Submit an anonymous complaint to the labor inspectorate. Legal advice - How to complain to the labor inspectorate anonymously? Organizations that can help with filing a complaint

Protecting the rights of workers in the event of their violation by the employer is the task of the state. You can file a complaint with several authorities at once: the State Labor Inspectorate, the prosecutor's office or the court. Let's look at where to complain about an employer and how to do it as effectively as possible.

Rights and responsibilities of all participants labor relations recorded in Art. 21 and 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For an employee for violation of these rules, it is provided disciplinary liability, the right to apply which is vested in the employer. In case of violations by the employer, only the state can bring him to administrative or criminal liability.

The following actions of the employer are the basis for applying to government authorities:

  • entrusting the employee with duties not provided for in the employment contract and job description without his consent expressed in writing;
  • Exceeding the volume of assigned work to the conditions employment contract;
  • delay of salary, its discrepancy with the amount in the contract;
  • creation of working conditions that do not meet safety requirements;
  • establishment of work duration in excess of the permissible limit, absence of conditions on irregular working hours or accounting for overtime work and additional payment for it;
  • failure to provide vacation or days off;
  • lack of social insurance and required payments, “gray” salaries;
  • illegal transfer, reprimand, dismissal;
  • other violations of the Labor Code.

All of the above cases relate to existing employment relationships. However, there are situations when a citizen who is not in an employment relationship has the right to file a complaint against the employing company. If, when applying for employment, an unlawful refusal was received that was not based on business qualities applicant or inconsistency qualification requirements, that is, a reason to complain about manifestations of discrimination expressly prohibited by law.

Where to complain about violation of your rights

An employee has several addresses where to complain about an employer if his rights are violated. For this purpose, a primary trade union organization and a labor dispute commission. The trade union committee is engaged in protecting the interests of all employees, and the CCC considers individual appeals from employees challenging certain actions of the employer.

However, these bodies may not exist in a particular organization, or contacting them may not bring the desired result. In addition, dismissed employees, for a completely objective reason, do not have the opportunity to contact the trade union committee or the CTS. In this case, employees have a choice of where to complain about their employer:

  • Labor Inspectorate under Rostrud;
  • law enforcement agencies represented by the prosecutor's office;

Filing a complaint with them has one common feature - it cannot be done anonymously. Applications without information about the applicant are not considered by government agencies and no action is taken on the facts described in them. Therefore, the employee must be prepared for the fact that he will have to act against the employer under his own name.

Contacting the labor inspectorate

The State Labor Inspectorate (SIT) was created specifically to monitor compliance with labor laws by employing companies. Complaint to labor inspection A complaint can be filed against an employer either by one of the employees who is dissatisfied with the actions towards him personally, or by the work collective. The order of action does not change.

The appeal is drawn up in writing and sent in person or by mail to the regional office of the State Tax Inspectorate. A sample document can be downloaded from the official portal of the labor inspectorate. It is impossible to submit a complaint anonymously, but at the request of the applicant, his data will not be known to the employer. This is one way to protect workers.

Based on the facts set out in the complaint, an extraordinary inspection will be carried out by a GIT inspector. If during its course any violations of the Labor Code or other regulatory documents, then the organization will be fined, and the manager will be given an order to eliminate the shortcomings within a certain period. This will be followed by another check. A written response will be sent about the actions taken within a month from the date of transmission of the complaint.

Contacting the prosecutor's office

A complaint against an employer to the prosecutor's office is similar to an appeal to the State Tax Inspectorate. This body examines violations of any rights, including labor rights. The anonymity of the applicant is also guaranteed in order to protect him from unlawful actions of the employer. Based on the facts stated in the application, an investigation is carried out, and the violator is brought to criminal or administrative liability.

Going to court

You should go to court not with a complaint, but with a statement of claim. There is no mandatory requirement to first settle the dispute with the employer out of court; the employee has the right to immediately use this particular authority to protect his rights. But, as a rule, judicial protection is resorted to in the most extreme cases, for example, in case of illegal dismissal.

The advantage of going to court is that not all possible violations of labor legislation are checked, but a specific situation that directly concerns the employee. The result of a positive decision will be not only the punishment of the employer, but also his actions in favor of the employee: reinstatement at work, payment of compensation for forced absence from work, compensation for moral damage. The disadvantage of this method is the long period of consideration of the case and the need to pay a state fee.

How to properly file a complaint

Regardless of where you plan to file a complaint against your employer, you must competently draw up a complaint or statement of claim. In addition to the applicant’s data, these documents must detail what, in the applicant’s opinion, was a violation of his rights by the employer, and which articles of the Labor Code were violated. The stated facts must be confirmed, the documents are listed in the complaint, and their copies are attached to it as evidence.

You can draw up an appeal or statement yourself, using samples on the official websites of government agencies or in legal reference systems. If you have doubts about the level of your own knowledge, it is advisable to use the help of professional lawyers and specialists in the field of labor law.

Hello. In this article we will tell you how to correctly file a complaint to the labor inspectorate.

Today you will learn:

  1. Where to complain if working conditions are violated;
  2. How to prepare and submit a complaint;
  3. What deadlines for consideration are set by the state;
  4. What to do if your appeal remains unanswered?

Complaint to the labor inspectorate

Often at work, disagreements can arise on the part of both the manager and the subordinate. When it is not possible to independently resolve a controversial issue, the employee files a complaint with the appropriate authority. The State Labor Safety Inspectorate is the place where applications from workers are received.

Labour Inspectorate is a government body whose main task is to exercise strict control over compliance with labor protection at all enterprises.

Every employee, regardless of their position, can ask for help when:

  • I agreed with the terms of the contract, signed everything, but did not receive the corresponding job;
  • The workplace is not intended for work and is provided in violation of working conditions;
  • Did not receive wages in the agreed amount;
  • The boss prohibits work time take breaks for legitimate rest and lunch.

You shouldn’t expect the employer to come to his senses and fix everything. Everyone should be able to defend their rights.

The activities of labor inspectorate employees are as follows:

Scheduled checks

If the employer refuses to issue work book on the last working day;

If you were not paid full compensation on your last working day;

It is also worth noting that you can prepare a collective complaint. In the second case, it is necessary to list all employees and give everyone the opportunity to sign and decrypt.

  1. Preparation of related documentation.

In order for the labor inspectorate to understand that your appeal is not just empty words, you will need to prove that you are right.

The following documents will be useful as supporting documentation:

  • Application with a note about refusal of leave. This option is useful if the employee is denied annual paid leave or is forced to take it at his own expense;
  • Statement from the bank. If you have filed a complaint about non-payment of wages, then an extract is an excellent way to confirm that wage was paid later or not in full. You will also need a copy of the employment contract, which specifies all the employer’s responsibilities related to remuneration;
  • Employment contract. This option is useful if mistakes were made during hiring or dismissal.
  1. Sending a package of documents.

Let's look at how to file a complaint:


You can take the full package of documents in person and give it to the inspector or secretary at the reception. The only thing worth remembering is that you should still have copies of documents on which the accepted party puts the incoming number, their name and date. If your documents are lost, you can easily prove your appeal.

By mail.

You can send documents by registered mail. In this case, you will need to prepare an inventory.

On the labor inspectorate website.

Filling out a complaint in real time is an option that is very popular. You no longer need to go anywhere and waste time. You need to register on the website and leave an application in a special form. All Required documents You can take a high-quality photograph and attach it to your appeal.


The timing of the review will largely depend on the extent of the violation. According to the general rules, the response must be sent as soon as possible, but no later than 15 calendar days.

If an inspection is necessary, the period may be extended to 30 days. If you have been fired, rest assured that your appeal will be reviewed as quickly as possible, within 5-10 business days.

Notification of inspection.

The labor inspector must notify you if, in his opinion, an inspection is required at the enterprise.

Notification may be sent:

  • By sending an SMS message;
  • To the registration address by registered mail;
  • To an email address with notification.

How to complain anonymously

Many workers do not want to provide their details and want to leave an anonymous complaint. But are anonymous requests accepted? Of course, you can send an appeal, but according to the law, the labor inspectorate may not consider it.

If you want the employer not to know who made the complaint, you can request complete confidentiality. In practice, everything is done very simply. You prepare all the necessary documents and at the end simply indicate one phrase: “During the inspection, I require non-disclosure of information about the applicant.”

It turns out that you can file an anonymous complaint, but it will remain unanswered and you will waste valuable time.

Write a complaint online

Since this option is very popular, let’s look at how to write a complaint via the Internet.

When choosing this option, you must be registered on the State Services website.

Application procedure:

  1. Go to the official website of the labor inspectorate;
  2. Find information for the employee, which will have a section “write a request”;
  3. Select the request category and correctly fill out all the required fields of the application.

In your email complaint, be prepared to provide:

  • Fully personal data: full name, phone number, passport details and registration;
  • Information about the employing company: full name and details, work phone number, legal address, full name of the director;
  • The essence of the appeal: consultation, filing a complaint, scheduled or unscheduled inspection.

In the window that opens, you will have to answer all the questions and send the prepared package of documents. Making an online complaint is not only quick, but also simple.

Deadline for filing and consideration of a complaint with the labor inspectorate

If you are faced with a labor violation, it is important to consider the time frame within which you can file a complaint. According to the law, you have only 3 months from the moment the violation occurred at work.

If we consider issues related to hiring or dismissal, then the period of complaint is much shorter and is only 1 month, from the moment of termination of the employment contract and receipt of all documents.

The complaint is given 30 calendar days from the date of submission of all necessary documentation. Of course, the processing time can be extended only if there is a good reason. The most common reason is that additional material was required for verification.

The response to the applicant will be sent by email or regular mail.

What does the labor inspectorate check in response to a complaint?

After receiving a complaint, labor inspectors are required to conduct an inspection.

The procedure depends on the circumstances of the case and can be carried out in any way convenient for the inspector:

  1. On-site inspection. In this case, a labor service employee comes to the enterprise, without an invitation, and conducts an inspection. Employers don’t like this method, but they can’t refuse. The inspection employee is allowed to:
  • Inspect workplaces and determine working conditions;
  • Communicate with employees and ask all necessary questions;
  • Request necessary documentation.

If violations are revealed during the inspection, the inspector has every right to:

  • Issue a fine, the amount is determined for each case individually;
  • Draw up an order for correction, which indicates the exact time frame for correction and the violations identified.

If serious violations are discovered during the inspection, the case is sent to court.

  1. Request documentation. This verification option is “more gentle”, since the inspector requests all the necessary documents and studies them in detail. All necessary documentation is sent by courier with an inventory, or handed over in person against signature to an authorized employee.

What to do if you disagree with the inspection or the complaint remains unanswered

What should you do if you receive a response about the results of a labor inspection that you disagree with? Do not despair, because according to the law you have 10 days to appeal the answer.

All you need to do is send a second complaint, with all the necessary documents.

It is also worth considering that an employee can file a complaint with several authorities at once, and the decision made by a judicial authority will have priority.

If your request remains unanswered, you can:

  1. Submit your complaint again.

Sometimes a response is not received due to a software glitch if the application was submitted via the Internet, or due to human factor. In this case, you can write a repeat appeal and make sure that it reaches the addressee.

  1. Seek help from lawyers.

As noted, labor service employees may ignore an appeal if it is prepared with violations. Qualified lawyers will help you draw up a complaint correctly or point out mistakes made.

  1. Submit an application to higher authorities.

If lawyers helped you prepare the documents, and you still have copies of the acceptance documents, then you can safely contact higher authorities: the prosecutor or the court. To correctly compose an appeal, you will also need the help of qualified employees.

Organizations that can help with filing a complaint

Unfortunately, not everyone can competently protect their rights. Many people do not know how to file a complaint. Special organizations staffed by qualified lawyers can help him with this.

Contact law firm You can do it in person, offices in most cases are within walking distance, or you can choose an organization online. In the second case, all issues will be resolved remotely.

When choosing an organization, consider:

  • Prices for services;
  • Company rating;
  • Start date of activity (it is better to entrust the business to a professional who has proven his reliability and qualifications over the years);

Unfortunately, there are situations in which the employer leaves the subordinate no other choice but to restore justice through a complaint to higher authorities.

And in general, what should a person do if his rights are blatantly violated in the workplace? How to determine whether the actions of the authorities have crossed the acceptable line, after which they can be called to account? And where should you file a complaint, and is it possible to complain anonymously?

After all, there is a possibility that the victim wants to hide such a manifestation and remain working in his usual team, company, without being known as an “informer” and without spoiling his relationship with himself. Let's look at the questions in order.

Reasons for complaints against an employer

Frequently common problems:

  • inconsistent, irregular payment of wages, incorrect calculation of wages,
  • non-compliance with payments required by law,
  • lack of payment for overtime hours, coercion through pressure or blackmail to work extra hours,
  • no paid sick leave,
  • refusal to grant leave,
  • refusal to issue a work book,
  • questions regarding the reasons for an employee’s dismissal,
  • illegal modification of the cooperation agreement.

Where to complain anonymously?

In case an employee who has suffered at the hands of his superiors wishes to remain anonymous, there is an official website on the Internet “online inspection. RF". The service began its work in 2013, and has already eliminated many such conflicts. In addition to receiving a free consultation (within 3 days from the date of writing the question), the website contains a rating of employers in our country.

Here you will also be required to indicate your actual initials and other requested data, but in this case, labor legislation guarantees confidentiality. This system was developed for the sake of the possibility of quick response and increasing the level of trust of citizens, because the results of the work will be published on the same website.

Where else can you complain?

If the patience of the oppressed employee has come to an end and he decides to deal with the offender, where and how to properly complain about the employer?

You can write a complaint to the following authorities:

  • Federal Labor Inspectorate(state unified system that monitors compliance labor code RF). The powers of the FIT include monitoring compliance with legal acts through inspections; in case of non-compliance with the labor conditions of workers, it has the right to recover from the employer, in accordance with the federal laws of the country.
  • Roskomnadzor(state system of supervision in the field of information communications, communications. Television and radio broadcasting). The powers include monitoring compliance with federal acts responsible for compliance with the articles of the labor code, and connecting legal authorities authorities to resolve conflicts arising between employer and employee. And a note in the newspaper, a couple of unflattering words will serve as a reason for litigation.
  • Prosecutor's office(state paramilitary law enforcement system)
    Exercises powers regardless of other government bodies, such as the legislative, judicial, and executive systems.
  • Police
  • Network Internet- resource " online inspection»
  • Tax office
  • Information resource “anger of the people”

How to properly file a complaint?

The complaint must be drawn up in accordance with the following requirements:

  • The stated facts must be provided in writing,
  • There must be a date of compilation and signature of the author,
  • Evidence of the alleged violations, if any,
  • Without indicating initials or at least an email postal address, the complaint will not be considered

The victim, who the employee considers himself to be, who decides to write a complaint, independently determines which authority to contact:

Making a complaint

The more competently and accurately the complaint is drawn up, the better the result will be. It can be handwritten or printed, but its size is preferably no more than one A4 sheet.

Complaints should be written avoiding emotional outbursts, only specific violations. Direct evidence (in the form of papers is attached at the end and is of great importance) or circumstances are listed at the end of the application. Be sure to indicate the address and ask to be informed about the progress of the case.

The addresses of the office or corporation where your work was not appreciated or where there were violations of working conditions are also indicated, as are persons directly related to the matter.

You can ask for anonymity, but it is not a fact that it will be preserved. Depending on what turn things take.

Application example

If you find yourself in a similar situation, quickly try to contact the appropriate authorities and take action! The legislation provides for most of the problems, do not remain defenseless and prevent the next employees from dishonest employers!

There are situations when there is an urgent need to complain to the State Labor Inspectorate about any actions (or inaction) of the employer. At the same time, it is important for the applicant that his personal data does not appear in the complaint. It is possible to do something like this. Let's look at how to contact the labor inspectorate anonymously, how to make a complaint and how to convey it to the addressee.

Anonymous appeal

There is no specific standard for writing to the labor inspectorate. It is only important that it be written concisely, without emotion. It is necessary that the facts described in the application correspond to the actual state of affairs. If there are documents directly or indirectly indicating a violation of labor laws by the employer, copies of these documents should be attached to the complaint.

If the complainant wishes that his personal data not appear in the complaint, he must indicate this in the application. The request looks something like this: “Please do not disclose information about me as an applicant.” It should be noted that you still need to provide your personal data; without this, the complaint will not be considered. Thus, this statement will be anonymous only for the employer against whom the complaint is made.

Some facts

Penalty options, including fines and criminal liability, can be applied to the main persons of the organization, as well as to those directly responsible. For example, if an employee says that he works in conditions that do not meet safety standards, then not only the boss, but also the labor protection specialist may be guilty in this case.

An anonymous complaint to the labor inspectorate is a real opportunity to report violations on the part of the employer without fear of a negative reaction or retaliation.

The labor supervision inspector has the right not to disclose the source of information. Only this fact distinguishes the official filing of a complaint from an anonymous one. Essentially, in the full sense of the word, such a statement cannot be called anonymous. This is just one form of formal complaint, but without permission to refer to the complainant.

Responsibility of the inspector for non-disclosure of the identity of the applicant

Article 6, part 2 Federal Law No. 59-FZ states: “... when considering an appeal, disclosure of information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, is not permitted without his consent.” Therefore, it is not legally permitted to disclose the applicant's personal data.

In practice, the labor inspectorate employee is not responsible for publishing information about the citizen who filed the complaint. Therefore, there is no 100% certainty that as a result of the verification, the applicant’s personal data will not become available to the employer or other persons.

It is not at all necessary that the information leak will occur at the will of the inspector. As a rule, verification of a filed complaint also concerns the consideration of certain documents. The law prohibits requiring an employer to submit documents for audit that are not related to the complaint under investigation. Therefore, the inspector is simply forced to request for verification the documents of the employee who wrote the complaint (if this complaint is related to a violation of his rights).

The situation with anonymous statements from citizens is far from ambiguous. The outcome of each complaint is purely individual: in some cases the inspector manages to maintain the citizen’s confidentiality, in others not.

For information on the procedure for contacting the State Labor Inspectorate and consideration of complaints, watch the video

Grounds for complaint

Both the working employee and the applicant for a vacant position can appeal against the employer’s actions. The list of reasons for a complaint is not exhaustive; a citizen can report to the inspectorate about any situation that violates his labor rights.

The most common grounds for employee complaints:

  • Non-payment or untimely payment of salaries and other obligatory payments;
  • Not providing labor or social leave;
  • Unlawful dismissal;
  • Various violations of working conditions: illegal transfer, salary reduction, etc.;
  • Wrongful disciplinary action;
  • Concealing an industrial accident;
  • Delay in work record book or payment upon dismissal;
  • Issues related to working nights, weekends and holidays.

The reason for a candidate's complaint about a position is most often a refusal to hire.

Whatever the reason for hiding your data, you must indicate it in the application - otherwise it will not be accepted and considered, since the labor inspectorate does not consider anonymous applications.

If an already dismissed employee is afraid of his former employer, in the event of unlawful actions against him, he will have every right to contact the police, who will take the necessary measures. In addition, in the complaint itself you can make a request not to disclose data to the other party.

Sequence of steps

A complaint to the labor inspectorate against an employer looks like this step by step:

  1. find out the coordinates of the territorial subdivision of the GIT, full name and exact title of the manager’s position;
  2. correctly compose a written appeal;
  3. attach to the application documents confirming the facts stated in it;
  4. take the papers to the inspectorate or send them by registered mail with a list of contents and acknowledgment of delivery.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • a copy of the employee's passport;
  • a copy of the employment contract;
  • a copy of the hiring (dismissal) order;
  • copies of any documents confirming the violation labor rights, at the discretion of the applicant.

If it is impossible to attach all the necessary papers due to the applicant not having them on hand, the State Tax Inspectorate must still accept the application for consideration and schedule an inspection. The inspector will require all documents from the employer.

Please note: when contacting the inspectorate in person, you must request that the application be registered. It is worth asking the clerk to sign a copy of the application, but he has the right to refuse. So, in the event of inaction by the State Tax Inspectorate, a postal notification of delivery of a letter of complaint is more reliable evidence that the application was submitted.

Methods for filing a complaint

Let's look at how to deliver an anonymous letter to the labor inspectorate. The most effective way to convey information is to send a complaint by post, more precisely by registered mail with acknowledgment of delivery. This sending option assumes that upon receipt of correspondence, the addressee (in our case, the labor supervision inspector) will sign in the postal register that the letter has been received. After this, a notification will be sent to the sender that the addressee has received the letter in hand.

You can personally deliver a written complaint to the labor inspectorate office. In this case, you need to pay attention that the application is accepted by an employee authorized to take these actions, and the fact of receipt is recorded in a special register.

The next way to bring information to the attention of the labor inspectorate is to apply online via the Internet. This is quite easy to do. You need to go to the website of the State Labor Inspectorate of your region or to the Internet portal “Onlineinspektsiya.rf”.

These sites have special forms for feedback and applications. You need to follow the steps step by step electronic service actions, including describing the essence of the complaint. At the same time, in the text of the application, if you wish not to disclose personal data, you must inform the inspector about this fact or check the box for submitting an anonymous application.

How to properly file a complaint

In order for a complaint to be fully considered, it must contain:

  • Full name of the territorial labor inspectorate and full name of its head (this information can be found on the official website of the inspectorate);
  • Information about the applicant: full name, address;
  • Title (“Complaint” or “Application”);
  • The essence of the appeal. A description of the situation in which, according to the applicant, the employer violated his rights. What, where, when it happened, what norms the employer violated (this point is not mandatory, the citizen does not have to know the content of all articles of the law), what harm was caused, what is confirmed. Here you should also indicate the full name of the organization where the violation of rights occurred, its legal address and, if possible, its tax identification number.

Conditions for writing a complaint to the labor inspectorate online

In order for a complaint to be considered appropriately, the following conditions must be met:

  • Please provide correct applicant information in your application. Anonymous requests remain unconsidered.
  • The essence of the appeal is the most concise and objective text, without unnecessary emotions and experiences. The writing style is businesslike.
  • The facts stated in the complaint must be reliable and verified.
  • The text of the letter should not contain obscene language, insults or slander.
  • If possible, attach scanned documents confirming violations of employee rights to the complaint.

Watch the video about a complaint to the labor inspectorate

Contacting the labor inspectorate from the official website

You can file a complaint with the labor inspectorate on the official website onlineinspektsiya.rf.

Since January 1, 2017, there have been major changes when submitting an application to the labor inspectorate online. In order for the inspectorate to conduct an unscheduled inspection of an electronic appeal, the applicant must be authorized through an account in the unified State Services system ( Such innovations appeared in Part 3 of Art. 10 of the Law “On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and individual entrepreneurs..." (No. 294-FZ dated December 26, 2008).

Additional Information

Main documents that must be attached to the application: 1) Employment contract. 2) Order of appointment to a position. 3) A copy of the work record book (if the applicant has one). 4) A copy of his passport. As additional documents, you can select any documents that the applicant considers necessary when considering his application (office memos, email correspondence, etc.)

Therefore, the action algorithm for an online complaint to the inspectorate now looks like this.

  1. Registration on the State Services website. You must fill out the form indicating your full name, email address and mobile phone number.
  2. Login to the labor inspection website via Personal Area State Services website.
  3. Select the “Report a problem” tab on the page. When you select such a tab before authorization, the system itself will offer to go to the State Services website and register there.
  4. Select a problem category from the proposed options (for example, “wages” when payments from the employer are delayed).
  5. Choose one of three options that the applicant would like to see as a result of consideration of his application: conducting an unscheduled inspection, bringing the employer to administrative responsibility, or consulting an inspection specialist.
  6. Fill out all fields of the application form.
  7. Click on the “Send request” button.

A confirmation will be sent to the email address provided by the applicant. From this moment the 30-day period begins for the inspection to consider the complaint.

Review and response timeframes

The legislation stipulates that no more than 1 calendar month should pass from the receipt of a complaint to its detailed consideration. If the complaint concerns illegal dismissal, then the period for consideration of the application is limited to 10 days.

After checking the application, Gov. The inspectorate must conduct an unscheduled inspection of the organization against which the complaint was received. Then a decision is made with an order to the management of this company to correct the violations by a certain date.

Actions of the labor inspectorate after receiving a complaint

Within 30 days after receiving the complaint, the inspector examines the arguments stated in it and conducts an inspection. If during the inspection of a specialist violations of labor legislation are confirmed, at the end of the inspection the following scenarios are possible:

  • Issuance of an order to eliminate violations;
  • Bringing the employer to administrative or criminal liability;
  • Temporary suspension of the enterprise;
  • Suspension of individual employees.

If the arguments of the online complaint against the employer to the labor inspectorate are not confirmed, the applicant is sent an appropriate response.
Leaving a complaint without consideration or without a response is possible, as a rule, if there is no personal data in the application: full name, address.

The table lists options for labor inspection inspections

Planned It is carried out without an application - on the initiative of the inspector. Most often, they are subject to enterprises where an accident has previously occurred or numerous violations have been identified. Before carrying out such an inspection, the inspector first warns the management of the organization.
Target Carried out at the request of the employee. Any complaint usually entails an inspection by the inspector whose territory it relates to. this enterprise. When visiting a company, an authorized person first checks the violations described in the application. If they are identified, the inspector will issue a fine and also issue an order to eliminate them, compliance with which he will check during a second visit. Also, depending on the nature of the violations, the inspector may not limit himself to an order, but take more stringent measures in accordance with his powers.

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