Presentation download be polite. Presentation “Politeness is cultivated by politeness”

Slide 2

Politeness is one of the most important qualities educated person. The word “vezha” means “expert” - a person who knows the rules of decency and knows how to treat people kindly. Polite people are not born, but made.

Slide 3

Who can you communicate with like this?

Hello! Good afternoon Hello! Great! Ciao! Bye! Goodbye! Be healthy! See you!

Slide 4

Slide 5

A polite person is always considerate of others. He tries not to make trouble for them, not to offend them either in word or deed.

Slide 6

Poetry page

1 student saw a neighbor, Nastya, on the street now. Nastya is a nice girl, Nastya goes to first grade. But I haven’t heard a word from Nastya for a long time... 2nd student I met Vitya today. It was a sad meeting. He came at me like a torpedo from around the corner. But imagine, in vain I waited for a word from Vitya... 3rd student I’ll tell you about my granddaughter. What a shame! Grandfather gave her a briefcase, Granddaughter was happy. But you can’t be silent like a fish, Well, I would say... hello! Sorry! Thank you!

Slide 7

Folk wisdom

The fact that people should treat each other politely and with respect is reflected in folk wisdom: in fairy tales, legends, proverbs, sayings. How many of you know such proverbs and sayings?

Slide 8

Proverbs and sayings

Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word……… An old tree stump will turn green when it hears… When our elders scold us for our pranks We say… Both in France and Denmark, when saying goodbye, they say to everyone………… And you know how people in other countries say hello countries? Thank you! Good afternoon! forgive us please! Goodbye!

Slide 9

A smile is welcome in different countries, but for us this is a manifestation of joy, and for the British it is a sign of politeness, but not necessarily an expression of pleasure; for an American it is a natural rule of greeting.

Slide 10


  • Slide 11


    In India, as a sign of greeting, the hands are folded together and respectfully pressed to the chest.

    Slide 12


    The traditional greeting in Thailand is called "wai", in which the palms folded together are placed on the head or chest.

    Slide 13


    When meeting, Tibetans remove their headdress with their right hand, throw their left hand behind their ear and stick out their tongue.

    Slide 14

    New Zealand

    The natives of New Zealand first shout words in a ferocious manner, then slap their hands on their thighs, then stomp their feet with all their might and bend their knees, and finally inflate their chests, bulge their eyes and stick out their tongues from time to time. Those who are not scared are most likely one of their own!

    Slide 15


    In New Zealand, for example, it is customary for the indigenous Maori people to rub noses together - this is called the breath of life (ha).

    Slide 16


    Three types of bows are used - saikeirei (the lowest), a medium bow - with an angle of thirty degrees, and a light bow - with an angle of fifteen degrees. The most respected and wealthy people are greeted with the lowest bow.

    Slide 17

    Conditions of the game: If you think that the action is polite, then clap your hands. If you think that an action is impolite, then stomp your feet. Say hello when you meet. Push, don't apologize. Help pick up a fallen item. Talk loudly in public places. Call a classmate an offensive word. Do not give up your seat to an elderly person. Answer the phone during class. Help carry a bag to an unknown old lady. Tell the secret entrusted to you. Try to speak louder than your interlocutor. Praise the hostess (mother) for a delicious lunch. Game "Polite - Impolite"

    Slide 18

    Let the boys and girls, all the mischievous children, say loudly and loudly today: “Always be polite!”

    View all slides

    “All the rules of etiquette” - Setting the dessert table. "All the rules of etiquette." Ashtrays are also required. Military etiquette. At an informal dinner, soup is never served in traditional shallow soup bowls. The concept of etiquette. How to dress? Hands can sometimes be hidden only in coat pockets. - Strictly regulated order and forms of treatment established at the courts of monarchs;

    “Rules of politeness” - Train yourself to constantly remember about others. Guys, let's be polite! Goodbye. A polite person will not cause trouble or offense to another. Magic words. Thank you. Don't respond to rudeness with rudeness. Bon appetit. Bow down, your head won't fall off. Hello. Politeness manifests itself in relationships with people.

    “Etiquette of men and women” - Clothes Jewelry Headdress Gifts Flowers Business cards. Image. A man's wardrobe. Business Etiquette for men and women. Appearance of a woman. Appearance is your calling card! A man's appearance. A woman's wardrobe. Etiquette in the modern world. Label paraphernalia.

    “Telephone etiquette” - 6. I attract your attention for communication - appeal. Rice. 3. Identification. Hi, all right, thank you! I'm listening to you. Sorry, I need Viktor Semonovich Mukhin. I send you greetings at the initial moment of communication - greeting. Establishing contact with a subscriber Getting into contact.

    “Etiquette for children” - Story, explanation, conversation. Ethical conversation with children. The main methods of pedagogical influence when teaching children the rules of etiquette: Music games also have a place for teaching the rules of etiquette. Boys (future men) shake hands when greeting each other. Play is one of the most effective means of developing a culture of behavior in children.

    “What flowers to give” - Bouquet. 3 flowers. Lilies of the valley. “I could have guessed it myself.” In the tomb of Tutankhamun, found by archaeologists in 1922, all things were intact. 6, 15,24. Pink and white - presented to young girls or girls. Orange flowers are suitable for everyone, because... will bring joy with their bright light. Green flowers can be given to an older friend, father or grandfather.

    There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

    Let's be polite!

    Picture 3 from the presentation “Rules of Politeness” for religion and ethics lessons on the topic “Speech etiquette”

    Dimensions: 493 x 699 pixels, format: jpg. To download a free image for a religion and ethics lesson, right-click on the image and click “Save image as...”. To display pictures in the lesson, you can also download for free the presentation “Rules of Politeness.ppt” in its entirety with all the pictures in a zip archive. The archive size is 2738 KB.

    Download presentation

    Speech etiquette

    “Rules of good manners” - Politeness, mutual respect, responsibility. Etiquette in public transport. What motivates people to act according to the rules of etiquette and not otherwise? Politeness Mutual respect Responsibility Sensitivity Sense of honor Sense of duty. How to behave at the table? What is etiquette? Why should we study the rules of etiquette?

    "Telephone etiquette" - Types of telephone conversation. For example, one conversation: Masha, hello, how are you? Telephone etiquette. I attract your attention for communication - an appeal. The person being called may not identify himself. Is Sasha at home? 10. Place and time of speech: where and when communication takes place. Phrases like: Some noise on the phone are included in a telephone conversation.

    “Table etiquette” - It’s a holiday for you!... I wish you success in preparing for the holiday! The cake fork or spoon should be to the right of the plate. The tea level should be 1-1.5 cm below the edge of the cup.

    Polite coloring pages download and print for free

    This is how the word “Etiquette” appeared. ETIQUETTE at the festive table. You can learn more about the rules of etiquette from the books:

    “Etiquette of a man and a woman” - Appearance is your calling card! A man's appearance. Business etiquette for men and women. A woman's wardrobe. Clothing Jewelry Headdress Gifts Flowers Business cards. Image. Etiquette in the modern world. Label paraphernalia. A man's wardrobe. Appearance of a woman.

    “Good manners” - 1. Would you like to feel free in any society? 2. Would you like to please yourself and others? 3. Would you like to have good manners, a wide circle of interesting acquaintances and be the “life of the party”? Ancient Greece"Beautiful behavior." Does it really matter how it is? XIV – XVII centuries “CODE OF KNIGHT HONOR”.

    “Etiquette for Children” - Fostering a gender culture of behavior in preschoolers based on teaching the rules of modern etiquette. Types of etiquette are determined by social and professional groups. Games are the main activity of a preschooler. Drawings, crafts, fairy tales and stories invented by children. Go kindergarten No. 486. Children’s creativity should be actively introduced into teaching behavioral rules:

    There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic “Speech Etiquette”

    Presentation on the topic: "Polite words"

    1. Presentations for teachers →

    Slide 1 Completed by: teacher primary classes first category, Khomich Alesya Vasilievna LEARNING TO COMMUNICATE
    Slide 2 Hello - this means be healthy!
    Slide 3 Magic words. I wish you good luck Sorry Please be kind Thank you Please All the best Sorry Good health Goodbye Very nice No need for gratitude Good afternoon Good evening Hello Sain bayna h ein daa
    Slide 4 Talk to anyone the way you would like to be talked to.
    Slide 5 ATTENTION! ATTENTION! The School of Politeness is open! We invite 1st grade students to attend classes. Principal of the school Solnyshko Sh V
    Slide 61. Kindness lesson Musical break 2. Communication lesson 3. Mood lesson Lesson schedule.
    Slide 7 A kind person is like the sun. A lesson in kindness
    Slide 8 Dictionary.

    Master class: laptop “Country of politeness and kindness”

    Kind 1. Doing good to others, sympathetic. 2. One that brings good, well-being. Soulful Unkind Joyful Angry Responsive Happy Warm Cloudy Good Unkind Untidy Heartfelt Bad Kind
    Slide 9 When the sun is warm, when mother is good. It is bad for him who does no good to anyone. Learn to do good to people. Then you will live happily and be surrounded by friends. A lesson in kindness
    Slide 10Musical break
    Slide 11 Communication lesson
    Slide 12Greetings. Introducing yourself. 3. Explain the purpose of your call. 4. Gratitude. Parting. My phone rang...
    Slide 13 Tram number ten was walking along the boulevard ring, One hundred and fifteen people were sitting and standing in it. Suddenly, at the fifth stop, Leaning on a stick, a decrepit grandmother climbs into a crowded carriage...
    Slide 14Learn to behave correctly in any situation. And then you will live happily and be surrounded by friends.
    Slide 15 Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once... A lesson in mood
    Slide 16Talk to anyone the way you would like to be spoken to. Learn to do good to people. Then you will live happily and be surrounded by friends. Learn to behave correctly in any situation. Share your smile, and it will come back to you more than once...

    — Nurturing a child’s personality through collective creative work
    — Lesson on the topic “Horizon and horizon line”
    — Presentation on the topic “zhi-shi, cha-sha, chu-shu”
    — Presentation “Spelling words with unstressed vowels at the root of the word”
    — Presentation for an integrated lesson. The world around us on the topic “Forest and its inhabitants”
    — Presentation “Wild and cultivated plants”
    — Presentation for the lesson by N.N. Nosov The Adventures of Dunno and his friends
    — Presentation on the topic “Wintering birds”
    — Presentation “Gender endings of adjectives”
    — Presentation “Matenadaran”

    Poems about politeness for children

    Presentation. Polite words

    Let's talk about politeness Politeness is a coin that costs nothing to the giver, but gives pleasure to the receiver. Eastern wisdom

    With a word you can save, with a word you can kill, with a word you can lead regiments! May every day and every hour bring you something new. Let your mind be kind and your heart be smart!

    We all once learned to walk, draw, talk. Let's remember, guys, how to be kind and polite.

    You need to know how twice two are all the magic words. These short words are heard everywhere in the morning. They live for centuries in the world, It’s high time to remember them!

    Good words.

    Politeness lessons for older preschool children

    These words have been known to everyone for a long time. You see, they are simple and not new. But I’ll repeat it anyway: - Good people, be healthy! When I meet friends and acquaintances, I look into their eyes with a smile, It’s very easy for me to be polite, I’ll be the first to say “hello.” It was beautifully invented by someone - To thank for your help, The usual word “thank you” We must not forget to say.

    Goodbye When we say goodbye, we all say “goodbye.” We always say to each other, “Please,” if we want to fulfill a wish or a request. There are so many useful, beautiful and affectionate words in the world. Please, just be polite, because this is the basis of the foundations. And it’s very simple to be polite: Be kind - the usual advice, It doesn’t matter how tall you are or how old you are.

    Good afternoon. - Good afternoon! - they told you. - Good afternoon! - you answered. How two strings were connected - Warmth and kindness.

    Hello. - Hello! - you tell the person. - Hello! - he will smile back. And, probably, he won’t go to the pharmacy. And he will be healthy for many years.

    Thank you. Why do we say “thank you”? For everything they do for us. And we couldn’t remember - Who was told how many times? Sorry. Forgive me, I will no longer accidentally break dishes, And interrupt adults, And forget what I promised. But if I still forget, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.


    You look like forty, You didn’t hear the bell! And when the bell rings, the lesson begins. If you want to answer, You can raise your hand, And when you were asked, You must stand at your desk, Answer what was taught, And then you will get a “5”!

    If a teacher enters the class, don’t turn around, don’t shout, but stand quietly at your desks - let the teacher look at how beautiful you are standing, and then tell you to sit down.

    During the lesson there is no need to whisper and quietly chew sausage, admire the crows outside the window and pick your nose snifflingly. During the lesson it is advisable to listen: What will the teacher tell you now? And try to study better, so that your class is proud of you.

    When the lesson is over, All the assignments are done, We will say everything to the teacher: “Thank you, goodbye!”

    Proverbs and sayings":

    1. “Politeness opens all doors.”2. “An affectionate word is also pleasant for a cat.”3. “The word burns worse than fire.”4. “A good word heals, but an evil word cripples.”5. “The bad word is dirty water.”6. “You can melt the honey with a kind word.”

    Topic: Learning to be polite

    Lesson steps During the classes Equipment Formation of UUD
    Ι. Updating experience —What does a person need if he lives in the world of people? (Communication)

    - What words do we start communicating with?

    - These magical, polite words help to win over a person.

    - What other polite words do you know? (Children's answers) 1

    Excerpt from the cartoon “Baby and Carlson...”

    Illustration depicting the city, the boy Seryozha, his friends, mom, dad, teacher.

    Cognitive UUD
    1. We develop the ability to navigate our knowledge system;
    2. We develop the ability to recognize the lack of information;
    ΙΙ. Statement of educational problem — Do you know where and when they are used? 2

    - What do you think we will learn in class today?

    (Today we will go to the land of Politeness.)

    ΙΙΙ. Collaborative discovery of knowledge 1. - Look at p. 6 textbooks.

    — Why is there a handshake on this page?

    - Read the words of greeting.

    - When people say to each other: “Hello”, “Good afternoon”, “Good morning”, “Good evening”, “Hello”. 1

    - How are these greetings different?

    2. - Do we always use words when we greet each other? Is it possible to greet each other without words?

    - Look at the pictures on p. 7. How do the characters in the drawings greet each other? (Without words: a cadet salutes an officer, an elderly man bows to a lady, boys pat each other on the shoulder. In all cases, gestures can accompany words)

    — In what cases are greetings without words appropriate? 4

    3. - Today our guest is a cartoon character, you, of course, know him.

    The teacher includes an excerpt from the cartoon “Baby and Carlson...”, in which Carlson greets the baby.

    — How did Carlson greet the baby? Why?

    - Let's see who else Carlson is greeting?

    4. — Open p. 8-9 textbook.

    - How will Carlson say hello to his mother?

    - With Freken Bock?

    - With the dog Bimbo?

    — How will the heroes respond to Carlson’s greeting?

    The teacher calls the students to the board and invites the students to role-play situations.2 1

    5. Who can you greet with the word “great” (“hello”)?


    — Which word “hello” or “great” do you say more often? 2

    — The word “hello” is very interesting. Let’s think about its meaning: “hello” - we wish you health (health). Therefore, people are pleased to hear this greeting.

    "- Hello! –

    We bowed and said to each other.

    Even though they were complete strangers.

    - Hello!-

    What special things did we say to each other?

    Just “hello”, we didn’t say anything else.

    Why is there a drop of sunshine in the world?

    Why has there been a little more happiness in the world?

    Why has life become a little more joyful?”

    —Can you answer the poet’s questions? I will repeat them again.

    — What words do we add to the word “Hello” to make our greeting even more pleasant for the interlocutor? (If children have difficulty:

    “In order to make people feel happier and more pleasant, we add to the words of greeting those that make our speech warmer and friendlier. We say: “Hello, mommy!”, “Great, Shurik!”, “Hello, brother!”)

    6. - And now I’ll read you a poem. Listen to him and tell me what words of greeting you heard here?
    Invented by someone
    Simple and wise
    When meeting, say hello:
    - Good morning.
    - Good morning! –

    Sun and birds.
    - Good morning! –

    Smiling faces.
    And everyone becomes
    Kind, trusting...
    Good morning lasts until evening.

    V. Krivosheeva “Good morning”

    (Children's answers)

    7. - Let's imagine a situation - the boy Seryozha goes to school in the morning. He meets his friends along the way.

    The teacher has a picture of a city on a magnetic board. A boy (drawn) walks through the city, friends meet him.

    - How will Seryozha greet them?

    — The boy entered the school and met the teacher there. 1

    The teacher rearranges the pictures.

    -Who should say hello first? How will Seryozha greet the teacher?

    — In the evening, Seryozha sits at home, studies. Mom and dad came home from work. How can a boy greet them?

    8. - Let's read in chorus the poem by A. Yashin on p. 11. (First, the children read (who can) the poem to themselves, then out loud.)

    - Look at how beautiful the cat is drawn below.

    - Take the cards from me. Read what time of day you should greet your cat. Say hello to him.

    Cards with the words “morning”, “day”, “evening”
    1. We develop the ability to draw simple conclusions as a result of teamwork.

    Communicative UUD

    1. We develop the ability to observe the rules of polite communication;
    2. We develop the ability to implement a simple statement on a given topic

    Regulatory UUD

    1 . Formation of the ability to learn to express one’s assumption based on working with textbook material;

    2. We develop the ability to evaluate educational actions in accordance with the assigned task;

    3. We develop the ability to predict upcoming work (make a plan);

    4. Formation of the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.
    Personal UUD

    1. We develop the ability to understand the role of speech in people’s lives
    ΙV. Application of knowledge 1. The teacher shows a picture of the Hobbit"

    — Guys, who knows this hero?

    - Listen to how Bilbo and Gandalf met.

    - Good morning! - said Bilbo, wanting to say exactly what

    that it was a good morning: the sun was shining brightly and the grass

    turned green. But Gandalf cast a sharp glance at him from under thick, shaggy eyebrows.

    - What are you trying to say? - he asked. - You just want me good morning? Or are you saying that today is a good morning, no matter what I think about it? Or do you mean that this morning everyone should be kind?

    “And this, and that, and the third,” answered Bilbo.

    J. R. R. Tolkien "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again"

    (If there is a movie, you can show an excerpt from the movie)

    2. - What do you guys think? 4

    — Do many different fairy-tale characters live in the land of Politeness?

    - Look, you recognize these heroes.

    Fragment from the film "Dunno and His Friends"

    3. - Now let's imagine that the heroes of this cartoon have grown up and created their own extraordinary school. Znayka became the director of the school. And a boy whom you know well, the hero of our book, came to study at this school.

    - Look at the pictures on pp. 12-13 and tell me who he will meet at Znaika’s school.

    — Will the greetings be the same when we meet?

    - In what cases can a Rhetorician hear in response the words: “Glad to see you”, “How many years, how many winters!”, “Welcome!”?

    Each drawing depicting Doctor Pilyulkin, Sineglazka, and librarian Listik is discussed with the students. Children come up with names and patronymics for the characters.

    — Who else could our heroes meet at Znaika’s school?

    - How could they greet each other?

    The teacher invites the children to role-play situations.1

    4. — And in conclusion, listen to one more poem.

    Hello, Goose!

    A huge goose is running towards me
    I tell myself: “Don’t be a coward.”
    Maybe this goose is tame
    He runs to meet me.

    But the goose looks fierce,
    He hisses threateningly.
    It will pinch
    Well, let!

    I smiled:
    “Hello, goose!”
    He nodded his head in response
    And I thought I heard: “Hello!

    - Why do you think the fierce Goose suddenly nodded his head to the boy and seemed to say: “Hello!”?

    - If you meet someone halfway with a smile, with a kind word of greeting, it means that you do not want to cause harm, to offend, and, probably, even the most angry goose will soften.

    V. Summary — What did we learn today in rhetoric lesson?

    — Which of the “polite” words was used most often today?

    - Why do people say hello? 1

    - Imagine that your friend saw you, walked past and did not say hello. What could this mean?

    - Why do we need today’s lesson in life?

    — What did you do best today?

    - What difficulties did you have?

    — How would you rate your mood after the lesson?

    - Let's note your mood in your diary.

    — How did you rate the lesson for yourself? Why?


    Spiritual and moral education is carried out throughout the entire lesson, because teaching verbal politeness is associated with the development of a general culture of behavior, the formation of kind, respectful attitude people to each other.Add a document to your blog or website

    Educational material

    Text of this presentation

    Me and other people. Politeness

    Say the word:
    Even a block of ice will melt From a warm word: An old stump will turn green, When he hears: If you can’t eat anymore, We’ll tell mom:

    "Thank you"

    "Good afternoon"
    "Thank you"

    The boy is polite and developed, He says when meeting: When we are scolded for pranks, We say: Both in France and in Denmark They say goodbye:
    Say the word:

    "Forgive me please"


    Rules of politeness:
    If you are polite, And not deaf to your conscience, You will give way to the old woman without protest.

    If you are polite, In your heart, and not for show, You will help a disabled person get on the trolleybus.

    And if you are polite, sitting in class, you and your friend will not chatter like two magpies.

    And if you are polite, you will help your mother, and offer her help without asking - that is, yourself!

    And if you are polite, then in a conversation with your aunt, and with your grandfather and grandmother, you will not interrupt them.

    And if you are polite, You will not attack those who are weaker. You will be timid in front of the strong.

    In what cases do we use these words?
    Hello! Goodbye! Thank you! Sorry! Please!

    A girl, a boy, and a teacher stopped at the door to the classroom. In what order should they enter the classroom?

    check yourself
    Teasing and bullying.

    Be neat and clean.


    Chew gum constantly.

    Listen to music at high volume.

    At the table, wave your arms and gesture.

    Offer your help.

    Whisper in society, keep secrets and giggle, covering your mouth with your hand.

    This is what the girls said when they received their gifts:
    Tanya: “How much does it cost?”
    Nadya: “Uh-oh, that’s not what I wanted at all...”
    Lena: “Thank you! I’m very happy with the gift!”
    Whose answer do you think is correct?

    Read excerpts from literary works. What fairy tales are these greetings from? Who is author? - Hello, my handsome prince! Why are you as quiet as a stormy day?
    A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”

    ...Cherry bowed politely and said: Hello, gentlemen! I do not have the honor of knowing you, but it is very pleasant to know you.
    Gianni Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino"

    ...The man, reaching the window sill, said: Hello. Can I land here for a minute? Yes, yes, please,” the Kid hastily answered.
    Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

    Vitya offended the baby. In front of the school, in the ranks, Vitya asks: - Sorry, I admit my mistake.

    Politeness pictures for children

    The teacher came to the lesson, put a magazine on the table, followed by Vitya: - Sorry, I'm a little late. - Tikhomirov! Show Us the city of Pskov on the map. “Sorry,” Vitya whispers, “I’m not ready for the lesson.” We argued with Natasha: Is Vitya polite or not? Understand our dispute and send your answer. What advice would you give to Vita?

    Guess a riddle:
    Masha knew a lot of words, But one of them was missing. And it’s like a sin, It’s said most often. This word comes after a gift, at dinner. This word is said if they thank you...
    Thank you

    Guess a riddle:
    Uncle Styopa is upset. He told me this: I saw Nastenka, my neighbor, on the street now. Nastya is a nice girl, Nastya goes to first grade! But I haven’t heard a word from Nastya for a long time...

    Guess a riddle:
    I met my neighbor Vitya. It was a sad meeting: He hit me like a torpedo. He came at me from around the corner! But – imagine! – in vain I waited for words from Vitya...

    Guess a riddle:
    He said about his granddaughter: “What a shame! I gave her a briefcase. I see - she’s very happy! But you can’t be silent like a fish, Well, I would say...
    Thank you!

    Materials: Riddles - O.V., Sboeva N.A., Gavrilkina N.I. Universal lesson developments for the course “The World around us”: 2nd grade.-3rd edition, revised. and additional - M.: VAKO, 2007. - 368 p. - (To help the teacher). Photo - Google (Internet resources)
    The presentation was prepared by a primary school teacher at GBOU, School No. 590, Yukhova E.E.

    Methodological materials

    Yana Savina

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    I would really like to get acquainted with this presentation, like many others, but for some reason, a link appears to the wrong address and I can’t see anything. Who has the same problems, how were they solved? thank you in advance!

    11.01.2009 09:58:38,

    please send me the sound for this presentation

    12/10/2008 20:13:27, Olesya

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    09/06/2007 12:24:57, Zhanna

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    March 21 (Saturday) 12.00–13.00 Ornithology lesson “Owls big and small.” Publishing house "Rare Bird" 4+ (Room 221) 12.00–14.00 Layout lesson. Studio "Letal Chagall" 3+ (Exhibition balcony 2nd floor) 12.00–14.00 Animation lesson. Center for Personal Development “Millennium” 8+ (Small Exhibition Hall) 12.00–13.00 Literature lesson. We read and discuss “Tales of the Tegumai Tribe” from the collection “Fairy Tales Word for Word” by Rudyard Kipling. Publishing house "Octopus" 8+ (Room 234) 13.00–14.30 St. Patrick's Day...

    And in the end, for each lesson, a presentation from the Internet, the children copy it into a notebook. The next lesson is given by Wed. Children copy honestly from their notebooks.

    Childhood friends are not forgotten! Thirty years ago, the kind and wise book by Lyudmila Vasilyeva-Gangnus “The ABC of Politeness” became a reference book for a whole generation of children. The new edition, published at the beginning of 2014 by the Nigma Publishing House, was met with sincere interest and hidden expectation of a children's miracle. Trading house Books "Moscow" named "The ABC of Politeness" the book of February - we are grateful for such recognition and proud of your trust. The story about the Hello Fairy and the Dwarfs can and should be read...

    For the school that has chosen as its profile " Information Technology", the presentation was very strange, as if made by a 5th grade student.

    Has anyone prepared a presentation for school about a child (what he loves, what he is interested in, what he does). If you have any text or idea, please send it.

    A lesson in politeness (“A bear is old>. A lesson in politeness (“A bear who was five or six years old was taught how to behave...”). It’s on the web, search on Yandex or Rambler.

    To use presentation previews, create a Google account and log in to it:

    Slide captions:

    Zhdanova N.D. Educator junior group POLITENESS

    What is politeness? The word “politeness” comes from the Old Slavonic “vezhe”, that is, “expert”. Being polite means knowing how to behave. Politeness is a moral quality of a person for whom respect for people is an everyday norm of behavior and a habitual way of treating others. It includes: attentiveness, showing goodwill towards everyone, willingness to provide a service to everyone who needs it, friendliness, delicacy, tact, modesty.

    The history of the origin of the word "politeness" POLITENESS POLITENESS

    In what cases do we use these words? Gratitude Farewell Request Apology Greeting

    Magic words. What words do you think are called magic? Why? Thank you Sorry Please Forgive Hello Thank you These words make our speech more pleasant, warmer, more friendly.

    Hello. I say to my friend: “Hello! “And he responded: “Great!” “There is nothing bad here, both words are suitable. To the eldest, if we meet him, First “Hello!” " We are speaking. We wish you good health (health).

    Goodbye. " Goodbye! " - We say goodbye; That's what we're talking about, that we still have dates ahead of us, Many, many new meetings! "Goodbye" - i.e. we hope to see you again. Goodbye. Bye. See you.

    There are not one or two polite words, Remember and know these miracle words! Thank you Please Why do we say “thank you”? Cancel, perhaps, the word “please”? For everything they do for us. We repeat it every minute. And we couldn’t remember, No, perhaps, without the word “please” Who was told how many times... We feel uncomfortable.

    "Every one of you guys has Magic power- the power of your words and actions" V. Oseeva

    Before we part and everyone goes home, I would like to say goodbye, Wishing you at the same time, So that you are polite, Don’t forget the magic words, So that you speak kind words with your friends.

    Riddles Having met a bunny, the neighbor hedgehog says to him: “...” HELLO!!!

    And his big-eared neighbor answers: “Hedgehog, ....” Hello!

    Flounder swam to the Octopus On Monday, And on Tuesday, in parting, she said to Her: “…..” Goodbye!

    A wagtail from the shore dropped a worm, and for the treat the fish gurgled to her: “...” Thank you!

    The Hippopotamus and the Elephant, believe me, will not fit through the door together. The one who is more polite will now say: “Only...” after YOU!

    Tsar Gundey gave Ivan five nails for his salvation, And Ivanushka said to the Tsar: “...” Thank you!

    Well done! Thank you for your attention!

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    This material is intended for educators on the topic "Etiquette". A visual presentation will introduce children to proverbs and help explain their meaning....

    Interactive outdoor leisure for parents on the topic: "Let's talk about kindness and politeness"1. Organizational moment. (Slide No. 1) If we frown in the morning, Kindness will help us. Come on, children, get together, And each other...

  • Continuing the topic:
    Tax system

    Many people dream of starting their own business, but they just can’t do it. Often, as the main obstacle that stops them, they name the lack of...