Patterns for relief wood carving. Relief carving: from basic skills to confident technique

Having barely learned to hold objects in his hands, the little man shows a craving for creativity. Over time, he will have the opportunity to try himself in various types of crafts: needlework, modeling, origami, wood carving, drawing. Of course, certain skills that the child acquired in early childhood will be useful for this. Sometimes a simple hobby gradually turns into a hobby, and then becomes the work of a lifetime. So many centuries ago in Rus', one of the main types of creativity was wood carving. And in the 21st century it still arouses genuine interest among people.

Popular types of intricate art

For a long time, people decorated their homes with wooden carvings. Various kinds of paintings, kitchen utensils, religious objects, and children's toys were considered valuable things for any family. Perhaps that's why they appeared different kinds wood carvings. The most popular options are:

  • geometric;
  • flat-notched;
  • slotted;
  • sculptural;
  • embossed;
  • openwork;
  • invoice.

Fortunately, the list does not end there, because this type of creativity is widespread throughout our vast country. Let's look at just a few of them.

Geometric wood carving involves the use of various figures in the work. These are triangles, circles, squares and polyhedra. It is used for the manufacture of furniture elements, household utensils, and wall crafts. The oldest type of such carving is triangular-notched carving. This is one of the simplest methods, since it is performed with only one tool - a knife with a blunt. For such wood carving you will need a simple set of items:

  • lime board;
  • special knife-jamb;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

First, sketches of geometric shapes or a finished ornament are applied to the board. It is better for novice amateurs not to use complex drawings so that the work turns out flawless. For the first work, material made from deciduous trees is suitable, since it is more convenient to draw straight lines on it with a sharp knife.

The wooden surface should be as smooth as possible. This is achieved by planing the board. At the same time, it does not need to be sanded with sandpaper. Otherwise, the carving will not turn out clear and neat, and the tool will quickly become dull.

The flat-pit method is used to cut out depressions of various sizes and shapes on a plane. These can be oval contours and all kinds of convexities.

The slotted type of carving is also considered quite simple. It is performed using a jigsaw. A sketch of any figure applied to a wooden plane is cut out along the contour. The result is some cute crafts. Slotted threads are used to make background objects through which other planes are visible. It is often called openwork carving, and is used to decorate furniture in the Baroque style. These can also be elements of cupboards, window frames, doors, and sometimes decorative screens. If crafts are attached to a special base, then this type of carving is considered overhead.

The process of working with the slotting method begins with a sketch, which is applied to a pre-polished workpiece. It is transferred to the surface using a special template or transparent white paper. Then holes are made on the contours and cut out on the work table using a thin jigsaw file.

Relief carving includes two main methods: flat and blind. In addition, the blind option implies a low or convex relief. The bottom line is that the pattern is formed due to the main background of the surface.

The flat-relief method is performed in such a way that the pattern and the surrounding background are made at the same depth over the entire area of ​​the base. Blind carving is characterized by a convex pattern that does not have flat outlines. Such products are valued for their high decorativeness and richness of composition. After all, a unique miniature landscape with hills, depressions and depressions is created on the plane. To create such masterpieces, craftsmen use elements of almost all types of wood carving. Therefore, beginners should master each method separately in order to apply the skills with more.

The first steps on the path to mastery

History shows that wood was traditionally used to decorate living spaces. Nowadays, various photographs, drawings and sketches of wood carvings are exhibited in local history museums or printed publications. This suggests that smart people who are willing to learn can master this art form. Wood is a wonderful natural material from which you can create decorative compositions, paintings, furniture elements and kitchen utensils. Having mastered the basics of the ancient art, some became real masters of wood carving, devoting their entire lives to it.

Popular wisdom says: “The hardest trouble is the beginning.” This is how it is if you do nothing. Practical wood carving tips for beginners open the door for brave people to the world of magnificent DIY crafts. First you need to prepare your tools and understand the basic nuances of the craft.

It is advisable for beginners to choose high-quality and durable equipment for work in order to acquire valuable craftsmanship skills.

For wood carving you need to prepare the following tools:

  • sharp knife;
  • chisel;
  • jigsaw;
  • bit;
  • drill;
  • needle files;
  • spoon cutter;
  • bars;
  • milling machine.

Of course, for beginners it will be enough to purchase a special set of tools for wood carving, which includes a knife, a jigsaw and an awl. With their help it is very convenient to master the skills of ancient craftsmanship.

The next step is the selection of raw materials. The quality of the product depends on this. There are two types of wood in nature: hard and soft. The first group includes mahogany, oak and beech. For the second - aspen, pine, spruce, birch. Of course, it is easier to work with soft wood, but with one wrong move it quickly deteriorates. Despite this, it is considered the most suitable raw material for beginners.

Hardwoods are used by professionals because they are very expensive.

In addition to the strength of the material key role The color of the wood also plays into play. A suitable raw material for learning the skill is birch. It lends itself wonderfully to cutting and drilling in any direction. When choosing patterns for wood carving, you should keep in mind that birch wood darkens over time. Despite this, she is very easy to work with.

When the pattern is selected, it must be transferred to a wooden blank. In the age of technology, you can use ready-made photographs or drawings provided by specialists. The subjects of the images are very different, but each has its own unique beauty. When everything is ready, you can start creating your own masterpieces. Thematic wood carving lessons are an invaluable aid for beginners.

Master class on simple crafts

When you look at the finished crafts, you get the impression that making them is not at all difficult. Therefore, many lovers of folk crafts took the instrument into their hands and got to work. To cut an ordinary flower you need to prepare the following set of items:

  • wood blank;
  • double soft pencil;
  • tracing paper;
  • chisels.

Please note that only special chisels for wood carving are suitable. They should be v-shaped, narrow and semicircular. The next stage is drawing. It can be taken from the Internet. To do this, apply a sheet of paper to the screen, redraw the diagram, and then apply it to a wooden plane.

Start working from the central part of the sketch, carefully cutting out a circle. Then, using a v-shaped chisel, cut out the petals along the contour. Wood waste between them is removed as work progresses. If you don’t have such a chisel, professional knives for wood carving will do, as they are just as good to use in this craft.

Using a semicircular chisel, cut out the outer part of the petal. It looks like the outline of a heart, but it's not scary. Then cuts are made in the inner part of the petal, connecting it to the center of the flower. All that remains is to round it off and the flower is ready. Now you can admire the first creation of your own hands. An invaluable aid for beginners is a themed woodcarving video that encourages them to get started immediately.

Modern technology for experienced craftsmen

In the modern world, many works have been carried out for a long time mechanically. Applied crafts are not lagging behind in this. The use of technology allows craftsmen to save their energy and precious time. Wood carving machines make it possible to quickly and efficiently prepare the raw material for work. The only drawback of such devices is their high cost, but people for whom carving is not just a hobby are ready to purchase them.


The device is designed to work with any wooden surfaces. It performs operations of various kinds, both volumetric and on a plane. The pantograph is used to process arched, bent or rotating parts. So, with the help of a machine, various elements of furniture, statues or panels are cut out.


An excellent device for working with hardwood. It is important to take into account the properties and arrangement of the fibers of the natural material. Using a drill, craftsmen sharpen tools, polish wood, and, if necessary, polish it.

Tree species with dense wood that do not have a tendency to chip are suitable for working with a drill.

CNC milling machine

This technique is mainly used for the production of wooden furniture with carved decoration. The machine is designed to work with any type of plywood and wood. It is distinguished by high functionality and technical capabilities. When working on such equipment, it is important to use special protective equipment - goggles and gloves. Also follow the operating instructions for the device.

As practice shows, such machines simplify the process of wood carving. They make it possible to create a huge number of products in a short time. The devices are used not only in industry, but also for personal workshops.

In any case, handmade products bring true satisfaction to a person. They create a pleasant atmosphere in the house, help express the master’s feelings for his loved ones, and serve for the benefit of the household for a long time. Wooden crafts retain their natural beauty for a long time and never go out of fashion. Wood carving is an art that is passed down from generation to generation. It is available to anyone who wishes to master this craft. The main thing is not to be afraid of failures, but to be willing to learn, pick up tools and create masterpieces.

Wood carving video tutorial for beginners

Relief carving

Of the varieties presented, relief carving is the most expressive, which is why in former times it was used to cover wall panels, furniture, doors and ceilings. It is still relevant when decorating the interior. There are 2 types of relief carvings - bas-relief and high relief. The first is a type of relief sculpture, which is characterized by the following feature: the convex part of the image rises above the plane by no more than half of its volume, in contrast to high relief, in which the image rises above the plane by more than half of its volume. These types also differ in their scope of application: if high relief is used mainly in architecture, then bas-relief finds wider application: it can be found not only in architecture, but also as decoration for monuments, on coins, medals, gems, etc.

Secrets between the lines

How to find the golden mean between large form and details?

It is important for the carver not to overload the products with excessive detail, but it is also impossible not to pay due attention to them. Mastery of this side of carving shows how skilled the craftsman is. Photography, painting and graphics help with this. The carver must collect material in order to look at analogues if necessary, which is especially important if some details, such as the position of dynamic folds on clothing, cannot be checked on the model. Making folds requires a lot of experience and skill, since you need to depict them in such a way that you can feel the figure underneath them. Then it will be convincing.

Since the main advantage of relief carving is the play of light and shadow, all lines and intersections are performed as clearly and accurately as possible. Relief carving is a labor-intensive type of carving, as it requires the carver to have experience, the ability to work with both hands and mastery of a variety of carving tools. The sequence of performing relief carving is as follows: applying a pattern, cutting and trimming the outline of a pattern or ornament, rough sampling of the background, identifying the forms of the relief of the ornament, finishing the background, making small relief of the ornament, chasing the background. Since we have already talked about drawing a picture, there is no point in dwelling on this again. As for the actual execution of the thread, this is clearly shown in Fig. 89.

Rice. 89. Sequence of relief carving: A– cutting along the contour; b– cutting to the base of the cut; V– rough background selection; G– rounding of the ornament and clearing the background; d– relief development

To make cuts, the tool (to make a straight line, use a jamb knife, for a curved line, a chisel of the required profile) is held vertically along the contour of the design, slightly tilted towards it (this will help to avoid “undercutting” of the ornament with high relief).

Secrets between the lines

When can I start cutting out parts?

Beginning carvers, having outlined the general contours of the head, move on to detailing the face. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. Specific details can be dealt with only when the shape has been identified, the silhouette has been processed, and the details themselves have been thought out to the smallest detail. Inconsistency in threading leads to serious and often irreparable errors.

Trimming is carried out with sloping, medium and steep chisels, as well as a poke (the tool is held at an angle of approximately 45° to the plane of the workpiece and the end of the handle is pressed with the palm of your hand). The cutting depth is maintained at the same level.

In complex ornaments, elements can overlap each other. Then incision and trimming begin from the top lines and are carried out less deep, incision and trimming of elements located in the background - deeper.

On hard wood, cuts are not always made in one go, so they can be repeated. At the same time, when making the first cut, the tool is pressed quite lightly, since the main thing here is that the cut falls exactly on the line of the drawing and turns out clean and smooth. The cut is deepened during trimming.

The background begins to be rough-selected first from large areas, using wide chisels that are moved in different directions. This is determined both by the background area and the direction of the wood layers. The chisel is held with both hands at a slight angle to the background plane. The result of the work should be a background of equal depth.

The shape of the relief is revealed by rounding (it is important to ensure that the convex element does not have sharp outlines, but at the same time it does not give the impression of being flat) or rounding the convex elements (after the incision and trimming are done, the main chamfer is removed from them at an angle 45°, then alternately the upper and lower ones, finally cleaned with a flat chisel).

Secrets between the lines

In what order are the head and face of a wooden sculpture cut out?

Having clarified the tilt or rotation of the head, and established the direction of gaze, you can begin to work on the details of the face. The work goes from the general to the specific: oval of the face, hair, profile line. Then outline the lines of the eyes, ears, and mouth. If the proportions are not violated, the details are clarified, with the eyes and ears being completed at the final stage.

Finishing the background begins with processing large areas, using a straight, wide chisel, which is held almost horizontally. In corners and narrow places you need to work especially carefully so as not to damage the ornament, so use narrow chisels or cranberries, cleaning the background from the edge to the center.

Often the background is covered with embossing, which is done using stamps (punches), which are struck with short blows with a hammer. But it should be noted that in relief carving this technique is rarely used.

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Relief carving Of the varieties presented, relief carving is the most expressive, which is why in former times it was used to cover wall panels, furniture, doors and ceilings. It is still relevant when decorating the interior. There are 2 types of relief carving -

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Recessed carving The name of this type of carving means that with this method of wood processing, the background is removed. Therefore, such threads are also called sawn or through threads. The techniques of slotted threads are quite simple, which is why it has been around since ancient times.

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House carving The name of this type of carving speaks for itself: house carving is intended for exterior decoration of a home and its interior decoration. According to the nature and technique of execution, house carvings are heterogeneous and can be embossed, slotted and

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Flat notched carving Flat notched carving is characterized by the fact that its background is the flat surface of the product or workpiece being decorated, and the pattern is formed by variously shaped recesses - recesses. The lowest points of the relief are located below the level of the decorated

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Flat-relief carving The essence of relief carving is that a pattern (drawing) is formed by sampling the background around it. Such a sample can be uniform in depth. In this case, the formed pattern (drawing) will have the same height (usually 5–7 mm) throughout

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Slotted carving Slotted carving can be made using both the technique of flat-relief (with a flat ornament) and relief carving. Background in slotted thread remove with a chisel or saw. In the latter case, the thread is called kerf.

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Sculptural carving Sculptural, or volumetric, carving is characterized by the fact that in it the relief image is partially or completely separated from the background, turning into a sculpture. Unlike the one-sided image of an object in other types of carving, volumetric carving can be

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Contour carving According to the technique of execution, contour carving as a type of geometric carving is the simplest. Images made in this way resemble a clear graphic drawing. Using different types of cuts and combinations of straight, curved,

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Geometric thread All elements geometric carving They are the simplest geometric figures formed by straight and curved lines or a combination of tetrahedral or semicircular notches. The main elements of geometric carving are dihedral,

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Staple, or nail-shaped, thread Staple thread is performed with semicircular chisels, using a jamb knife as an auxiliary tool. As a result of using a semicircular chisel, a mark remains on the surface of the wood, similar to a bracket or a fingernail mark, hence

Artistic wood carving is one of the oldest and most widespread types artistic treatment wood, in which the pattern is applied to the product using an ax, knife, chisels, chisels, chisels and other similar tools. With the improvement of technology, wood turning and milling appeared, which greatly simplified the work of the carver. Carving is used in home decor, for decorating household utensils and furniture, for making small wooden plastics and toys. The carving differs by type - flat-relief carving, openwork carving, volumetric carving and root plastic surgery.

Flat relief wood carving

Flat-relief wood carving is one of the most common types of carving. Relatively shallow relief (5-20 mm) maintains the same height with equal depth of the main background. The main motifs of flat-relief carving are floral ornaments and stylized images of human and animal figures. Her technique is relatively simple. Carved decorations applied to a pre-prepared product. Initially, the outline of the design is drawn with a sharp object, then the master cuts the design along the outline with a chisel and selects the background with chisels. The relief is often processed with additional cuts that simulate the image - leaf veins, horse manes, small details. The set of tools depends on the complexity of the design; in some cases, carvers use up to 60 cutters and chisels of different profiles and sizes.

Flat-relief carving is divided into varieties: carving with an oval contour - the edges of the pattern cut along the contour are slightly rounded, and the background is usually not selected at all; carving with a pillow background - the background is cut very shallow, forming a semicircular bulge reminiscent of a fluffed pillow; carving with a selected background - around the contoured pattern, the background is selected to an equal depth, which makes the image more prominent.

Flat-relief carving was used primarily in home decor and was known in Russia since pre-Petrine times, becoming widespread in the Volga region, the Russian North, and the Urals. “Ship carving” had a great influence on the development of Volga carving, on the basis of which a special baroque type of carving was developed. At the end of the 19th century. In Abramtsevo, near Moscow, through the efforts of artists and collectors, the craft of Abramtsevo-Kudrin carving arose, continuing the ancient Russian traditions of relief carving.

Relief carving

Relief carving has almost no flat surface. The shapes of the ornament are revealed by relief of different heights. There are bas-relief and high-relief carvings. Bas-relief carving - This is a carving whose relief figures protrude above the background plane or adjacent elements of the ornament to half their own volume. High relief carving - This is a carving, the relief figures of which protrude above the background plane or adjacent elements of the ornament by more than half of their own volume.

Relief carving is characterized by a deep selection of the background in comparison with other types of carving and detailed elaboration of elements to sculptural forms. Carving and background sampling can be done using a regular set of tools, which requires additional physical effort.

After selecting the background, you should work out the main plans within the drawing, model and work out the figures of people, birds, animals, the interweaving of plant patterns, the shape of branches and leaves, their height above the background and in relation to each other. All this must be done before final finishing of the surface with strokes, veins, notches, etc.

Relief carving is highly expressive and decorative. In the past, it was widely used to decorate interiors - wall panels, door portals, and also in furniture. Currently, relief carvings are also used for interior decoration. public buildings in the form of wall panels.

Flat relief carving- one of the most common types of ornamental carvings. This technique is used to create quite complex plant motifs and plot compositions. The following types of flat-relief carvings are distinguished: with an oval contour, with a cushion and with selected backgrounds.

In a carving with an oval contour on a wooden surface, a continuous relief without a background is obtained, since the actual pattern and the actual background act as equivalent. All details of the ornament are first worked out along the contour of the jambs or with a semicircular chisel with a wide bending radius. Notches and undercuts of the groove are made to a depth of 3 - 4 mm. Then the upper edges of the groove are chamfered, the contours of the pattern are rounded, giving them a rounded configuration, softened from the surface inwards. The chamfers are removed along the contour of the pattern evenly on both sides with a knife-cutter, which is held with an inclination to the left. The steeper the line is, the higher the heel of the cutter must be raised. On straight and gentle curved lines, the chamfer can be removed in directions away from you and towards you and with the heel of the cutter, and the carving with the heel turns out cleaner. Straight and gentle lines in large carvings are filled with a straight chisel, slightly tilting it towards the line of the drawing. On steep curved lines, it is convenient to remove the chamfer with a semicircular chisel.
Carving with a cushion background is a type of carving with an oval contour, only the lines are oval both from the contour side - steeply, and from the background side - more sloping. It turns out that each gap in the background is rounded, complete, and the ornament protrudes above the background, as if lying on a cushion. The cushion background makes the composition more saturated, while in the carving with an oval outline it looks more graphic and drier. Carving with a selected background is done in the same way as with a pillow carving, but in it the background is removed and chosen. First, an incision is made along the outer contour of the pattern. The depth of the cut is not the same everywhere: on steep lines it is large, but in sharp corners and places where the elements of the ornament come into contact with each other it is minimal. When making a cut, place the tool on the line vertically. Then the background is sampled: rough to a depth of 3 mm - with semicircular sloping chisels, the second - with flat ones. After this, the shapes of the ornament are cut, the tool is held at an angle to the cut. The rounding is performed as when carving with a cushion background. Finally, the background is cleaned with cranberries, scrapers, and sandpapers. You can decorate it with a stamped pattern using a punch.
Of the flat-relief types of carving with matched and cushion backgrounds, the most developed is Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya, or just Kudrin carving. The name and nature of the carving are surprisingly combined with appearance the village of Kudrin near Moscow, where this type of carving originated: the continuity of movement of plant shoots, the fluidity of garlands of leaves and flowers, branches make one want to call these patterns curly. See pictures below.

If you want to make your project special, add eye-catching elements. To do this, try your hand at relief carving using simple methods and inexpensive tools to carve this elegant “royal lily” with your own hands in a couple of hours.

Sharpness in wood carving comes first

Cutting wood with blunt tools is almost the same as driving a car with a faulty steering mechanism. Both are possible, but the outcome will not be good and you will be in danger. If the material is chipping away in small slivers instead of easily coming off into thin shavings, it's time to sharpen your blades.

If the tool is relatively new, sometimes a quick dressing of the cutting edge is sufficient. But if you want to restore the functionality of an old chisel, you will have to work a little longer. First of all, using a router, make roundings on the edge of the cutting board that correspond to the radius of the chisel groove.

Apply a strip of 120-160 grit sandpaper to the rounded edge.

Sand the surface of the groove until it is smooth and has an even shine (Step 1). Continue the process using finer abrasives (up to 800 grit) until the groove is perfectly smooth. Once this operation is complete, align the cutting edge at right angles to the edges of the blade using a coarse diamond insert (Step 2). Then use a low-speed water-cooled sharpener (called a “wet” sharpener) to reshape the bevel (Step 3).

Use a medium-grit abrasive stone to sharpen the cutting edge. Keeping the bevel in contact with the abrasive at the same angle, move the blade from side to side to sand the entire surface evenly (Step 4). Then do the same on a fine-grained water stone. Finally, polish the cutting edge to a mirror finish on the piece leather belt with polishing paste. Now you can start carving again!

Tools and materials for wood carving

Although you can cut any material, we recommend starting with species that have a soft wood with a uniform density that lends itself particularly well to cutting, such as basswood or walnut. For the first steps in mastering the technique of carving, you will need only a few tools, but, as with any hobby, as your skill grows, the number of tools you use will also increase.

First of all, we advise you to purchase a 6 mm corner, 12 mm shallow and 10 mm semicircular chisels, which will successfully cope with most carving tasks, as well as a sharpened needle file for processing narrow recesses. Keep your tools sharp; Dull cutters leave a rough mark and require a lot of force to cut material, which leads to breakage and can cause injury (see section “Sharpness First”).

Transfer the drawing

To transfer the contours of the design onto the wood, use carbon paper (photo A). Secure the workpiece by placing a non-slip mat for car trunks underneath.

Protect your left hand from scratches and cuts with a durable glove. Note. When carving, consider the direction of the wood grain, as the tool tends to follow the grain rather than the intended contour line. When working across the grain, make shallow cuts to avoid chipping.

Cutting Outlines

Using an angle chisel, first mark the outline of the band and cut to the final depth (about 3mm) (Photo B). The left hand guides the tool, and the right hand pushes it forward, overcoming the resistance of the wood. Try to keep the cut surface smooth and uniform.

Note. Take your time and don't try to cut too deep. By cutting the material little by little, it is easier to control the process and avoid chipping. Never point the cutter blade towards yourself. If necessary, rotate the workpiece so that the cutter moves away from you or parallel to the chest.

Once you have cut out the outline of the band, move on to the central petal of the lily, starting from the top point (photo C), and then to the remaining petals above and below the band (photo D). Level the depth of all contour grooves, cut the material above and below the band (photo E). Deepen the contours of the sling with an angle chisel.

Round the petals

Using a narrow semicircular chisel, make grooves about 2 mm deep on either side of the center line of the top petal (photo F). Begin to shape the volume of all the petals with a shallow chisel (photos G and H). Soften the transition between the flat areas and the vertical grooves of the upper petal by cutting away the material a little at a time so that small depressions are formed on either side of the central vein, smoothly blending into the convexities at the outer edges of the petal.

Thread cleaning

Even if you try to make precise and precise movements with your cutters, it is almost inevitable that you will find a few rough spots that require refining or cleaning (Photos I and J). Quick tip! Wipe the threads with a cloth soaked in mineral spirits to reveal minor defects that may go undetected. Having completed the processing of the form and making sure that all defects have been eliminated, you can begin finishing.

The clear coating preserves the natural color of the wood, but you can emphasize the relief by enhancing the contrast with the help of stain, applied several times to areas that should appear deeper and shaded.

Do-it-yourself relief wood carving - master class

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