Download the presentation migratory birds for children. Presentation “For children about migratory birds

Good day everyone!

The themed week “Birds of Migratory” is starting in our garden. I decided to make a presentation for children with the voices of birds and their descriptions. I think that the kids will find it very interesting and educational.

Program content:

To form children's ideas about migratory birds, to expand knowledge about the appearance features, living conditions and habits of birds. Learn to analyze, draw simple conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships.

Develop communication skills and coherent speech.

Cultivate an interest in the life of birds, a desire to take care of them.

And enjoy watching!

Presentation for children of middle preschool age “Birds of Migratory”

The presentation "Birds of Migratory" is intended for children of middle preschool age. The presentation, in a form accessible to children of middle preschool age, shows and talks about which birds fly south, describes their habits and habitat. Children are told about how and where birds winter, how they build their nests when returning to their native lands. A total of 4 species of birds are described (swan, rook, starling and swallow). 11 species are clearly shown (wild geese, lark, heron, nightingale, cuckoo, gray crane, chaffinch, warbler, tufted tit, bunting, sparrow, common tit). The presentation can be used as a whole (final lesson, or divided into parts - introductory GCD classes.

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Presentation “Migratory Birds”

Autumn is the time when many feathered friends fly to warmer climes. To get acquainted with migratory birds, the presentation "Migratory Birds" is offered. Kids can get acquainted with the appearance of the birds of the middle zone and hear their voices. The presentation includes a wide range of riddles about birds and a selection of poems. When conducting classes with children to familiarize themselves with the environment, you can show this presentation at the end of your story as a result of the lesson. Talk with children about the beauty created by nature, about the importance of everyone natural look. Such activities remain in the memory for a long time and contribute to the development of a caring attitude towards nature. Good luck to you!

Competition "Master of Multimedia Technologies - 2013"

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

The presentation is intended for children of senior preschool age, aimed at strengthening children's understanding of migratory birds, their lifestyle and behavior, contains riddles, entertaining tasks, activates the vocabulary, and develops the child's speech.

Purpose of the presentation: consolidate children's ideas about migratory birds, their way of life and behavior, connections with the environment, and the role of humans in the lives of birds.


  1. Systematize children's ideas about birds ( appearance, habitat, etc., their diversity; teach to divide birds into migratory and wintering ones.
  2. To consolidate children's knowledge about the characteristics of the life of birds, to teach them to establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  3. Activate the vocabulary (migratory, insectivorous, granivorous, predatory, waterfowl, songbirds, arrival, reproduction).
  4. Develop long-term memory, voluntary attention, coherent speech, and the ability to compose descriptive stories based on the oral plan.
  5. Foster a caring and responsible attitude towards the natural world; the ability to listen carefully to peers’ answers, supplement, and analyze them.

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector, speakers.

The target audience: children of senior preschool age.

Practical significance:

  • this manual provides an opportunity to consolidate children’s ideas about familiar birds in an interesting way;
  • activates the cognitive activity of students;
  • promotion of information and communication technologies in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.

Internet resources:


"BIRDS OF MIGRATION" » Chelyabinsk Preschool

"MIGRATORY BIRDS" Add to bookmarks

1. Birds are fidgety. How deftly they jump from branch to branch, fly from tree to tree! But so can a squirrel or some other animal.

But only birds, and not even all birds, can fly thousands of kilometers and then return again. Thrushes and finches, larks and siskins, swallows and orioles, storks and cuckoos - they can.

Why do swallows, cranes, and starlings fly to warmer regions for the winter, while woodpeckers, owls, and sparrows remain?

Crows, pigeons and other wintering birds have learned to live next to humans and feed on what can be found on the streets of the city. Those birds that feed on insects have to fly to where it is warmer and insects are found in sufficient quantities.

Due to winter cold, the amount of food available to birds is so reduced that birds face a real threat of starvation. Thus, if birds want to survive, they are forced to fly to warmer climes.

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And later than everyone else, ducks and geese fly away; they get ready to travel when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl.

Look at and name the birds using the presentation "Migratory Birds".

Invite your child to answer the questions.

Where do some birds fly for the winter? (To warm regions).- When do they return to us again? (In spring.) - What are these birds called? (Migratory) - Why are they called that? (These birds make flights, fly from one region of the Earth to another.) - In what order do the birds fly away? - How should we help the birds in winter?

2. Make riddles.


Lesson summary “Migratory birds. Spring." | MADOU TsRR -d/s No. 2

Strengthen children's ideas about migratory birds.

Fix the name of the birds, their external signs, structure, food, habits, living conditions.

Systematize children's knowledge about bird species, practice classifying migratory and wintering birds and highlighting an unnecessary object.

Activation of the dictionary on the topic.

Practice forming complex adjectives.

Development of constructive praxis in drawing up cut-out pictures.

Development of attention, memory, thinking.

To instill in children an interest in the feathered inhabitants of nature and a caring attitude towards them.

Equipment: Educational presentation “Migratory Birds”, Presentation of the game “The Fourth Wheel”, laptop, screen, projector, pictures of birds, cut-out pictures.

Previous work: Introducing children to migratory birds in teacher classes, reading fiction on the topic, asking riddles about birds.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

Slides 1-6. The long-awaited, warm, sunny spring has arrived. Returning from warm countries migratory birds.

They are also happy about spring.

7 slide Jackdaw. The very name of this bird is onomatopoeic, following its cry. When flying, the jackdaw often calls out its name: “gal-ka, gal-ka, gal-ka,” and also croaks like a crow. Jackdaws live in forests and parks and also settle near humans. Jackdaws all year round live in pairs.

Even in large flocks, if you look closely, you can see many such pairs.

8 slide Rook. Black rooks are the first to arrive to us. They are the first harbingers of spring. Rooks are large birds, covered with black feathers.

They have a large, slightly curved beak. Rooks build nests in trees. They feed on insects and seeds.

Slide 9 Finch. One of the most trusting birds, especially in cities, where he is accustomed to people providing him with food. Moving along the ground, it takes small steps and, less often, jumps. Its flight is undulating and fast.

The finch has dimensions similar to those of a sparrow (about 15 cm in length). The finch's beak is conical and not thick.

10 slide White wagtail. Wagtails are a genus of birds in the wagtail family of the passerine order. The body length of the pichuga is small - 16-18 centimeters. She is slim and light.

And he spends the whole day on the move. When a wagtail runs (for example, along a river bank), it never forgets to swing its long white and black tail, tirelessly up and down. That's why they called her the wagtail. Her grace and speed of running can be envied

11 slide Thrush. Body length 20-25cm. They move along the ground by jumping and crouching. They nest solitarily or in small colonies on trees, bushes or on the ground; The nests are massive, often with earth or clay in the walls. During the summer they produce 1-2 clutches, each containing from 3 to 7 eggs.

They feed on insects, spiders, worms, mollusks, berries, and often feed on the ground.

12 slide. Nightingale. It arrives in the first half of May, and soon you can hear its wonderful ringing trill. Nightingale singing continues until the end of June. At the end of May - beginning of June you can find nests with eggs, and in the second half of this month - with chicks.

The departure of nightingales takes place at the end of August - September. The nightingale feeds mainly on insects.

Slide 13 Starling. Small bird. The feathers are black with a purple tint and white speckles. The starling's beak is powerful.

There is a black crest on the head. The starling lives in a birdhouse. The starling feeds on beetles, caterpillars, butterflies and other insects.

Slide 14 Lark. Little gray bird. The lark flies high.

The lark's trills can be heard early in the morning.

Slide 15 Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a small, gray, mottled bird. The cuckoo lives alone. She throws her eggs into other people's nests.

And the cuckoo chicks are fed by other birds. Listen to the cuckoo cuckoo.

16 slide. Stork. The height of an adult bird reaches half a meter, and the wingspan is up to 2 meters. All storks are characterized by a long conical beak, long legs and neck. Storks migrate exclusively during the daytime.

Birds are able to choose aerodynamically optimal routes, flying over areas that promote soaring with their air currents. Storks avoid flying over the sea. The lifespan of a stork is about 20 years.

Slides 17-23. Description of the life of birds.

Physical education minute.


Presentation for senior preschool age

Lexical topic “Migratory birds”

Memorization material “Tell me about the bird”

Starling - beautiful bird with shiny black plumage. Short tail, long wings, straight long beak, black for the female, bright yellow for the male. Eats worms and insects.

It builds nests in tree hollows. Sings well and imitates the voices of other birds.

Martin- an “airy” bird, feeds on insects in the air, even drinks on the fly. The neck is short, the beak is short, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot. It makes nests high in trees or mountains.

Rook- black, elongated beak, rounded tail, destroys harmful insects.

Nightingale- Slightly larger than a sparrow, brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below, the tail is quite long, rounded, the same color as the back. Feeds on insects. The favorite nesting places of the nightingale are thickets of bushes along damp forest ravines, shady bushes among deciduous forests, parks, groves, gardens, dense deciduous young growths, overgrown cemeteries, etc. The nest is usually made on the ground at the roots of bushes or woody shoots, sometimes in a heap autumn dry leaves.

Cuckoo- a bird with brownish-gray plumage. She throws her eggs into other people's nests. Eats a lot, destroys harmful insects (furry caterpillars).

Swift- This is a medium-sized bird. The wings are long, narrow and curved, the tail is forked. The plumage of the black swift is smoky-dark brown (the color depends on the nature of the lighting) and only the chin and throat are decorated with a rounded light spot, the color of which varies from slightly beige to pure white.

Swan- a beautiful, proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is medium length and red. Lives in swamps and lakes. It makes nests on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color.

It feeds on green grasses, leaves and stems of plants. The crane is a large and strong bird. The neck is long and thin, the head is small, the beak is long, straight, narrow, the legs are very long, with long four fingers.

Lives in large swamps. He knows how to float on the water, flies beautifully and high. It feeds on insects, worms and small fish, seeds, buds, and roots.

Lark- a small strong bird with a large head and short beak, long wings and short legs. Lives in fields, steppes and deserts. It is the last to fly away in the fall and the first to arrive in the spring.

It can take off sharply and fall down like a stone. It feeds on insects, grains and seeds. Sings well. The stork is one of the large migratory birds.

The feathers are white. Wings with black stripes. The beak is long, sharp, strong. The wings are wide, long, and have a large span. The tail is short.

The paws are long, thin, powerful. It feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods.


Migratory birds.

Flying birds have nothing to eat in winter. Many migratory birds eat insects. However, with the onset of cold weather, all insects hide, so birds fly to warmer regions in search of food.

How do migratory birds fly? Waders, herons, and ducks fly in a line, in front or in a transverse row. Geese most often fly in a school.

Geese, cranes, swans and other large birds fly in an angle, or wedge.

Formation of possessive adjectives “Tell me, which flock?” (children 6-8 years old)

A wedge of swans - swan, a caravan of cranes - ..., a flock of ducks - ..., ... rooks - ..., ... nightingales - ....

Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes “Call it affectionately”

Chick - chick,

Presentation for children with the opportunity to listen to the voice and singing of birds. Lark, ducks, rook, cranes, cuckoo, swallows, swan, starling, nightingale, heron.

In what order do the birds fly away? Insectivorous birds (Wagtail) are the first to fly away. Then the granivores fly away - those that feed on the fruits and seeds of plants (oatmeal, siskin, chaffinch). And later than everyone else, ducks and geese fly away; they get ready to travel when the reservoirs freeze, because these are waterfowl.

How do cranes differ from herons and storks? Cranes, unlike herons, stretch their legs and neck in flight. This makes them look like storks, but unlike them, cranes never perch on trees.

If we visually compare cranes with other wading birds, then compared to herons, their legs are usually longer and their necks more elongated; and in comparison with storks, the body is more graceful, the legs are longer, and the beak is proportionally smaller.

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To view the presentation with pictures, design and slides, download its file and open it in PowerPoint on your computer.
Text content of presentation slides:
MIGRATIONBIRDBIRDS city of Ob, Novosibirsk region, 2016 MBDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Birch” of a combined species Olga Gennadievna Osipenko, teacher We live in the Novosibirsk region. There are very harsh frosty winters here. It is difficult for some birds to winter in Siberia, so in the fall they fly to warmer climes. The starling is a beautiful bird with shiny black plumage. A short tail, long wings, a straight long beak, black for the female, bright yellow for the male. Eats worms and insects. It builds nests in tree hollows. Sings well and imitates the voices of other birds. The swallow is an “airy” bird; it feeds on insects in the air, and even drinks on the fly. The neck is short, the beak is short, the wings are long and pointed, the tail is like a slingshot. It makes nests high in trees or mountains. The rook is black, has an elongated beak, a rounded tail, and destroys harmful insects. The nightingale is slightly larger than the sparrow, brownish-brown above, brownish-gray below, the tail is quite long, rounded, the same color as the back. Feeds on insects. The nest is usually made on the ground at the roots of a bush or tree growth, sometimes in a pile of dry autumn leaves. The cuckoo is a bird with brownish-gray plumage. She throws her eggs into other people's nests. Eats a lot, destroys harmful insects (hairy caterpillars). The swift is a medium-sized bird. The wings are long, narrow and curved, the tail is forked. The plumage of the black swift is smoky-dark brown (the color depends on the nature of the lighting) and only the chin and throat are decorated with a rounded light spot. The swan is a beautiful, proud bird. The body is elongated, the neck is long, the beak is medium length and red. Lives in swamps and lakes. It makes nests on land in the reeds. Swans are white and black in color. It feeds on green grasses, leaves and stems of plants. The crane is a large and strong bird. The neck is long and thin, the head is small, the beak is long, straight, narrow, the legs are very long, with long four fingers. Lives in large swamps. He knows how to float on the water, flies beautifully and high. It feeds on insects, worms and small fish, seeds, buds, and roots. The voice is a loud cry - a purr. Flights continuously day and night. The lark is a small, strong bird with a large head and short beak, long wings and short legs. It lives in fields, steppes and deserts. It is the last to fly away in the fall and the first to arrive in the spring. It can take off sharply and fall down like a stone. It feeds on insects, grains and seeds. Sings well. The stork is one of the large migratory birds. The feathers are white. Wings with black stripes. The beak is long, sharp, strong. The wings are wide, long, and have a large span. The tail is short. The paws are long, thin, powerful. It feeds on frogs, fish, insects and plant foods.

Attached files

Presentation "Migratory Birds" for preschool children and primary school students.

Migratory birds gather in flocks with the onset of cold weather and fly away to warm countries for the winter. There they can find food for themselves. Birds make long journeys of thousands of kilometers. They fly during the day, at night, and in bad weather.

Migratory birds feed on insects or eat fruits and seeds of plants. Among migratory birds there are also birds of prey. They feed on small animals and birds.

Presentation "Migratory Birds" - download

Here are examples of presentation slides:

Birds are most often heat-loving, their body is characterized by elevated temperature (often it exceeds 40°C). However, feathers protect them well from the cold, which is why they, of course, can live in the cold conditions of a harsh winter. But for this they need more food.

And in the snowy season, food is not easy to come by! That's why birds have to leave their nests and fly to distant countries rich in food

Consolidating children's ideas about birds, their way of life and behavior, connections with the environment, and the role of humans in the lives of birds. Consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about migratory birds; introduce the concept of “migratory birds”; teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships: birds fly away, where it is warm, where there is food; introduce the concept of flying in a “wedge”, “shoal”, “flock”.



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Slide captions:

GBOU Secondary School No. 364, Moscow (preschool department No. 1205) “Birds of Migratory” Prepared by: Korchevaya A.Kh. Novikova V. B. Group No. 7


Goal: to consolidate children’s ideas about the birds of Moscow and the Moscow region; their lifestyle and behavior; about connection with the environment; about the role of humans in the life of birds. Objective: to consolidate and systematize children’s knowledge about migratory birds; introduce the concept of “migratory birds”; teach to establish cause-and-effect relationships: birds fly away where it’s warm, where there’s food; introduce the concept of flying in a “wedge”, “shoal”, “flock”. Intended Outcome: Can support a conversation about birds; actively and kindly interacts with the teacher and peers in solving gaming and cognitive problems.

LARK A small bird living on the ground. Dimly colored - brown feathers with variegated specks help to hide in the grass. They do not jump on the ground, but run. They also nest on the ground, laying spotted eggs in the nest. They eat plant seeds and insects.

DUCK A medium-sized bird with a relatively short neck. The color of the plumage varies. The toes are connected by a swimming membrane. They feed on seeds and bulbs of aquatic plants, insects, mollusks and small crayfish.

ROOK The first migratory bird, notifies us of the coming of spring. The feathers are black, with a purple tint. They nest in colonies in gardens, on trees, near people's homes. They feed on worms and insect larvae.

CRANE Large, long-legged and long-necked birds. The plumage is gray, large wide wings. Arriving from the south, they announce their return by purring. The nest is built in a swamp among reeds and sedges. They eat worms, bugs, frogs.

SWALLOW One of the most fast birds. Their body shape is ideal for flight, with arrow-shaped wings and a forked tail. The paws are weak, so they never walk on the ground. They are always in flight. They drink on the fly. They build nests from lumps of clay, connecting them with saliva.

SWAN The largest aquatic bird. The plumage is white, gray and black. A long neck, allowing it to search the bottom in search of food in deeper waters.

STARLING Songbird. Black plumage with a metallic sheen, sometimes with a purple, greenish or bluish tint. In winter, white spots appear on the body. Able to imitate the singing of other birds.

NIGHTINGALE An inconspicuous gray songbird. Winters in Africa. Lives in bushes and river valleys. It builds nests on the ground or very low, in bushes. The eggs are greenish or bluish speckled.

HERON Long-legged, long-necked bird. The feather color is white. It has a long, powerful black beak. On the head, neck or back there is a peculiar mane of long feathers. Nests are made in trees. They feed on fish and worms.

STORK Big bird white with a large red beak, long legs, large wings. Lives near people, on the roofs of houses and other heights. It feeds on frogs, snakes, large insects, and fish.


On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

"Domestic Birds", "Migratory Birds" - methodological material on speech development and speech creativity for children of senior preschool age with special needs development.

Environmental education project “Wintering birds of our region. Preparing birds for winter. Help for birds"

Project on environmental education“Wintering birds of our region. Preparing birds for winter. Wintering. Helping birds" Type of project: practice-oriented Duration: long-term. Project participants...


In the spring, a bird as black as a raven rushes towards us from the south. For our trees, the doctor eats different insects...


The children made a house. And they nailed it to a tree. A singer settled in there. What's his name? ...


I am agile, light-winged. The tail is forked, like a pitchfork. If I fly low... It means it's raining

somewhere close!


He lives on the roof of a house

Long-legged, long-nosed,

He is flying

for frogs

to the swamp...


He's in the spring

sings beautifully, loudly, cheerfully, playfully! Quickly guess what kind of bird it is?

They are merrily cooing in the sky, calling to the sky to follow them. They've been beckoning us for a long time... Who can tell? ...



Spout spout, Red

paws, Swims, dives, Quack


On the grass he

walks important, out of the water

comes out dry, wears

red shoes, Gives

soft featherbeds.

and stretches his neck, no, probably

birds are bolder. But I'm not afraid of him. Who is this? This…


under the clouds, above the fields

and through the meadows, as if fluttering out of sleep, the Song starts...


The fish was bitten

in the pond. Tsap! - and no.

Bear in mind! On the nose

there is a drop left. What's the name of that bird?


Yellowbreast, blackwing

There was a bird in the linden trees.

Whistled fussingly,

Whistled everyone...


The bird floats slowly, like a white ship. Proud and beautiful, patient and timid.


The air is being cut

without effort, like sickles

crooked wings. It will flash -

you can’t see it, it only flies like that


It is decorated with a tuft,

in a dry hollow.

Everyone knows

forest people,

What is his name...

At the end of August in Russia it is already getting colder for cuckoos- they leave our region first. Swifts and swallows- next in line. They usually fly away in the very first days of September. They also fly away in early September blackbirds, finches, wagtails, starlings. They prefer to survive the winter in Italy, Spain and Portugal. Ducks, cranes and waders, also flying away during this period, live near the Nile; hoopoes, flycatchers and corncrakes go to Africa; snipe prefer Transcaucasia. Mid-September - departure time mallard ducks. They fly to the Caspian, Black, Azov and Mediterranean seas. Geese begin to leave their homeland in mid-September, but the mass migration occurs at the end of this month. They love to spend the winter in Crimea.

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