting title and a short but clear description. For sellers from Russia to be successful on this Internet resource, they must pay attention to each lot. The first thing potential buyers pay attention to is the name, so it should be catchy, beautiful, interesting, unusual and informative. The description must be truthful and contain quite a lot of information about the product. Special key phrases should be written here so that the item can be found through an advanced search.
  • Price and appearance lot. A certain item needs to be displayed correctly, so it is advisable to have a real image of it, which will be the face of the lot. It is recommended to use only high-quality and beautiful pictures that will attract the attention of buyers. Next, the starting price is set, and it is best to initially set a value that will be optimal for a particular lot. But you shouldn’t put too high a price on a product, since you can expect that there will be no buyers for it at all.
  • Duration of trading. You need to set the time that will be allocated for the auction. The minimum period is one day, and the maximum is 10 days. It is advisable to make sure that the last day of trading is a weekend, since it is on such days that a large number of buyers are present on the site.
  • Then you can start selling. At the same time, special services can be purchased that will allow you to attract the attention of users to a specific lot.

Final stages of sale

To work profitably on ebay, you need not only to properly design your online store, but also to trade correctly, so you need to pay attention to a specific lot not only when it is put up for sale, but also after the sale. This attitude will allow you to gain a positive reputation and a large number of regular customers, so you can create an optimal store that can bring good profits.

Therefore, after placing the goods, the following actions must be performed:

  • You need to regularly monitor the auction so that, if necessary, you can make certain adjustments that will attract buyers. You can also end the auction at any time, but such a decision will negatively affect the attitude of site users. The reserve price may be reduced for the product. Additionally, you can even block buyers who have a lot of negative reviews, a bad rating, or are unable to pay for the item through the chosen system.
  • After the goods are sold through the online store, it is necessary to immediately issue an invoice to the buyer in order to receive funds as quickly as possible. It is best to leave positive feedback to the buyer immediately.
  • You need to send goods from Russia in beautiful and high-quality packaging. If the product is likely to break, it must be in a strong and secure container. If any problems arise, they can be resolved directly with the buyer or through the site administration.

Thus, if you know how to sell on ebay, you can open your own store, which will be regularly updated with new and original products. Creating a lot will not be difficult if you approach this issue wisely and study the instructions. Trading is considered a simple process that only requires a lot of attention. Open profitable business very easy, so minimal costs you can expect a good and stable income.

Comments 2

Every home accumulates a lot of things that make no sense to store, and it’s a pity to throw away. What to do in such a situation? You can try to sell something you don’t need online. After all, for some it may turn out to be the most necessary and important. One of the best trading platforms is Ebay. There you can sell almost any product anywhere in the world. So how to sell on Ebay? Everything is not so difficult if you read the detailed and simple instructions.

Total information

Various trading platforms offer their visitors to sell and buy goods under different conditions. The advantage of Ebay is that many countries participate in auctions. So, for example, what you consider outright trash may turn out to be a luxury item or a valuable piece of a collection in another country. Before you start selling on Ebay, please read their terms and conditions.

Why bidding

It is most profitable to participate in auctions. You place a lot, indicate the minimum amount from which the auction begins, as well as the final cost of the goods. To open your own store on Ebay, you must have the status of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, which is not always convenient for one-time transactions. Especially if you don’t have such status in principle.

Fixed cost

Another way to sell something on a marketplace is to set a specific price for the item. This means that no one will bargain for your item, but will simply buy it for the amount that you consider adequate.


Before you sell a product on Ebay, you must go through the registration process. It's not too complicated as it might seem. On home page site you need to find a button asking you to register. Filling out standard fields is no different from creating a buyer account: address, country, last name, first name and patronymic, email address. But in the status field, you need to select the “seller” or “seller” item. You also need to come up with a short name for your account, which will be displayed next to the item for sale. It is advisable to choose a short name to make it easier for customers to remember. After confirming your email, you must confirm your seriousness of intentions to trade, that is, your solvency.

PayPal and cards

If you have not previously registered in the payment system, then now is the time to do so. Since the trading platform only works through PayPal, you cannot avoid creating a personal account there. Before selling on Ebay (instructions will be detailed later), link your card to the payment system. This way you will confirm your age (persons under 18 years old cannot trade), and at the same time mark yourself as a serious seller and not a scammer. And without payment details, no one will allow you to sell on Ebay.

Adding a product

Before you can sell anything on Ebay, you need to add it to the catalog. In his personal account add product. Write its name in English (online translators can help you if you are at a loss). But next you need to create a description. Before you sell an item on Ebay, carefully look at similar items from other sellers. First, you need to fill everything out correctly, otherwise no one will simply buy from you. Secondly, the system may not allow the item to go on sale if you do not describe it correctly.


Write honestly and openly about the condition of your item, what it looks like, and who it is suitable for. So, for example, when selling used jeans or sneakers, tell them how worn they are, how much they cost when purchased, and how long they can last for a new owner. By the way, if you are putting up for sale new items that do not suit you in size or color, indicate that they are new, whether they have tags on them, and the reason for the sale. This will significantly elevate you in the eyes of buyers. Don’t forget to indicate how many products you have in stock, what color, size, shape they are. In general, everything that is important to buyers. Before selling on Ebay, put yourself in the buyer’s shoes: what would you be interested in knowing about the product, what would be important to you.


Without this, the chances of selling something are zero. It’s unlikely that anyone wants to buy a pig in a poke without looking. Therefore, before selling on Ebay (com), take photographs of your item from several sides. So, for example, clothes can be photographed simply from both sides (front and back), and at the same time on a mannequin or a person, so that you can evaluate how well the item fits the figure. When selling electronics, you need to photograph them in working condition, noting all abrasions, cracks, and the slightest negative aspects. They will need to be indicated in the description so that the buyer does not later open a dispute for discrepancy.

Cost of delivery

This is perhaps one of the most problematic aspects of selling. It is impossible to independently calculate how much delivery will cost, because anyone can buy an item, from anywhere. Fortunately, you won’t have to count anything yourself. The trading platform system is designed in such a way that choosing the appropriate payment option and delivery costs is not difficult. By following simple tips, you can protect yourself from selling at a loss. Before you sell anything on Ebay, provide a list of countries in advance where you are willing to ship your item.

Sales format

The most important thing in selling is the choice of format. This is exactly what an auction or fixed payment is. The first option is suitable for those who are selling something exotic or in high demand. This also includes goods self made. But the second option is suitable for those who are in no hurry to sell and are ready to wait until someone is willing. By the way, before you sell it on Ebay auction, it is enough to fulfill all the above conditions by setting the trading period and price. And then you can safely sell.

Product announcement

This item is needed for those who do not put the lot up for auction, but use a fixed price per unit of goods. There are usually no difficulties. However, when placing your first advertisement, you will always have to choose its form. Only later, having become an experienced seller, the need for this will no longer be necessary. Filling out the form is not difficult, since prompts are active, even if you don’t need them. Marketplace Ebay cares about its users, making it easier for them to sell and buy.

Communication with buyers

Foreign buyers tend to ask a lot of questions before purchasing a product. It is noteworthy that this rarely happens at an auction, but things with a fixed price make you want to ask more about the details. You can manage your communication on the “my ebay” page, where you can also track your ads, and in general everything related to the product being sold. It's worth visiting there at least once a day. When answering customer questions, never deceive or avoid answering truthfully. Why? Because buyers have internal protection against fraud and deception. If you lie, you will have to pay damages to the dissatisfied purchaser.


Always maintain communication with the buyer, including after the sale, while the goods are on their way to him. This will set you up well. Make sure the payment has gone through and the buyer has transferred funds before shipping the item. This is not difficult to do, because trading system The site itself tracks everything, you simply receive notifications about a particular moment of sales.

Product packaging

Perhaps this is one of the most basic points. You must carefully pack the item you are selling so that it reaches the recipient safe and sound. Certainly, transport companies try to deliver goods safely, but this is not always possible (and human factor, and force majeure situations make themselves felt). Please enter the correct recipient address (check several times). It’s good if you fill it out not by hand, but print the sheet on a printer and then glue it to the box or bag. This is especially true when delivering parcels to other countries.

So, how to sell on Ebay? The instructions are simple:

  1. Register in the payment system and link your bank card.
  2. Create a seller account on Ebay.
  3. Add a product.
  4. Fill out the description as detailed and honestly as possible.
  5. Add photos.
  6. Select the sales format (fixed price, auction).
  7. Set a price (either final or minimum for bidding).
  8. If necessary, limit the auction time.
  9. Add a sale ad if the price is fixed.
  10. Decide on delivery options.
  11. Communicate with buyers.
  12. Send the goods on time.

If you have accumulated a huge amount of junk that you have nowhere to store, but it’s a pity to throw it away, if you decide to sell things or a car that don’t suit you, then you will probably be interested in learning how to put an item up for sale on Avito.

You can quickly sell almost anything on Avito anything. In addition, you can offer your services there. On this free classifieds site you can find everything from chicken eggs to proposals for accountant services. Therefore, if you are well versed in any business or have things that you personally do not need, then Avito is your direct route. So, below we will consider in detail the question of how to sell on Avito correctly.

Take great photos

The most important point for successful sale is the presence of high-quality images of the product. And not just photographs, but photographs of good quality. The best photos for this are taken a good camera or a smartphone camera with good resolution. Then these images must be retouched using a graphics editor.

When choosing a background for a photograph, it is better to choose something neutral - a gray wall if you are selling, for example, a car, or a plain horizontal surface if you are selling a small item.

It is better to take photographs in the morning (or evening), when the sun is not high above the horizon. Winning pictures are also obtained in cloudy weather.

It's advisable to go beyond just one photo, especially if you're selling a house or car.

Make an enticing headline

When coming up with a title for your ad, try to make it as memorable and informative as possible. As a rule, ad headlines are boring and unattractive. All you have to do is show a little creativity, and the number of views of your ad will skyrocket. And among those who viewed your ad, there is also someone who will buy what you are selling.

Read also: Where do they buy clothes for sale on social networks?

The ad itself

For a person who finds it difficult to express his thoughts in writing, this is perhaps the most difficult moment. Text that will help sell your products must meet certain requirements:

  • describe the main properties of the item being sold;
  • reflect as fully as possible the positive qualities of the subject;
  • contain a mention of shortcomings, if they are present, but at the same time you need to turn this negative into a benefit for the sale;
  • the text must be selling - that is, one that, after reading it, a person understands that he cannot do without this thing.

It would be a good idea to offer some kind of bonus or gift. For example, you can offer a bonus for a car winter tires, and a case for the phone.

Inspire action

The end of your ad should compel the potential buyer to take action. There is no need to limit yourself to the product description. It’s better to add something like “waiting for a call” or even a banal “call” at the end.

Perhaps you can introduce a time frame to encourage sales, such as “call today.” The main idea is that the end of your ad will encourage people to immediately dial your phone number.


The price of your product should attract a potential buyer. Even if you want to sell your car, for example, for 1 million rubles, this is just your desire. Your product should be assessed adequately. At the same time, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with similar advertisements on boards on the Internet in order to arrive at an adequate price.

It is completely stupid to try to publish one price in an ad, which is usually more attractive, and announce another price when meeting with the buyer. Not only will this not encourage people to buy your item, but it may even end in a fight if the buyer spent a lot of time and money to get to you.

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