Day of the personnel service worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Double professional holiday: HR Day in Russia

Date in 2019: May 24th, Friday.

Personnel Officer's Day was established in Russian Federation in 2005, but is not a day off. The history of the holiday is older. It is usually celebrated on May 24th. There is a second date on which you can congratulate HR department employees working in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - October 12.

So that the performance indicators of enterprises are always at high level, a serious selection of qualified workers is required. Also, staff need to be trained, motivated, and a list of job responsibilities. For employees who perform these functions, there is their own professional holiday.

Personnel Officer's Day officially appeared not so long ago, in 2005. However, its history began two centuries ago.

When, how and who celebrates this day

Day personnel worker celebrated on May 24, and those who work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - on October 12. The event is celebrated by:

  • personnel selection and training specialists;
  • HR managers;
  • HR inspectors;
  • benefits and compensation specialists;
  • heads of relevant services.

These days are highlighted by the issuance of awards, diplomas, postcards and comic congratulations. Often the whole team goes out into nature, where a corporate party is held.

Moscow institutions often celebrate the event three times.

Table 1. Triple date

In connection with historical events, it is October 12 that is celebrated by personnel officers of law enforcement government agencies and employees of military units of the Russian Federation.

Video greeting:

history of the holiday

The history of the holiday began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, Emperor Nicholas I signed the decree “Relationship between owners and workers in factory establishments.” With this document concepts such as “ employment contract", "compensation during the dismissal process." It was decided to celebrate this date as the day of the personnel worker. The All-Russian Congress established it in 2005.

Another date is associated with Soviet times, when the personnel selection service underwent significant changes. On October 12, 1918, the first personnel apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was created by establishing the corresponding instructions. Each organization introduced rules for hiring and dismissing citizens and developed job responsibilities HR staff. Subsequently, they began to celebrate their professional holiday on this day.

In the Republic of Belarus, the date for the holiday is October 12. Among the congratulations from colleagues in institutions, personnel workers also receive words from the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Belarus. Also on this day, special funny and funny moments in working with personnel are remembered; funny videos and postcards are often published online.

What is the job of a personnel officer?

List of films dedicated to the holiday

On this day, Nikolai Yuryevich’s song “Personnel Officer” gained particular popularity in Russia.

The following films are shown and talked about personnel selection:

  • "Headhunters" (2011);
  • "Mindhunters" (2004);
  • “The Man Who Changed Everything” (2011);
  • "Headhunter" (2009);
  • "Personnel" (2013);
  • "Recruit" (2003);
  • "Method" (2005).

Congratulations in prose and poetry

Today all personnel officers are accepting congratulations. Your hard work in recruiting and controlling the movement of labor resources is commendable. Every line of your documentation is marked by someone else's work. That is why your work is responsible. Thank you for bearing this burden with dignity!

I wish, personnel officer, you

Long life, a hundred years!

To achieve everything for personal purposes,

Get a million for it.

Know that you are always held in high esteem

You are working in a difficult job,

Sweet, kind and, of course, groovy!

Alexander, April 13, 2019. At the very beginning of spring, on March 8, 2020, the inhabitants of planet Earth celebrate a wonderful holiday - International Women's Day.

In Russia, March 8 is a non-working holiday. In 2020, it falls on Sunday, which is already a “traditional” day off for Russians. Well, what about Monday? We tell you what kind of day it is - a weekend or a working day.

According to the law, if a non-working day in the Russian Federation falls on an official holiday, then the day off is transferred to the next working day.

Accordingly, Sunday March 8, 2020 becomes a public holiday, and the day off is moved to Monday March 9, 2020.

That is, March 9, 2020 in Russia is a day off or a working day:
* March 9, 2020 is a day off.

Also on this day there is another full moon, coinciding with one of the Supermoons of 2020. If we are lucky with the weather (there will be a clear sky), after sunset we will be able to observe a huge beautiful Moon.

In the future, a revision of pensions for length of service awaits working pensioners ( from August 1, 2020), and military pensioners from October 1, 2020.

When is this holiday held? Personnel Day in our country is celebrated on May 24 and October 12.

History and traditions of Human Resources Day

We will talk about how this holiday appeared, about the traditions of its celebration and why Personnel Worker Day is celebrated twice in our country.

Story personnel service in Russia began in the 19th century. On May 24, 1835, the tsar issued a decree “On the relationship between factory owners and working people.”

This document, which regulated the relationship between employers and employees, defined such concepts as “employment contract”, “dismissal compensation”, “compensation for loss of ability to work” and others, and also established minimum size wages.

Therefore, Personnel Worker Day is celebrated on this day. The holiday was established in 2005 on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress. Today, the date May 24 is an unofficial holiday for employees of human resources departments.

Why is HR Day celebrated twice in Russia?

Another date of celebration is associated with traditions that developed during the Soviet years. During this period, the personnel service in our country underwent significant changes.

On October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the “Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia.” The first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created in the RSFSR.

At all enterprises in the country, certain rules for the hiring and dismissal of workers were introduced, and specific rules were developed for each position. job descriptions. And personnel officers began to celebrate their official professional holiday on October 12.

How is Personnel Worker Day celebrated?

How is the celebration going? On HR Day, enterprise management and colleagues congratulate HR department employees on the holiday. The best employees are awarded with certificates and valuable gifts.

The quality of the work of HR specialists determines the extent to which the organization is able to achieve its goals. Personnel departments employ people with special education. They must have knowledge in many fields - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc.

IN last years Our personnel officers began to be called HR specialists, as in the West. They not only recruit and hire personnel, but also build effective relationships between various departments at enterprises and distribute the areas of responsibility of employees.

HR officers develop job descriptions and evaluate employee performance. The work of these specialists is very important, and it is not surprising that in Russia the Day of Personnel Department Workers is celebrated twice.

Several dozen professional holidays are celebrated in Russia. This tradition mainly appeared in the Soviet years, however, the events that laid the foundation for certain holidays could have taken place in previous periods of our history.

Some dates are celebrated only in our country, and some have international status. It happens that determining the date of celebration causes discrepancies. This happened with Personnel Officer’s Day, which we often celebrate twice.

When is Personnel Worker Day celebrated in Russia?

The history of personnel services in our country began in the pre-revolutionary period. On May 24, 1835, the royal decree “On the relationship between factory owners and workers” was issued, which defined the legal relations between employers and employees.

The document became one of the first legal acts on labor and the responsibilities of the parties. He was the first to introduce such concepts as “employment contract”, “severance compensation”, “compensation for loss of ability to work”, and established a minimum wage.

In 2005, on the initiative of the All-Russian Personnel Congress, a holiday dedicated to this date was established. And to the question: “What date is Personnel Officer Day in Russia?” many answer - “May 24th”. Currently, the National Union of Personnel Officers celebrates the holiday on this day.

What kind of holiday do personnel officers celebrate on October 12?

But there is another day when we honor personnel service workers, paying tribute to the traditions that developed in Russia during the Soviet years. Soon after the establishment of Soviet power in the RSFSR, new professional structures began to be created.

Thus, on October 12, 1918, the People's Commissariat of Justice approved the “Instructions on the organization of the Soviet workers' and peasants' militia.” The first personnel apparatuses (personnel departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were created under this organization.

Later, when many new plants and factories opened in the country, a reorganization of old enterprises took place, and the need for personnel officers increased. Most enterprises have developed rules for hiring and firing employees, and job descriptions are provided for each position.

Later in the Soviet years, a tradition developed to celebrate Personnel Worker Day on October 12.

Don't forget to wish your HR friends.

What is the correct date to celebrate Personnel Officer's Day in Russia?

This holiday is not officially approved in the Russian Federation, so in different cities of the country and at different enterprises it is celebrated on different days. April 27 can also be considered a contender for the official date of this professional holiday. On this day in 1993, a resolution on work books was adopted in the Russian Federation.

Whenever Personnel Worker Day is celebrated in Russia, we pay tribute and gratitude to these workers. Among them are specialists in personnel selection and training, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, and heads of personnel services.

The management of enterprises and organizations highly values ​​the work of personnel officers, because the quality composition of the company’s staff depends on them.

The responsibilities of personnel officers, who in recent years, in accordance with Western tradition, have come to be called HR specialists, are not limited to hiring and firing personnel.

They calculate the need for specialists, develop job descriptions, evaluate the results of employees’ work (conduct certifications, surveys, assess the socio-psychological microclimate in the team), participate in the development corporate culture enterprises take part in resolving various labor disputes and conflicts.

Personnel officers build connections between departments of enterprises and individual employees, are engaged in the distribution of personnel areas of responsibility.

These specialists must have knowledge in many areas - such as law, economics, management, psychology, etc. They must have an analytical mind, be able to conduct a dialogue with people, be purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual.

On May 24 and October 12, 2018, when Personnel Worker Day is celebrated in Russia, management awards best employees HR departments with certificates of honor, gratitude and memorable gifts.

Programs about the profession of personnel officer and employment of the population are broadcast on television and radio; similar materials are published in newspapers, magazines and on websites on the Internet.

Regardless of what date a particular enterprise celebrates Personnel Worker Day, congratulations on both the spring and autumn dates of this holiday will be pleasant for every specialist involved in this professional field.

Every person has contacted employees at least once in their life. recruitment agencies, talked with personnel officers at enterprises, in various organizations, and among your friends there are probably such specialists. Don’t forget to congratulate them on their professional holiday, wish them success in their work and personal happiness!

The most beautiful congratulations Happy Personnel Officer's Day, see.

Personnel Worker Day 2020 is celebrated in Russia on October 12. The date is celebrated by personnel selection and training specialists, HR managers, HR inspectors, benefits and compensation specialists, and heads of personnel services.

The key task for ensuring high performance indicators of any enterprise, institution, or organization is the selection of qualified personnel. Personnel must be trained and motivated, their records must be kept, and a list of job responsibilities must be developed. Employees called upon to perform these functions have their own professional holiday.

history of the holiday

The holiday is unofficial. Its date has symbolic meaning. On October 12, 1918, the “Instruction on the organization of the Soviet workers’ and peasants’ militia” was signed. The document decided to form in the created government structure personnel departments.

For the first time, the tradition of celebrating the event arose in the personnel services of the internal affairs bodies.

About the profession of personnel worker

HR department employees hire, manage personnel, maintain accounting documentation, and participate in the development of competitive motivational program for company employees. Having received an order to hire, they conduct interviews with job seekers, during which the best candidate is selected. Their tasks may also include training staff, conducting training on personal development, organizing corporate events - holidays for company personnel.

The path to the profession of a personnel worker begins with obtaining a specialized education in secondary specialized or higher education. educational institution. The future employee must successfully pass exams, confirming the level of acquired theoretical knowledge and practical skills in management, psychology, marketing and other disciplines.

A personnel officer must be able to make the right decisions, conduct dialogue, be a purposeful, friendly, responsible and punctual person, and have an analytical mind.

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