Requirements for a modern leader and criteria for assessing his business qualities. Activities of a manager in conflict resolution Basic requirements for a manager

Management is a very dynamic science and practice. It follows from this that the requirements for a leader do not remain unchanged. Management theory is developing and practice is improving. Requirements for a modern leader are constantly updated and supplemented.

As part of the study of the requirements for a modern leader, the following are considered: questions :

1. Tasks of a modern leader;

2. Success factors for a manager;

3. Psychological orientation of the leader;

4. Limitations and mistakes of an ineffective leader;

5. Psychological laws of management.

Requirements to a modern leader is a complex of personal qualities and professional traits that a manager needs for successful management activities.

Tasks of a modern leader, as shown in the first chapter in section 1.3, are as follows:

1) make yours interesting professional life;

2) make the professional life of subordinates interesting;

3) ensure the efficiency of the team;

4) make your personal and family life interesting.

Successful solution of these tasks requires the manager to have appropriate internal properties, professional qualities and the necessary efforts. The focus on solving only the third problem, which has long dominated in society, is long ago and hopelessly outdated. The world has changed, and with it new approaches to quality of life and professional work have emerged.

People no longer just want to receive wages in the profession. They strive for creative work, self-realization, taking a worthy place in society, and establishing their high social status. In achieving all this, a lot depends on the immediate supervisor.

Modern management psychology actively uses the difference between successful and unsuccessful managers. The corresponding analysis allows us to formulate the success factors of a manager that correlate with his tasks.

Manager success factors- these are a kind of conditions under which his management activities will be effective. Success factors can be reduced to four conditions: work is fun, modern approaches in working with people, professional management training, personal creativity.

Work is fun means that managerial work should bring personal satisfaction to the manager and provide the opportunity for self-realization. That is, this factor is associated with solving the first task - making your professional life interesting.

Management work shouldn't be a burden. Otherwise, the leader will simply torture himself and his subordinates. In this case, you need to look for another field of activity, try to “find yourself” in another profession.

Thus, the famous American businessman Hammer stated: “For me, business is not a means of getting rich. It’s the pleasure of working outside the box.”

Pleasure from work appears when high qualifications are achieved in it. And the professionalism of a leader consists of a number of components: good management education, one’s own volitional efforts and certain natural abilities.

The first two components are completely within the control of man. In other words, having desire (motivation) and demonstrating will, you can achieve high mastery in management activities.

Successful executives who rise to manage large corporations and entire industries are called “golden collars.” It is these people who control the modern economy, politics, and society as a whole.

Modern approaches to working with people cover leadership style, personal (informal) authority, the ability to influence people, public speaking and listening skills, the use of modern motivation techniques and much more. This factor is associated with solving the second task of the manager - to make the professional life of his subordinates interesting.

Working with people is the most difficult part of a manager's job. It is relatively easy to learn how to manage flows, systems, technologies, equipment, but it is difficult to learn how to influence both an individual and a team. However, interest in people and sincere affection for them allow you to achieve success in this area and enjoy business communication and guidance.

The greatest successes in influencing millions of people were achieved not by formidable kings and great conquerors, but by people with big hearts. Thus, Gandhi, through a “policy of non-violence”, achieved the liberation of his homeland India from the colonialists. And his great love for humanity brought him the highest title - “Mahatma”, that is, father of the nation.

Professional management training means mastering the territory and management practices, that is management education. This factor is associated with solving the third task of the manager - to ensure the effectiveness of the team.

High professionalism of managers allows the organization to achieve successful activities. Modern theory and management practice make it possible to provide the interested person with excellent training in the field of management activities. To do this, you need to get a good education at a university with a high reputation. And then, throughout your life, expand your management knowledge through self-education.

For example, in the Western tradition and management literature, the task and requirement of professionalism are designated as “making money.”

Creativity in the work of a manager follows from the nature of management activities. It was noted above that in the work of a manager there are practically no standard situations; there will always be certain differences. And therefore, even classical management knowledge has to be applied by a manager in a specific original situation.

A leader needs creativity in both family and personal life. Being very busy at work and being passionate about it creates certain difficulties in family and friendly relationships. This is where the life of a leader differs from the lives of other people. And he needs to show considerable creativity in order to solve the fourth task of a modern leader - to make his personal and family life interesting.

Psychological orientation leader - these are the internal priorities in his professional activity.

The effectiveness of his work largely depends on the direction of the leader. We can distinguish, as the main ones, four types of psychological orientation: towards the tasks of the organization, towards the staff, towards the opinion of superiors, towards oneself.

Leader's focus to the organization's objectives means the priority of production activities.

Leaders of this type pay significant attention to achieving professional goals. They carefully plan the work, draw up schedules for its implementation, and standardize work. For subordinates, such leaders constitute detailed instructions, regularly hold production meetings, carry out training and supervision.

Thus, production managers are often “workaholics.” For the sake of business, they do not take into account their personal time and efforts. They usually demand the same from their subordinates. And this is not always met with understanding. Workaholism is perceived today as an occupational disease.

Leader's focus per staff means priority of attention to subordinates.

Such leaders are rightly convinced that the main value of any organization is people. Therefore, they direct their efforts to working conditions, social status and psychological comfort of their employees, and establishing relationships of mutual trust.

For example, human-oriented managers are open to communication, friendly, and focused on the well-being of employees. They communicate a lot with subordinates and actively use “feedback,” that is, information coming from the bottom up. Typically, such managers enjoy the favor of their subordinates.

Leader's focus to the opinion of the authorities means priority of attention to instructions from above.

Typically, this orientation is associated with the leader’s lack of confidence in his position, lack of understanding of his tasks and ignorance of ways to solve them. However, there is a strong desire to retain a leadership position by any means necessary.

Often such a “sycophantic” orientation is associated with an active desire to make a career by pleasing the authorities in every possible way.

Leader's focus to myself – this is the priority of personal interests.

Such a leader does not value his work above all else, but his position in it. Personal ambitions and aspirations determine his position in any production situation.

Thus, in the October Revolution of 1917 in Russia, historians highlight the figure of Leon Trotsky, the second man in the Bolshevik Party. His psychological orientation is assessed in such a way that he loved not the revolution, but himself in the revolution. This led to abuses and the desire for personal power.

Selfish managers often commit administrative abuses. According to their psychology, their own interests and personal enrichment are at the forefront.

Summarizing the consideration of the priorities of managers, it should be noted that the focus on personnel is preferable. Successful leaders are distinguished by their attention to people, which allows them to create effective, highly productive work teams.

Factors that hinder the development of a leader’s potential are called “constraints.” Developed concept of restrictions– theoretical justification of obstacles in improving the professionalism of a manager.

Six potential limitations can be identified.

1. Inability to manage oneself. The manager works under conditions of nervous tension. Owning your emotional state allows you to maintain efficiency and “not fall apart” in a difficult environment, and vice versa. Managing emotions also means the level of general culture of the leader.

2. Blurred personal values. The actions of a leader largely depend on his principles, goals, and direction. If his personal priorities are not deep enough, he will experience doubts in his judgment and decision-making. Others will perceive this as weakness.

3. Lack of creativity. The manager has to constantly use a creative approach, because... There are no absolutely identical situations in management. A manager constantly needs to come up with new ideas, make difficult decisions, and encourage subordinates to be creative.

4. Lack of understanding of the specifics of managerial work. The content of the work of managers has a number of features. You need to know them and take them into account in your work.

Thus, the effectiveness of a manager’s work is difficult to measure in direct terms. Most often, this can be done only indirectly: good management can be evidenced by the productive work of the team and the positive atmosphere in it.

Problems are an integral part of managerial work. It will not be possible to completely avoid them, no matter how much you want. Therefore, you need to be able to solve them: from ensuring production profitability to conflict management.

5. Inability to influence people. Skillful influence on others is both a natural and acquired quality. Obtaining the necessary support and participation from both subordinates and other people is often an important condition for the success of a leader. And for this you need to feel the psychology, the inner world of other people, and be able to influence them.

Thus, in relation to subordinates, the manager can give clear and understandable orders, explain how to complete tasks, and make clear demands. But you can give vague orders, indulge in persuasion, requests, flirtations, and resort to threats. These are two diametrically different leaders.

6. Stopped self-development. Working on oneself and moving upward to higher mastery is the life norm of a leader. If he has achieved certain successes and stopped, “resting on his laurels,” he is unpromising.

Common mistakes in management are allowed by unqualified managers. For better understanding, typical mistakes leaders in management theory are sometimes formulated in figurative form. There are six main management mistakes. Let's look at them.

Punishment of the innocent. Often, managers make decisions on penalties “under the heat”, without understanding the situation. As a result, it is not the true culprits who are punished, but those whose negative role is defined superficially, without proper analysis. Often there is a subjective negative attitude of the manager towards the employee.

Encouraging the uninvolved. This means that collective achievements do not identify the real contribution of each employee, and the key figures of success are not identified. As a result, awards are given not to those who made the greatest contribution to the overall success, but to those close to the leader.

Immature decisions. This error is associated with making decisions in haste, based on unreliable, unverified, incomplete information. In this case, the opinion of specialists is not taken into account, experts are not involved. As a result, the decision turns out to be unsuccessful, or even completely wrong.

Own sinlessness. Often leaders, especially authoritarian types, do not admit their mistakes. They tend to blame anyone for shortcomings, but not themselves. They do not admit their own erroneous decisions, and blame “bad performers” for failures. At the same time, some subordinates agree with the opinion that the manager is not to blame, and it’s all about the subordinates.

Thus, in the Slavic mentality, historically there was an opinion that the tsar is good, and the boyars are to blame for everything. The entourage, they say, is deceiving the king and secretly offending the people.

Subjectivism of relationships. Some managers do not hide their unequal attitude towards their subordinates, dividing them into favorites and outcasts. The former enjoy special favor; all mistakes and failures are forgiven. Others are often accused even of things that are not their fault.

According to the historically established French tradition, people who are especially close to a major leader are called “favorites.”

"Labeling" Sometimes managers evaluate not the misconduct, but the personal qualities of the person who committed it. In other words, they become personal. In this case, the special negative case is generalized. And a negative assessment of a specific omission is presented as a characteristic of the employee’s personality - irresponsible, incapable, a slacker, etc.

It should be noted that people unwittingly try to justify the characteristics given to them. If a person is praised, he strives to live up to it. And vice versa. “If you call a person a pig for a long time, he will eventually grunt,” says a Russian proverb.

If a manager wants to meet modern requirements, he must know the typical management mistakes and avoid them in his work.

Psychological laws of management- these are those patterns and trends that necessarily appear in leadership under certain conditions. Knowledge of the laws of management allows you to effectively manage and achieve success.

The laws of management are related to the business interaction between superiors and subordinates, and management communication in professional activities. They are often presented figuratively.

In management theory, it is popular to present laws in a humorous form. However, despite the humor, they contain a high content of truth. Therefore, such statements should be taken seriously. Many laws have their own authors, after whom they are named.

Let us note the most famous management laws in a humorous form.

Hlade's Law:

“Entrust the solution to a difficult problem to a lazy employee - he will find the easy way.”

Hunt's Law:

“Every great idea has a flaw equal to or greater than the greatness of the idea.”

Hanlon's Law:

“Do not see malice in something that can be explained by stupidity.”

Hawkins' Law:

“Progress does not consist in replacing an incorrect theory with a correct one, but in replacing an incorrect one with an incorrect, but refined one.”

Meyer's Law:

“To complicate is simple, to simplify is difficult.”

So, the requirements for a modern leader arise from the tasks and the success factors of skillful management that correlate with them. Success factors include the following: work as pleasure; modern approaches to working with people, management training, managerial creativity.

There are four main types of psychological orientation of a leader: towards the tasks of the organization, towards the staff, towards the opinion of superiors, towards himself. A successful leader is focused on caring for the staff and the goals of the organization.

A modern leader must know the laws of management and take them into account in his activities.

An experienced manager must be aware of typical management mistakes and not allow them in his work.

Related information.

The English term "manager" means hired professional managers. The main task of managers is “to create the environment for group activity so that individuals contribute to the achievement of group goals with minimum cost money, time, effort and materials, and with a minimum of inconvenience."

The essence of a manager's activity is to implement the functions of planning, organization, motivation and control. They combine the efforts of: "1) the top level of management with its emphasis on the big picture and big profits, powerful figures and satisfying shareholders; 2) production workers and their focus on doing more, faster, cheaper with more satisfied "doers"; 3) staff marketing people whose eyes are always on quotas, bonuses and interest; 4) financiers with their love of dividends, interest and, above all, the balance sheet; 5) craftsmen who look up to satisfy management and down to keep workers work, and 6) workers managing only by their own efforts to satisfy the masters in order to earn a living and survive until Friday, when the salary is given."

Managers perform a variety of roles. A role is an expected set of actions or behaviors defined by a job. Their classification and description were first given by G. Mintzberg. He classifies them into three broad categories: interpersonal roles, informational roles, and decision-making roles.

Interpersonal roles include:

The chief executive is the symbolic head whose responsibilities include performing routine duties of a legal or social nature.
A leader is responsible for motivating and activating subordinates, responsible for recruiting, training employees and related responsibilities.
Liaison – ensures the operation of a self-developing network of external contacts and information sources that provide information and provide services.
Information roles of the leader:

1. Receiver of information - searches for and receives a variety of information (mostly current) of a specialized nature, which, understanding the organization and external conditions, is successfully used in the interests of its business; acts as the nerve center of external and internal information entering the organization.

2. Disseminator of information – transmits information received from external sources or from other subordinates, members of the organization.

3. Representative – transmits information to the organization’s external contacts regarding the plans, policies, actions, results of the organization’s work, acts as an expert on issues in this industry.

Managerial roles related to decision making:

Entrepreneur – seeks opportunities within the organization and beyond, develops and launches “improvement projects” that bring change, and controls the development of individual projects.
Violation Corrector - Responsible for corrective actions when the organization faces important and unexpected violations.
The resource allocator is responsible for the distribution of all possible resources of the organization, which actually comes down to making or approving all significant decisions in the organization.
The negotiator is responsible for representing the organization in all significant and important negotiations.
Research confirms that leaders are not born; they are made in practice, proving their mastery of the art of management every day. It is advisable to first comprehend this art theoretically, and not by trial and error. Although errors are inevitable in this case, they are fewer.

In G. Mintzberg’s opinion, there are four myths about the work of a manager:

1. Management is quickly becoming a science and a profession. In fact, among managers there are a huge number of amateurs who got into their positions by accident, but do not want to leave them.

2. View the manager as a judicious calculating machine. In fact, managers solve problems in 5-10 minutes, without thinking much about the future.

3. The image of a manager as a person who has already planned and delegated everything, and therefore only decides important issues. However, in practice, managers spend a lot of time on trivia and representation.

4. Managers need systematized and processed information. In fact, they are trying to quickly get information, even over the phone (managers spend 70-80% of their time communicating, break the chain of command, resolve many issues that are often not important for the organization, etc.).

Depending on their place in the management hierarchy, there are three types of managers:

Senior managers (in business - the chairman of the board of a corporation, in the army - a general, among government officials - a minister, in a university - a rector). They define the organization's mission, goals, policies, values ​​and basic performance standards, structure and management system;

Middle managers (in business - the head of a department, in the army - from lieutenant to colonel, in a university - a dean). They coordinate and control the work of lower-level managers. In addition, they prepare information for decisions made by senior managers;

Lower-level managers (master, sergeant, department head) They mainly monitor the implementation of production tasks by workers and other employees. They make up the majority of the leadership corps.

Depending on the overall influence on the organization, the following types of managers are distinguished:

1. Active transformer - actively influences all management processes and strives to transform them in order to increase the efficiency of the organization based on new management methods and technologies, and the use of innovative non-standard approaches.

2. Performer - limits all his actions to strict adherence to instructions coming from superiors; any initiative of subordinates, from his point of view, is potentially dangerous.

3. Conformist - unconditionally accepts and follows all the instructions of his leadership (or the microgroup that has the greatest influence in the organization), is not able to express and defend his opinion in the interests of the company, changes his point of view depending on the opinions of others.

4. Destroyer - due to his unpreparedness or subjective interests, he destroys the established culture and management system of the organization, worsening its position and accelerating bankruptcy.

Based on the nature of learning, the following types of managers are distinguished:

1. Self-learning managers – actively seek new knowledge and strive for everything new. Easily learn new principles and concepts. They are the basis for the success of any organization.

2. Not receptive to learning - do not want to learn anything. Having reached a certain position, they consider it shameful to study. Although today in the world constant training in the field of management is the direct responsibility of any leader, regardless of his position and age. In the global management system, managers who do not want to learn are fired without the slightest hesitation. In Russia, you can easily serve until retirement and remain with the same old knowledge base. Which was laid out decades ago. For Russia, this is the most widespread type of manager, and it is also one of the main reasons for the country’s backwardness and its problems.

Qualities you must have effective leaders Most experts divide into three groups:



The most common professional qualities include:

High level education, managerial experience, competence in their profession;

Ability to plan work;

Search for new forms and methods of work;

Skill to work in team;

Ability to get along well with other managers;

The ability to quickly make decisions and take responsibility.

Personal qualities include:

Physical and psychological health;

Treating people as individuals, being attentive to them;

Self-confidence and optimism;

The ability to manage oneself;

High moral standards.

Business qualities include:

Desire for leadership;

Communication skills;


Efficiency in solving problems;

Persistence in achieving goals;

Openness to new ideas.

English management experts Michael Woodcock and Dave Francis offer the following list of requirements for managers: the ability to manage oneself, reasonable personal values, clear personal goals, emphasis on continuous personal growth, problem solving skills, inventiveness and the ability to innovate, a high ability to influence others, knowledge of modern management approaches, the ability to lead, the ability to train and develop subordinates, the ability to form and develop effective work groups.

The requirements for managers formulate a certain model of leader qualities. But in life, more often than not, a particular leader does not fully meet the specified parameters. And there is nothing wrong with this contradiction, since any model simplifies the situation, it is a kind of guideline for solving the problem. A real person can never be fitted to the most perfect model.

At different levels of management, the requirements for leadership qualities are not the same.

If we analyze special literature on the issue of leadership, you can find that there is no consensus among scientists regarding the basic qualities of a leader. Moreover, V.I. Knorring is right when he asserts that if one adheres to the opinion of the absolute necessity of the qualities being highlighted, then it would simply be impossible to find such a number of worthy people for leadership positions. And if we remember such famous leaders as Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin, then it is difficult to consider them models of virtue.

Among the main qualities of a leader, V.I. Knoring notes flexible, out-of-the-box thinking, charismatic personality traits and mastery of the art of influencing opponents and the team. Moreover, the above qualities are determined not so much by nature as by hard work and self-improvement.

As a result of examining hundreds of the best modern managers using psychodiagnostic methods, psychologists name the following signs:

Ø Strong-willed – able to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.

Ø Persistent – ​​knows how to take reasonable risks. Patient, ready to do monotonous, uninteresting work for a long time and well.

Ø He is proactive and prefers to work without petty supervision. Independent.

Ø Mentally stable and does not allow himself to be carried away by unrealistic proposals.

Ø Adapts well to new conditions and requirements.

Ø Self-critical, soberly assesses not only his successes, but also his failures.

Ø Demanding of himself and others, knows how to ask for the assigned work.

Ø Critical, able to see weaknesses in tempting offers.

Ø Reliable, keeps his word, you can rely on him.

Ø Hardy, can work even under overload conditions.

Ø Receptive to new things, inclined to solve unconventional problems using original methods.

Ø Stress-resistant, does not lose composure and performance in extreme situations.

Ø Optimistic regarding difficulties as inevitable and surmountable obstacles.

Ø Decisive, capable of making decisions independently and in a timely manner, and in a critical situation taking responsibility.

Ø Able to change behavior depending on conditions, can both demand and encourage.

Feeling the situation and subordinating emotions to business, the leader must be able to “turn on” the necessary qualities in time. Even when the working conditions are abnormal and those around you are not sympathetic.

The difficulty also lies in the fact that a real leader has to combine opposing qualities. For example, a manager must be able to:

Ø Think broadly, remaining within the framework of precise knowledge of the subject.

Ø Understand and embrace opposing points of view while remaining true to your principles.

Ø Do not give in to other people’s pressure and at the same time do not lose supporters.

Ø Accept new ideas without engaging in fruitless projection.

Ø Disagree while maintaining normal relations with opponents.

Ø Take risks and make mistakes as little as possible.

Ø Be polite and tactful, while remaining demanding.

It is absolutely necessary for a modern leader to be a good psychologist. It is not so much about special knowledge, but about knowing those with whom one is dealing. To successfully cooperate with a person, you need to clearly understand such qualities as:

Ø Degree of sociability, i.e. the ability to maintain business relationships with partners regardless of their nature.

Ø Behavior in order to predict his actions to a certain extent.

Ø Business and professional quality,

Ø And finally, its potential capabilities and the conditions in which they can manifest themselves.

Management styles

1. Authoritarian - excessive use of power, inability to use management methods, intolerant attitude towards criticism, improper use of specialists, inability to listen to the opinions of others, therefore, initiative is extinguished in the work team, an unfavorable climate is created, staff turnover begins, and there is no social satisfaction.

2. Democratic - relies on the consent of the work collective in decision-making, it provides complete information, takes into account the opinions of employees, responds correctly to comments, therefore the work collective strives for self-government and self-control.

3. Liberal - does not interfere in the affairs of subordinates, avoids solving problems, builds friendly relations with subordinates.

6. Conflict resolution

Using administrative methods of influence

Business conflicts can be resolved using purely administrative methods that the manager can use.

Clarification of requirements. The manager strives to formulate as clearly as possible the conditions for completing the task: what exactly needs to be done and who is personally responsible for the work. This method of conflict resolution is effective in cases where subordinates have experience and discipline. If employees do not have the necessary level of professionalism, this method of conflict resolution may not produce results.

Formulation of the task. Among the subordinates there are people of different personalities, unequal levels of knowledge and experience, who have different attitudes towards the work and the leader himself. When issuing a production task, these points must be taken into account.

"I ask you to". The manager formulates the task in the form of requests and wishes, based on the objective need for its implementation. It is assumed that the subordinate is dutiful, obliging and loves his job. This form of assignment is acceptable in cooperation with highly qualified specialists who are conscientious about their work.

“I would advise doing it this way.” Here a mild form of personal influence on a subordinate is used. This form of issuing a task can only be effective with an experienced leader who has unquestionable authority in the team. In this form, you should interact with executive subordinates who have a lack of experience and professional knowledge, for example, young specialists or employees who, for one reason or another, have a long break from work.

“You are instructed to carry out.” The task is formulated with a sufficient degree of personal influence from the manager. In this form, tasks should be issued in situations of high responsibility and time restrictions for completing the task.

"I order you." The manager applies his administrative influence and pressure. Careful monitoring is expected. This form of issuing assignments is effective for optional workers who are not inclined to adhere to strict discipline.

“I categorically order you to complete this task. In case of non-compliance, the following measures will be taken against you...” This form of assignment issuance is used for violators labor discipline. Strict regular monitoring is provided.

Punishment and reward system. In the field of business interactions, orders from the manager to deprive the offending employee of his bonus are effective. And as a reward for successful work– gratitude, various ways material incentives, promotions.

Negative evaluation formula. In order for a negative assessment of a subordinate’s actions to be effective, the manager’s statement must contain four main parts.

The first part: recording the overall positive assessment of the employee as an employee and a person.

Second part: formulating a critical assessment.

Third part: recognition that the employee is a good professional, despite the fact that he made a mistake.

Part four: building a positive outlook for the future.

The effectiveness of management, and hence the effectiveness of the organization, is largely determined by the competence of managers and their personal qualities.

To perform the complex functions and functions of managing an organization, managers must have specialized knowledge and have the ability to use it in their daily work.

They need to have the appropriate professional knowledge and skills, the ability to work with people and manage oneself, have specific personal qualities that inspire trust from colleagues and subordinates.

There are a number of requirements for the personality and professional competence of managers in energy production:

Professional knowledge in the industry;

Understanding the nature of managerial work and management processes;

Knowledge of the economics of energy production;

Knowledge of socio-psychological methods of personnel management;

Organizational skills;

Constant self-development;

High sense of duty and dedication;

Decency and honesty in relationships with people and trust in partners;

Respectful and caring attitude towards people in the organization, especially towards your subordinates;

The ability to critically evaluate one’s activities, the ability to draw the right conclusions;

Ability to be a teacher and educator;

Ability to establish external relations of the organization;

Ability to use authority in a balanced manner;

Be a leader in a team.

The ability to use power is very important. Power means the ability of a person to influence the people around him and their behavior in order to subjugate them to his will. Power can be formal and real.

Formal power is the power of a position: it is determined by the official place of the person possessing it in the management structure of the organization and is measured either by the number of subordinates who are directly or indirectly obliged to obey his orders, or by the volume of material resources that are at the disposal of this official.

Real power is the power of both the position and the influence and authority of the official: it is determined by a person’s place not only in the official, but also in the unofficial system of relations and can be measured by the number of people who are ready to voluntarily obey a given person, as well as the degree of dependence of those around him.

Each leader has (chooses) a certain leadership style - this is a set of unique management techniques, the manner of daily behavior of the leader in relation to subordinates. Leadership style develops ways to influence subordinates. The leadership style is determined by the nature of the tasks facing the team, the level of its development, and the personality of the leader. A leadership style that works well in one environment may not be appropriate in another. There are generally four leadership styles:

Democratic (collectivist, partnership) - respect for subordinates, minimal participation of the manager in decision making, the desire to gain authority by providing

benefits and concessions to subordinates, shifting responsibility for failures in work to others;

Liberal-anarchist (permissive, neutral) - on the one hand, over-democratic, on the other - a minimum of control, as a result of which decisions made are not implemented, work results are low, the psychological climate in the team is unfavorable, conflictual;

Situational - the level of development of subordinates and the team as a whole is flexibly taken into account; the effectiveness of leadership is mediated by the degree of control the leader has over the situation in which he operates. No leadership style exists in its pure form.

Different styles can be used in different combinations depending on the circumstances.

The real style of a particular leader is always some combination of many styles, but, of course, with a predominance of one of them. It should be said that choosing the optimal style in the “authoritarianism - democracy” range is not an easy task. In every specific case A good leader will be one who can take advantage of the situation that has arisen. To do this, you need to know the abilities of subordinates, the ability to perform the task at hand, your abilities and powers. In the process of completing a task, the situation may change, which will require a different way of influencing subordinates, i.e. changes in leadership style.

A manager must be a leader. Leadership is the ability to activate people in an organization, the ability to set an example to follow and influence people to achieve the organization's goals. Thus, leadership is an art. An effective leader is one who is able to adjust his leadership style when necessary, i.e. focus on real production and environmental conditions. A leader inspires people and instills enthusiasm in them, conveying their vision of the future and helping them adapt to the new and go through a difficult stage of change in the organization. Leaders are able to achieve more in an organization by selecting a team of people who understand and share their views, possess and know how to use their emotions and intuition.

A leader can be anyone in an organization, not just those who manage it. Leadership can be demonstrated at the most lower levels hierarchy; leaders can be a foreman, a foreman, or a worker, who, with their attitude to work and to people, serve as a role model.

Control questions

1. Which concept: “management” or “management” is more general and why?

2. What is management?

3. What is a subject of management and who is the subject of management?

4. What is a control object and what is a control object?

5. Define and expand the concept of management.

6. Structure of management science.

8. What is the vertical and horizontal division of managerial labor?

9. Managerial relations, their types. Formal and informal management relationships.

10. Expand the concepts: “manager”, “specialist”, “support worker”.

11. What qualities should a leader have?

12. What should be the competence of a manager?

13. Leadership styles.

14. What is power?

15. Who is the leader in the team?

Read also:
  1. I. Qualification requirements for filling senior positions in the municipal service
  2. Types of legal acts of management. Requirements for legal acts of management.
  3. Question No. 59. Special requirements for advertising.
  4. Information: definition, functions, requirements, classifications
  5. K) comply with other requirements provided for by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.
  6. Management personnel and their role in the management system. Requirements for them.
  7. Stairs and ramps, their purpose and requirements for them, areas of application.
  8. Methods for detecting, recording footprints and basic requirements. Submitted for their implementation
  9. Mission and vision of the organization. Building a tree of organizational goals. Basic requirements for goals.

The leader is executive, endowed with real power, having a certain number of employees subordinate to it and having the right to make decisions on issues related to the sphere of interests of the relevant management body.

The manager decides what to do and how to do it, and bears proportionate responsibility for it. By exercising his right to make decisions, the manager gets the opportunity to influence the functioning of the managed object.

Criteria for assessing a candidate for a leadership position:

From a integrity point of view.

From a political position.

From a knowledge point of view.

From the point of view of administrative abilities.

Business qualities are a symbiosis of competence and organizational abilities that allow one to find a path appropriate to the situation to achieve the goals of the organization.

Qualities required for a leader:

1. The ability to adapt the managed system to the external environment.

2. Competence, having sufficient and recognized useful experience in a certain field.

3. The ability to identify, predict system development trends, organize, motivate, direct, coordinate and control the activities of subordinates.

4. Moral virtues - honesty, truthfulness, modesty, simplicity, high demands on oneself and others, a sense of duty and responsibility, intransigence to shortcomings.

5. Unity of word and deed, efficiency and flexibility, the ability to independently and timely make informed decisions, proactively and persistently achieve their implementation through appropriate influence on subordinates.

6. Knowledge of human psychology, ways to work well with people and form a purposeful team with high creative potential.

7. The desire for a reasoned distribution of functions between employees, an objective assessment of the results of activities - one’s own and those of employees.

8. Fairness in relationships with subordinates, the gift of winning their trust and sympathy, creating a mood in the team.

9. The ability to properly organize your work, allocate time to solve current and future problems, create conditions for a calm, good work team.

10. Show concern for the daily needs of the team and individual workers, fully maintaining their health and performance.

The required qualities of a leader can be grouped, depending on the main functions performed by the leader: (see lecture "Introduction").

The head is an administrator.

Social leader (manager).

Intellectual center.

The need for intelligence for a leader is objective, because “The mind that understands everything is usually distinguished by peacefulness and condescension, while stupidity and ignorance are warlike, asserting themselves without understanding the means.”

Scientific thinking presupposes a penchant for analysis and synthesis, the ability to separate the essential (main) from the unimportant (minor), consider a phenomenon as a whole, as a system, etc.

Continuing the topic:
Tax system

Many people dream of starting their own business, but they just can’t do it. Often, as the main obstacle that stops them, they name the lack of...