Postcards Happy Customs Veteran's Day. The establishment of customs at one time played a big role in the fight against smuggling

  • Celebrated: in Russia
  • Established: by resolution of the executive committee of the All-Russian Union of Customs Service Veterans on June 10, 1999
  • Significance: Dedicated to the birthday of the Soviet customs service - the issuance of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR “On the delimitation of the rights of central and local Soviet authorities to collect duties and on regulating the activities of local customs institutions” 05/29/1918
  • Traditions: Ceremonial events; honoring customs service veterans; public appearances and awards for veterans; themed concerts.

When is Customs Veterans Day celebrated?

May 29 is a professional holiday for veterans of customs services, which is widely celebrated by all those who dedicated their lives to protecting the security of the Motherland, its economic and political stability, as well as the development of military infrastructure concentrated in border areas. On this day, traditionally, they honor not only former employees customs, but also very young recruits who are yet to take up an important and responsible post.

history of the holiday

The origins of the customs service go back to the distant 17th century. Then, during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the first customs decree was signed “to collect in the state a tax on imported and exported goods in Moscow and Russian cities.” This happened on October 25, 1653. It was this event that marked the beginning of the existence of the customs service in our country. More than 200 years would pass before the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on the regulation of customs institutions was issued in 1918, which would completely transform the structure of the domestic customs service, and at the same time serve as the reason for the creation of Soviet Customs Officer Day.

Until the collapse of the USSR, May 29 will be celebrated along with the largest public holidays. In 1999, on the initiative of the executive committee of veterans of customs services, the holiday will be restored and dedicated to the old date, familiar to Soviet customs officers - May 29. As the chairman of VSVTS explained, this was done in order to preserve the continuity of generations and preserve long-standing traditions.

It is worth knowing that the work of customs officers is a difficult and responsible task. After all, these professionals must control the movement of people, Vehicle and commodity cargo across the border. This means that after retirement they have the right to their own holiday, which, according to established tradition, is celebrated with honor and dignity.

The Art of Celebration

On the day of celebrations, magnificent concerts are organized with performances by artists, congratulations to distinguished service workers, presentation of state and government awards, competitions, charity events are organized and military honors are given to honored veterans. On the eve of the festivities, the veterans' committee prepares a special message addressed to its large staff, which is read out in the meeting rooms by major political figures.

And for those who have just joined the service, this day becomes a kind of initiation, during which young employees become familiar with the centuries-old traditions of the customs service and adopt the experience of their elders. During a meeting with veterans, they comprehend the old truth of customs officers, which over time has turned into a slogan: “Customs service has a glorious past, a bright present and a promising future.”

Like representatives of any other profession, customs officers have a number of rituals and rituals unique to their profession. So, in no case is it recommended to sit in the boss’s chair during his absence. This is unlikely to lead to a promotion up the career ladder, but it could very well result in dismissal.

You should also not pick up an umbrella forgotten by one of your employees with your bare hands, because something bad might happen to its owner. The weapon should be stored with the barrel facing the window. According to superstition, the bad energy accumulating in it should evaporate from the house like a bullet. Meat dishes must be present on the festive table, because work in the customs service is hard and requires energy.

In the pre-revolutionary alphabet, the letter D was called “good.” The flag that corresponds to this letter in the code of signals of the navy means “Yes, I authorize, I agree.” This is where the expression “give the go-ahead” came from. The derivative saying “Customs gives the go-ahead” first appeared in the legendary film “White Sun of the Desert.”

Passing on traditions, ensuring the continuity of traditions and connections between generations, educating the younger generation - all these necessary tasks are carried out by veterans of the customs service, people who have dedicated their lives to protecting the foreign economic interests of the country. The establishment of customs at one time played a big role in the fight against smuggling, in restoring the country’s economy, in increasing the volume of foreign trade. Veterans of the customs service stood at the origins of the formation modern structure customs and now they have something to pass on to the younger generation. On May 29, 1918, a decree was issued delimiting the rights of local and central authorities in the matter of “collecting duties and regulating the activities of local customs institutions.” This day in the Soviet Union was celebrated as the Day of the Soviet Customs Officer, and since current veterans served during the USSR, then the date for their professional holiday They chose the usual Customs Service Veterans Day, May 29.

Show congratulations

On Customs Veterans Day,
We are glad to congratulate you today!
On this important day, on this necessary day,
Give us all a smile!

We wish you happiness, luck,
Laughter and joy, peace, kindness,
Let the mood be wonderful,
We congratulate you, gentlemen!


Veterans of the customs service,
You are, of course, an example of a hard worker,
And between you there is the strongest friendship,
That is ready to remain for centuries.
On a day that is so important to us,
We will congratulate the culprit honestly,
Let's read out the congratulations now,
So that it would be flattering for you to hear everything.


If you are bringing from abroad,
Daughter, grandmother, wife
Funny different things
The customs officer is triple happy.

What if you're carrying it illegally?
Something across the border
We are officially warning you -
Forget about freedom.

The customs officer is sometimes harsh,
And this service is hard.
We owe them peace
After all, they protect us from evil.

We congratulate the veterans
Customs throughout our country,
We wish them every success,
And silence overhead.


Customs officer, you are now a veteran,
The blizzard has silvered your temples,
But all the same, you’re on our board, bro,
Customs is our best friend.

Don't be sad and don't miss us,
Use everything to the fullest,
Veterans have a great chance
There is a river, a forest, a foamy mug.

We wish you to be healthy, like an oak tree,
It's great to live, in a good mood,
Don’t be discouraged, but visit a sports club,
Causing admiration among women!


Customs service is not simple,
The enemy flock does not sleep at the border.
We know you did a great job,
So that there is no offense for the state.

But time moves quickly forward
And now it’s your turn to rest.
May the years not be harsh on you,
And the holiday will bring everyone together again.


Young people look up to you,
You are the pride of our entire country,
Fighters with smugglers,
Honor, praise, bow and glory to you.

Many years to you, veterans,
May you be full of strength and health.
And so that you can live without troubles,
As they say, and with love.


With silver heads,
Cobwebs of wrinkles,
Respect worthy
We will hasten to congratulate you!

You, customs veterans,
We don’t pay for your work,
Behind us is a working path,
Luggage full of experience!

Import-export on guard
You stood for many years
And the younger generation
Holds your answer proudly!


You can't check the quality of the product
Imported to the native country.
But being, even a veteran
In your thoughts you are standing at your post!

We congratulate you on this holiday.
Let your life be joyful and bright!
Smugglers don't need to celebrate
Customs does not give the go-ahead for marriage!


Who guards the borders
And the goods do not pass
Smuggled, unpaid,
Banned and expired.

Who's a budget hole
It helps to patch up
From passing goods
Charges fees.

Who are citizens of relatives, strangers,
Strictly checks
And not every one of them
He lets you into the country.

The traveler knows
From country to country:
The customs officer is waiting for him
At his post.

On May 29, 2018, Russia celebrates Military Motorist Day and congratulates veterans of the Russian Customs Service on their professional holiday. In addition, Russians celebrate World Healthy Digestion Day and International Day of UN Peacekeepers. Alexander, Arkady, Georgy, Efrem, Modest, Nikolai, Peter, Fedor and Muse will celebrate their name day today.

On May 29, 2018, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Feodor the Sanctified. He was famous for his holiness of life and the creation of miracles.

People call the holiday Zhitnik, since this day was previously considered the last day of sowing spring crops. If the mountain ash blossomed on Fedor, the ancestors knew that no more frosts were expected.

Since 2000, on May 29, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have been celebrating Military Motorist Day. This professional holiday is celebrated not only by those who serve in the Automobile Troops, but also by everyone who drives any vehicle on duty.

More than a hundred years ago in St. Petersburg on this day the first Training Automobile Company was formed. Its main task was to train specialists for driving vehicles of various parts of the Russian army. In a short time it became a center for automotive technical support for Russian troops.

Military Motorist Day helps to remember your historical traditions, the merits of specialists in peacetime and war, and also pay tribute to their contribution to the country's defense.

Veterans Day of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation is celebrated on May 29

The Day of Veterans of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation also began to be celebrated in 2000. On May 29, 1918, customs services began working on the territory of the USSR for the first time. That is why this date was chosen as a holiday.

On this day, it is customary for all departments of the Russian customs to organize festive events, at which honorary veterans perform, prizes and awards are presented, and concerts are organized. Thanks to this, young specialists have the opportunity to join the wonderful traditions of the customs service.

Every year on this day it is customary to honor the memory of deceased customs officers by laying flowers at their burial places.

Folk holiday Fedor Zhitnik

On May 29, people celebrate the holiday of Fyodor Zhitnik. The church on this day honors the memory of St. Theodore the Sanctified. The holiday received another name due to the fact that May 29 is considered the last day for sowing wheat, barley, wheat, oats and rye.

On May 29, the rowan tree will definitely bloom. In ancient times, this meant that there would be no more frosts and only warm days ahead. Healers and herbalists collected rowan blossoms on this day, carefully dried them and put them in linen bags. Later it was used to prepare decoctions.

People said that thunder on Fyodor meant a good grain harvest. And if butterflies don’t fly after the rain, then bad weather will soon return.

On May 29, 1918, the Council of People's Commissars issued a Decree “On the delimitation of the rights of central and local Soviet authorities to collect duties and on regulating the activities of local customs institutions.” In general, this Decree became the first major act on the creation of Soviet customs institutions and served as the legal basis for their formation. It was May 29 that became the holiday of the USSR customs service. Customs played a significant role in the noticeable increase in the volume of foreign trade, the restoration of the national economy, and in the fight against smuggling.

Customs Day Russian Federation Since 1995, it has been celebrated on October 25, and on May 29, by resolution of the executive committee of the All-Russian Union of Customs Service Veterans, since 2000, those who have served 20 years or more have been celebrated. Customs Service Veterans Day was established “in order to preserve traditions and ensure connection and continuity of generations of customs officers.”

Customs Service Veterans Day is an occasion to celebrate the enormous work of these people for the benefit of Russia, their participation in establishing the moral foundations, traditions and principles of customs authorities. This is a holiday of those who dedicated their lives to the fight against smuggling, protecting the economic interests of the country, creating the infrastructure of a modern customs service, and transferring knowledge and experience in a difficult matter to the younger generation.

On May 29, veterans are traditionally honored - certificates of honor and gifts are presented. Also on this day, colleagues who have already passed away are remembered.

We, veterans of the customs service,
Today we want to congratulate the whole world.
You served for a long time, and there is no stronger friendship,
And now we’ll dedicate a couple of lines to her.
Friendship forever linked you with the service
And you were able to develop the infrastructure,
And the change came and I learned everything from you
And he serves so that he can be proud. ©

Veterans of the customs service!
Let congratulations ring out for you,
Wishes for happiness and friendship,
And health for your grandchildren
You must be sure:
All your dreams will come true,
You will find the source of happiness,
A treasure trove of wisdom and kindness! ©

Cargo is imported and exported,
people go in all directions
Customs escorts them off
And meets the trains.
Long years to you, veterans,
strength, health and prosperity,
Once upon a time visit the countries
Where it is warm, beautiful, sweet. ©

Veterans sit at the glorious customs -
It is no accident that I am standing;
It’s too early for you to retire:
After all, you are still in service,
Bound by a strong, proven friendship -
So, you can do anything!
On Customs Service Veterans Day
I want to congratulate you! ©

You have served for many years
For the benefit of the Motherland and people.
Let you not give the go-ahead to everyone,
But it will be more reliable.
I wish you in your declining years,
May all your dreams come true.
Let fate not say “no” to you,
And so that your family loves you. ©

We praise customs officers,
We always remember them.
Today we congratulate them,
And let's give this verse!
On the day of customs officers we will
Congratulations to veterans.
People respect you!
Congratulations! Keep it up! ©

Customs is not an easy task
Unsafe at times.
The path will be closed for the smuggler
Customs valiant hero.
And at the veterans' customs
No wonder there are gray hairs at the temples.
With years of invaluable experience
They stand on the borders.
Today we congratulate them all,
Our deepest bow to them.
Customs of our veterans -
Reliable barrier to the Motherland! ©

They did a great job at customs,
Sparing no effort, for many years.
Smuggling has always been discovered
How did you save the country from troubles?
We congratulate you, veterans!
And we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness in the home, love and health,
May all things be well! ©

May 29 is a professional holiday for those who gave their debt to the Motherland while serving in the customs service. It is officially believed that the beginning of the work of the customs service coincides with the date of May 29, 1918, when the customs service of the RSFSR was formed by decision of the Council of People's Commissars. And it was this date that during the Soviet era formed the basis of the holiday “Day of the Soviet Customs Officer”. However, the customs service was originally organized back in 1653, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich established a customs service to collect trade taxes on foreign goods (this date formed the basis of Customs Day).
After the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Customs Service became the legal successor of the USSR Customs Service. By decision of the President, a decree was adopted on organizing a professional holiday for customs service workers. Since 1999, May 29 has received the status of “Customs Service Veteran’s Day.” At the same time, it was decided not to postpone the celebration of this day to another date.
It is on this day that meetings with industry veterans are organized in all customs areas, certificates and valuable gifts are presented.
Veterans Day of the Customs Service is an official holiday included in the register of memorable and holiday dates of the Russian Federation. Not a holiday (if it falls on a weekday).

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