Large domestic parrot. The largest parrots What is the largest American parrot

The world of parrots is distinguished not only by a wide variety of colors, but also by a variety of sizes. There are both small species, no more than 10 cm from beak to tip of tail, and giants meter long. The largest parrot is considered to be the hyacinth macaw, but even it has competitors ready to compete for this title. Let's get to know them better, and also consider the main nuances of keeping such giants in your own home.

The largest parrots in the world

Hyacinth macaw

A striking representative of the feathered world, distinguished by its enormous size for a parrot and incredible color. The birds' homeland is the dense Brazilian jungle. The body length of an adult reaches a meter. The tail is straight, wedge-shaped, about 48-56cm. The massive, black beak is strongly rounded.

Hyacinth macaw is one of the largest parrots

The plumage is monochromatic, cobalt blue. Only the narrow periorbital ring and the thin strip at the base of the beak are distinguished by their bright yellow color.

With its strong beak, the hyacinth macaw easily cracks the shells of palm nuts, which in nature form the basis of its diet. In human society, a bird can often be found in a zoo or circus. Due to its size, it requires a spacious enclosure to be kept in captivity.

This species is considered the most expensive among parrots, its price reaches $20,000. As a pet, it is quickly tamed and can learn a few words.

Blue and yellow macaw

Inhabits virgin forests from Panama to Argentina. Birds lead a paired lifestyle, feeding on nuts and juicy fruits. The size of the ararauna, as it is also called, is practically the same as the hyacinth macaw, reaching 80-95 cm in length.

Great Blue-and-yellow Macaw

The color is bright and contrasting. The back and tail are deep blue, and the lower part of the body is orange or sunny yellow. The sides of the head are devoid of feathers, the skin on them is white with dark stripes. The beak is black, large and thick.

It is much more common among amateurs. Parrots quickly get used to humans, becoming tame. Domestic macaws are well trained and can remember several dozen words. In captivity they practically do not reproduce.

Red Macaw

Also called Macau ara by analogy with the Latin name. Its natural habitat is wooded areas from southern Mexico to Mato Grosso.

The red macaw is one of the largest parrots in the world

In size they are somewhat inferior to the previous giants, but they are considered the most beautiful among the arara. The length of the bird is 77-90 cm. Most of the body is in fiery red tones, and the rump is a delicate blue color. The cheeks are bare, like the Ararauna, but without stripes. The top of the beak has a light shade.

There are many funny stories about the mental abilities of these amazing birds. There are cases where smart birds helped solve crimes.

Macau can become a person's faithful friend, pronounce a few words or even phrases to the spot, and carry out commands and tricks.

Black cockatoo

Another giant among parrots, only now from a different subfamily. It is for the large beak and bare areas on the sides of the head that it is also called the macaw cockatoo.

Black cockatoo is one of the largest parrots

This is an elegant black bird with a lush crest of thin feathers. The length of the male can reach 90 cm and weight 1000 grams. Its natural habitat is the tropical forests of northern Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea.

It is not common among pet lovers due to its high cost and difficulty in taming. The black cockatoo has a complex character, is vindictive and strives for dominance in the family. But at the same time, he is very smart - a tamed pet is well trained and can talk. Considered to be long-lived.


Although these birds cannot be called the largest, they can certainly be unique among the entire feathered world. This is the rarest species of parrots, numbering only one and a half hundred individuals. They live in New Zealand.

The flightless parrot kakapo is one of the large parrots

Kakapo are nocturnal and lack the ability to fly. Due to its strongly rounded, sharp beak and distinctive facial disc, it is also called the owl parrot. He has a very good-natured, friendly disposition. To increase the population, they are bred in captivity and then released into their natural habitat.

The length of the bird is about 60 cm, weight reaches four kilograms. The plumage is motley, green with a yellowish tint and black stripes. This camouflage helps the parrot hide in bushes or rock crevices. At twilight, kakapo leave the shelter, going in search of berries and lush vegetation.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

Large, gloomy-looking inhabitants of southeastern Australia and parts of the adjacent islands. Body length 55-67 cm.

Yellow-eared mourning cockatoo

The color is almost completely black with a brownish tint. Against a dark background, a yellow spot in the ear area and a thin stripe on the tail of the same color stand out sharply. The feathers are edged with white, giving the bird the appearance of being covered in scales.

The mourning cockatoo makes unpleasant, ominous sounds as it floats slowly through the air, hence its name.


Large species of parrots are recommended to be kept in a spacious enclosure. It is desirable that the feathered friend has the opportunity to spread his wings and flutter freely from one perch to another. The size of such housing must be at least 400x200x200cm.

If the space does not allow you to install an enclosure, you can limit yourself to an all-metal cage. The minimum dimensions of the latter are 100x100x170 cm. Large parrots have a massive, strong beak. Therefore, the rods need to be thick, about 5 mm in cross-section, so that the bird does not chew them through.

High intelligence imposes certain requirements on the housing of these birds. It is recommended to hang the lock with a complex mechanism. Otherwise, the pet will easily get out.


A large parrot requires more food than its miniature relatives. At the same time, the diet should be varied enough so that the pet is healthy and feels good.

Every day the bird is offered:

  • fresh herbs;
  • raw vegetables;
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • hard-boiled porridge;
  • twig food;
  • grain mixture;
  • sprouts;
  • food of animal origin (once a week);
  • mineral fertilizer.

It is strictly forbidden for a bird to eat food from the human table, salted, fried or smoked foods, or confectionery. More detailed recommendations According to the menu, a feathered friend must be recognized depending on the specific species, because in nature the diet of different parrots differs and is directly related to their habitat in the wild.


Parrots are very intelligent creatures. Their large species are considered especially intellectually developed and gifted. They need constant communication and learning something new. To keep your pet from getting bored when left alone, he will need a lot of toys. They are changed and alternated weekly, keeping the birds interested or replacing those that have become unusable.

Be sure to purchase several feeders for different types food, drinking bowl, bathing basin. Accessories should be made of natural materials or metal; plastic will quickly be destroyed by a strong beak.

Perches made of thick branches are installed inside the cage at different levels. You can also hang rings, swings, ropes and climbing ladders. If the parrot is walking around the room, it is advisable to set aside a special place for games - a stand made of branches with a variety of interesting objects.

Caring for the health of large parrots

The life of a large parrot is very long, often they even outlive their owners. In order for a pet to meet old age with dignity, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness, quality of food, and safety of the bird.

The cage or enclosure is cleaned regularly. Food, drink and bedding are changed daily, and equipment is disinfected every month. Exotic birds should be kept strictly following the recommendations for temperature conditions and air humidity characteristic of this species. Do not leave the parrot in a draft, place it next to heating appliances or in direct sunlight.

At the first sign of ill health, the pet should be immediately examined by an ornithologist. Alarming symptoms may include:

  • drowsiness, apathy;
  • untidy appearance;
  • restlessness, scratching;
  • excessive feather loss or feather pecking;
  • discharge from the nasal openings;
  • refusal of food.

The owner should also be alerted to any change in the bird’s usual behavior.

Important! Absolutely all parrots need communication.

Large species can become especially attached to humans and suffer in the absence of attention. Talk to your pet at every opportunity, let it fly every day and regularly train and raise your feathered friend.

According to statistics, half of the premature death of large parrots is the result of an accident. While walking around the room, do not leave the bird unattended. Make sure to check all windows, doors, and other pets in advance. Electrical wires must be placed in a box. The parrot should not have access to the kitchen, where there is a potentially dangerous place for it.

Advantages and disadvantages of keeping large parrots at home

Having a large parrot in your home will make your life more interesting. Most of them have a spectacular appearance and can decorate any room, causing delight among guests.

Another advantage of these birds is high level intelligence. If you devote enough effort and time to training your pet, then it can turn out to be an interesting interlocutor, a loyal friend, and a full member of the family.

Representatives of large species have a long life expectancy; with proper care, it reaches 100 years. This means that once you become attached to a feathered friend, you may not have to part with it.

These birds have a strong beak, which can not only ruin the situation in the house, but also cause serious injuries to its inhabitants.

During puberty, parrots behave aggressively. A bird can also hurt someone because of jealousy, so it is not recommended to have a pet if you have small children.

Another drawback is the sharp, shrill voice. These are very sociable creatures and you can’t expect your feathered friend to be quiet all the time. If there is no attention, the parrot may scream or bite, or be annoying when the owner wants to be left alone.

And yet, the joy of communicating with amazingly smart, incredibly beautiful and loyal large parrots can smooth out the minor shortcomings of their maintenance.

If you have the opportunity to buy such a bird and train it, you can find a faithful friend for many years.

Among the largest parrots, the brightest, most spectacular macaws look the most grandiose. Their exotic appearance is mesmerizing. The handsome crested cockatoos are not much inferior to them in physical parameters, but they are superior in intelligence. There are about 350 species of parrots in the world, but the gorgeous birds with a huge wingspan and soaring flight are given special honor. Let's look at the largest representatives of the parrot family.

Everything you need to know about big parrots

When purchasing large birds, we must not forget about the peculiarities of breeding and maintenance. You need to consider the dimensions of your feathered pet and buy an aviary or cage. For Amazons and Grays, the size of the house should be at least 45x45x70 cm. Such cages are sold in pet stores. If the choice is a macaw or cockatoo of large varieties, you need an aviary for large species. Sometimes you cannot find a cage of a suitable size on the market, so you need to order it.

A cage or aviary is not all the needs of poultry. Large parrots need special toys. Perches, drinking bowls, feeders, and swings are also needed to spend time productively while the owner is away.

Types of large parrots

Of particular value are parrots, whose body size from the tip of the tail to the beak is 60 - 100 cm. Consider the selection: “Top 11 largest parrots in the world.”

11th place: Yellow-headed Amazon

In its natural nature, it inhabits the impenetrable forests of Central America, Mexico, and is found in South America. Adults can be up to 40 cm in size. The head of the Amazon is painted with a lemon tint, the elytra can be pink or reddish. The Amazon's huge beak helps it crack nuts easily.

Parrots are the most diverse and beautiful creatures on our planet, which with their bright plumage can stun our imagination. These birds are extremely intelligent and emotional, they have a cheeky character, are curious and are considered the smartest birds.

There are more than 350 species of parrots, most of which have settled in the tropical regions of Australia, Central and South America. The most popular species of birds are wavy, cockatoos, lovebirds, grays, cockatiels, amazons and macaws - the species that has the largest representatives (red, blue-yellow), the species to which belongs the largest parrot in the world - the hyacinth.

Parrots amaze not only with the variety of colors of their plumage, but also with their size. There are species whose size is small and only a few cm, but the main attention and interest is attracted by parrots of considerable size, the length of which reaches a meter.

The most valuable parrot

The parrot, which in its size, cost and uniqueness is the leader among other species of parrots, is the hyacinth macaw. The length reaches 1 meter, with a relatively low weight (1.5-2 kg), life expectancy is up to 90 years. The macaw nests in tree hollows and mates for life. One of the striking features of the hyacinth macaw: despite its size and large powerful beak, the bird is very gentle and funny.

The parrot's distinctive feature is its impressively beautiful dark blue plumage, contrasting with the yellow ring around the eyes and the yellow patch of skin near the lower part of the beak. However, such a burst of color is becoming increasingly rare in the wild. The hyacinth macaw, due to its spectacular plumage and characteristics that led to the highest price for these birds, has always been captured and destroyed. Unfortunately, this has led to the threat of extinction of this species.

The largest representative of the cockatoo

What parrot can compete in parameters with the hyacinth macaw? Of course, the black cockatoo, known as the Goliath cockatoo. Of all the species of parrots that look almost exactly like this cockatoo, it is the largest. It reaches a size of 60 cm and a weight of 1000 g, and can live in captivity for up to 90 years (the lifespan of birds in the wild is not precisely known).

The black cockatoo, unlike other birds of its species, does not live in a flock; it spends its entire life with only one partner. The male convinces the female to choose him by creating several impressive hollows, showing this to the chosen one, along with a demonstration of his massive beak, red cheeks and wingspan.

This species of cockatoo is endangered due to progress that is destroying their habitat and the sociable nature of the birds, which leads to them being caught and sold.

Yellow-crested cockatoos are striking representatives of their species; they are slightly inferior in size to black cockatoos and are the opposite of them in color. The name of the bird gives an idea of ​​the nature of its color - it is a bright yellow crest against a background of white plumage. Yellow-crested cockatoos are beautiful, intelligent, friendly, affectionate, capable of being easily tamed and attached to humans, and are very popular among exotic lovers.

The size of the bird is 40-55 cm, weight - 800 g, while the Australian subspecies is much larger than the subspecies from New Guinea. This is Australia's most famous parrot. Yellow-crested cockatoos are social, living in large, noisy flocks. They spend much of their day searching for food, damaging and destroying crops and fruit crops planted by Australian farmers.

The largest parrots amaze not only with their size, but also with the qualities that are inherent in these birds. Charm, intelligence, tenderness, bright plumage, sociability and love for people - this is what all types of parrots will always be interesting and attractive to us.

When thinking about purchasing a large breed of parrot, many people have in their heads the image of a colorful, bright bird, which will also turn out to be an excellent conversationalist and companion.

But it is worth understanding that such a pet involves enormous responsibility, because its needs, duration and lifestyle are significantly different from those of representatives of small breeds of parrots.

The largest parrots in the world

There are several breeds of large parrots in the world that can be kept in captivity. They all differ in character, temperament, habits, as well as requirements for living conditions.

It is the largest representative of large parrots - its size varies from 40 to 100 cm. In the wild it lives in the forests of Central and South America, but at home among amateurs it is not so common due to its huge size, strong voice and powerful beak, which can destroy a lot of things in the house.

It is a talking parrot, but it can only be taught to speak with constant painstaking training, otherwise the parrot will only repeat a couple of phrases and everyday sounds (a door creaking, an animal barking, coughing). This breed is extremely smart, intellectually developed, trainable and inquisitive.

There are 15 species of Macaw, but the most commonly chosen species for captivity are:

  • red. Reaches a length of 80–85 cm, the main color of the plumage is red;
  • blue-yellow. The body length is about 85–86 cm, the belly plumage is yellow, the back and wings are blue, the forehead is covered with green feathers;
  • hyacinth. A very large variety: body length can reach 100 cm, weight - 1.5 kg. It got its name due to the rich violet-blue color of its plumage.
  • Cockatoo

    A very beautiful species, common among bird lovers. Dimensions range from 40 to 60 cm, weight - in the range of 0.3–1.2 kg. In nature, it lives in Australia, New Guinea, and the Pacific Islands.

    It is distinguished by a special beak, uncharacteristic of other species: the lower part is wider than the upper, making the beak look like a ladle. The parrot is also distinguished by a crest that contrasts with the main plumage, which the bird straightens during strong emotional arousal.

    Pack animals, therefore, when kept in captivity, will be very attached to the owner and all family members, very sociable, love attention, often show artistic abilities, and perform many tricks.

    With training, a bird can be taught a dozen words and several phrases. It is worth remembering that this species has an unstable psyche, sudden mood changes can be observed, and the parrot can be vindictive.

    Main types:

    Did you know?Parrots are able to eat food by holding it with one of their legs. No other bird species can do this.


    They differ from previous species in smaller sizes - from 25 to 45 cm. The color of the plumage is green; different subspecies have inclusions of other shades. They naturally live in the forests of Central and South America. They can live up to 70 years.

    With training, a bird can be taught to pronounce a dozen phrases and words. This type of parrot is well suited for beginning birders. He is distinguished by intelligence, intelligence, friendliness, activity and curiosity. There are 29 species of Amazons in nature.

    Popular types:

    A relatively small parrot with a body length of up to 30–35 cm. The main color of the plumage is ash-gray, the tip of the tail is bright crimson. Birds can live up to 50 years, but generally have a shorter lifespan. They live naturally in western Africa.

    They are well suited for beginner parrot lovers; unlike their large relatives, they have a phlegmatic temperament and quiet behavior. intelligent, with excellent memory and the ability to learn and imitate human speech.

    Did you know?It is believed that the intellectual abilities of gray parrots are comparable to those of children aged 3-4 years. Parrots not only learn and repeat words, but even intonation. Moreover, thanks to the ability to recognize the situation, their speech is often not without meaning. Can remember up to 1500 words!

    A very common species for home keeping, but such popularity leads to the fact that every year hundreds of birds are caught and illegally transported from their habitats, which leads to a decline in the population.


    This species is native to Madagascar and the Comoros Islands. Body length ranges from 35 to 50 cm in small and large varieties. It has a relatively unremarkable and simple appearance: the main color of the plumage is black-gray, the tail has a brown tint, and the eyes are black or brown. It is believed that this breed is transitional between pigeons and parrots.

    The breed, due to its rustic appearance, is not the most popular among breeders, because when you think about an exotic parrot, the image of a bright, colorful bird immediately comes to mind. However, as pets they are friendly, make good contact with people, and love affection and attention.

    Waza parrots love to swim and sunbathe, and they can lie on their backs and fly in the sun's rays or spread their wings and catch every drop. In nature, during the rains, parrots can hang upside down with their wings open.

    Owl parrot (kakapo)

    Originally from New Zealand. Due to the absence of natural enemies, these birds have lost the ability to fly, and therefore are now the only species that cannot fly. However, with the settlement of the territory by dogs, cats and other predators, the number of kakapo began to decline sharply and they are now endangered.

    The front part of the head of these birds is very similar to an owl, which is why the parrot got its name. Their body length is not the greatest, only 60 cm, but they are superior in weight to all their counterparts: females and males weigh about 3 and 4 kg, respectively. Color: yellow-green.

    These are long-lived birds - under favorable conditions they can live 95–100 years. The habits of the owl parrot are similar to those of other species: curiosity, distrust, openness to contact with people, affection and need for attention. Keeping birds at home is undesirable and difficult due to the difficulties of keeping them.

    Advantages and disadvantages of keeping large parrots at home

    It’s worth looking at the situation soberly and objectively assessing the pros and cons of having such a companion in your life.

  1. Pronounced ability to imitate speech and conversation in many species.
  2. Sociability, sociability, attachment to the owner.
  3. Bright appearance, pleasing to the eye (in most species).
  4. High intelligence, ability to learn and perform tricks.
  5. Long life expectancy - with proper care you will find a friend for more than a dozen years.
  6. General advantages of keeping parrots: cleanliness, lack of smell, ease of cleaning, no need for walking.

On the other hand, keeping a large bird is associated with some objective difficulties and features:
  1. Very high cost. However, some species can be very difficult to obtain.
  2. The lack of professional ornithologists and the high cost of an appointment if medical assistance is required.
  3. The need for sufficient space (a large cage, sometimes even an aviary or a separate room in the apartment, plus perches in all rooms).
  4. A strong, harsh, sometimes unpleasant voice that the pet will demonstrate very often. If you don't like noise, large parrots are not for you.
  5. Curiosity and activity, together with a powerful beak, mean that at times the pet will damage furniture, objects in the house, and clothes. He will also move things from place to place, chew, and disassemble for parts.
  6. Risk of being bitten or injured. Given the bird's large size, weight and strength, as well as changes in mood and personality, damage can be significant.
  7. The need for constant (!) communication. Parrots are flocking birds, and if you have no time to take care of your pet, you are constantly at work or do not want to devote enough time to your bird, the result can be sad. If a bird does not receive enough attention, it develops depression and self-plucking, which sometimes leads to fatal consequences due to severe bleeding.

Content Highlights

If you still haven’t given up on the idea of ​​acquiring a large winged friend, it’s worth learning about the basic aspects of care and maintenance so that your pet is as comfortable as possible with you.

Important!Statistics show that only a quarter of parrots survive to old age in captivity and die a natural death. The majority (60%) die as a result of improper care, disease and injury.


It is advisable to keep the largest representatives - macaws and cockatoos - in an aviary or a separate room. However, given that the pet will spend about 90% of its time outside the house, you can equip a cage for it.

Be sure to take into account not only the length of the body, but also the wingspan. For these breeds, the dimensions are as follows: 100*100*170 cm, for smaller varieties the parameters 65*50*80 cm are suitable.

The bars of the cage must be made of high-quality durable metal with a thickness of at least 4–5 mm, otherwise the parrot will easily damage or chew them. The cage must not be painted or galvanized. Also take care of a reliable lock on the door - due to the bird’s natural intelligence, strength and curiosity, it will not be difficult for the bird to open the lock.


In addition to the cage itself, you need to purchase many more accessories:

  1. Feeder. Can be external or internal. It is advisable to choose feeders made of high-quality and durable stainless metal.
  2. Wooden perches and squats. They are available on sale from a variety of materials (textiles, pumice, cement, plastic), but wood is preferable because of its safety and environmental friendliness. Keep in mind that parrots simply love to chew on them, so be prepared to replace several perches every day and remove splinters of broken wood underneath them. Therefore, it is better (more economical) to make them yourself.
  3. Drinking bowl. Must be placed inside the cage. You cannot use open drinking bowls, because the water in them will immediately become contaminated with droppings. It is better to opt for vertical containers with a pocket at the lower end.
  4. Mineral stone. Necessary to meet the body's needs for micro- and macroelements. Attached inside the cage.
  5. Toys. A large number and variety of toys will not allow your pet to get bored and will reduce the likelihood of damage to prohibited (valuable) items in the house.
  6. Net. Required to catch the parrot until you tame it.
  7. Taming stick. It looks like a long plastic pole (100 cm) with a fork at the end. Fruits are placed on it and offered to the bird. By gradually reducing the distance from the fruit to the palm, you can tame your pet.


When purchasing a large pet, you should be prepared for its large appetite and huge portions of food (compared to ordinary parrots). Birds are fed twice a day.

The diet is typical for most parrots:

  • grain mixtures;
  • fruits;
  • seeds and nuts;
  • vegetables;
  • sprouted grain;
  • tree branches;
  • dairy products;
  • porridge without salt and seasonings;
  • greenery;
  • berries.

Important!All dishes from the human table, including sweet, salty, pickled, smoked, as well as seafood and meat, are prohibited.

It is prohibited to feed birds twigs of certain tree species (pine needles, poplar, oak, wild garlic, pear), some fruits and vegetables (avocado, persimmon, potatoes), and herbs. And of course, we should not forget about constant access to clean, fresh water.
Thus, buying a large breed parrot is an extremely responsible decision, because the parrot will remain with you for many years, if not for life. It is worth realistically assessing your financial and time capabilities, as well as the reserves of strength, energy and attention that you are ready to constantly devote to your feathered pet.

You should not choose complex content large breeds, if you are not confident in your abilities, because birds become very attached to their owner and a constant change of flock (in this case, family) can be disastrous for the bird. We hope our publication helped you better understand the features of keeping large parrots and make right choice!

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Parrots can easily be called the most unusual and charming birds. Their funny habits, mental abilities and inimitable appearance have won millions human hearts. In this regard, many people prefer to keep birds in their homes. If you are also interested in these luxurious creatures and especially in the name of the largest parrot, we suggest that you read this article.

Amazon yellowhead

The length of the inhabitant of the forests of Latin America and Mexico reaches 42 cm. The head of the Amazon has a lemon tint, the feathers of the body are colored green, the elytra are red and pink. Its sharp, large beak allows it to easily crack nuts. The bird's diet includes seeds, berries and even human food.

Unfortunately, yellow-headed Amazons are endangered. Ornithologists report that approximately 6 thousand representatives of this species remain in their natural habitat.

Amazon blue-faced

The size of this parrot is slightly different from its close relative, as it is 49 cm. The bird's head has amazingly beautiful bright blue plumage. Purple or red spots are present on the chest and neck. The body is green, like that of the yellow-headed Amazon, perhaps a little darker. The size of the beak is somewhat similar to that of a pigeon. In Saint Lucia it has the status of a national bird. You can meet the blue-faced Amazon in Lesser Antilia.


Most representatives of this species have a massive body 50 cm long. From a distance, one of the largest parrots in the world resembles an eagle, but the considerable size of its beak gives it away. The vase weighs approximately one kilogram. Despite its appearance, it is not a bird of prey. The bird acquired its funny name for the Russian-speaking population thanks to the linguistic characteristics of the inhabitants of Madagascar and the Komodo Islands, where it actually lives.

Shiny red-fronted loris

The length of the parrot varies from 31 to 55 cm. Females are slightly smaller than males. They inhabit predominantly mangrove, tropical damp and subtropical forests in India, China, the Aru Islands and southern New Guinea. The coloring is variegated, the body structure slightly resembles a domestic chicken.

Mourning yellow-eared cockatoo

Its length reaches 60 cm. It is quite rare and lives mainly in Australia. On both sides of the cockatoo's head there are yellow spots that resemble ears. It was called mourning due to its predominantly black feathers. Also, his screams seem gloomy and even ominous to many. The diet is no different from the diet of the above parrots. Leads an exclusively daytime lifestyle.

Owl parrot

The weight of this amazing bird can reach 4 kg, and its body length can be 60-65 cm. Therefore, it prefers to walk more often than to fly. This type of parrot is similar to owls not only in the appearance of the head, but also in the fact that they are awake at night and rest during the day. They do not feel fear at the sight of a person, even in their natural habitat.

The plumage of one of the largest parrots is almost entirely green. There is an opinion that it feeds on rodents, but this is a misconception. The owl parrot has a unique, strong and at the same time extremely pleasant smell of honey and flowers.

Black cockatoo

It can grow no more than 80 cm in length. The black feathers have a barely noticeable blue-green tint. There is a truly elegant crest on the head. Scarlet cheeks go well with black plumage. The shape of the large curved beak resembles a dinosaur fang. It feeds on fruits and nuts. This parrot can be quickly taught to talk.

It can be purchased at almost any pet store. The black cockatoo ranks fourth on the list of the largest exotic birds on the planet. Very soon you will learn about the largest parrot in the world, what it looks like and where it lives.

Red Macaw

The top three is opened by a stunning bird with a fantastically striking appearance. Its feathers can be colored in all the colors of the rainbow and in countless shades. It can rightly be called a branded parrot, because it is often found in commercials and films about pirates. The body length ranges from 90 to 95 cm, the tail - 60 cm. The wingspan is up to 40 cm.

The red macaw is a pest because it loves to feed on plantations and fields, which causes significant damage to the crop. The diet includes nuts, a variety of fruits, young shoots of bushes and trees. As for keeping in captivity, this is virtually impossible due to its large size and loud voice. The red macaw is trainable and is able to remember and reproduce about 100 words. The average lifespan is 60 years.

Yellow and blue macaw

The body length of this unforgettable bird often exceeds 95 cm. The yellow-blue macaw is the name of the largest parrot in the world. Nevertheless, he is forced to share first place with another equally magnificent representative of the genus, but we’ll talk about him a little later.

The plumage of the body is yellow, the wings have a rich blue tint. The main delicacies of macaws are nuts, greens, seeds, fruits, vegetables and grains. Coffee, chocolate, cherry pits and avocados are poisonous to him. Living indoors, it needs constant attention and care from a loving owner. The yellow-and-blue macaw not only easily remembers words, but, thanks to training, is able to understand their meaning (for example, when given a command, a paw or wing repeats the word and raises the named part of the body).

The largest parrot in the world prefers to live in tropical forests on the banks of rivers. The yellow-blue beauty can also be found in mountain valleys. There is information about his complete disappearance on the island of Trinidad. Distribution area from the eastern regions of Panama to Northern Paraguay and Brazil.

Hyacinth macaw - the largest parrot in the world

Its body length varies from 80 cm to one meter, and its weight is 1.5 kg. The body is cobalt blue. The wings are about 37 cm long. The unfeathered stripe near the base of the lower beak and the thin rings around the eyes are colored golden yellow. The hyacinth macaw makes sharp guttural sounds and a hoarse squeal. His voice is so loud that it can be heard at a distance of more than one kilometer. A photo of the largest parrot in the world is located below.

Representatives of the genus of hyacinth macaws inhabit swampy areas, forests and palm groves of Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil. They live and fly in search of food in flocks of 6-12 individuals. They feast on palm nuts, water snails, berries, fruits and unripe fruits (they especially like figs). They swallow gravel from time to time.

Despite its somewhat aggressive nature and strength, the bird gets along well with people. According to documented data, its life expectancy does not exceed 39 years, although there is information about a 54-year-old individual. Unfortunately, at the moment there is a sharp decline in the population of the largest parrot in the world. The threat of extinction is caused by hunting and trapping.

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