How to learn to deal with laziness. How to deal with laziness effectively

Well, that's it, a new week will come and I'll start new life. I will start doing exercises, get a new, more profitable and interesting job, quit smoking, drinking. Don't you think that these words are inherent in the vast majority of us? How often do we vow to ourselves that everything will change and a new life will begin. And for this, you need nothing at all - to take up your mind and start acting. How easy it seems to get up on a Monday when you think about it on a Saturday night. That decisive day comes - but there is no strength to get up. Yes, and the desire has disappeared somewhere. Why is this happening? Are there ways by which you can easily cope with morning sleep and get up without laziness to exercise? Of course, and we will now study the important details of working on ourselves in order. But for this you need to get acquainted with the main enemy of mankind - laziness and how to deal with it.

What is laziness

From the point of view of psychology, laziness is a lack of desire to work and a lack of doing something, to show at least some effort to complete tasks. Experts point out that laziness belongs to the volitional sphere of each person and, as a rule, is perceived as a negative, negative quality. In medicine, laziness is neither a disease nor an unhealthy psychological condition. Rather, it is a signal of the body that there is a moment of conflict between a person’s desires and his duty.

No one will argue with the fact that there is nothing positive in this word. But it is a satellite of mankind from the first moment. And so it continues to go toe to toe with us and creates reasons for us to abandon actions, thoughts, etc.

It was an integral part of our essence and led to the destruction of family relationships, wars, and suppressed the desire to achieve something. But let's take a closer look and think about how harmful it is to us?

Laziness is our enemy

Let's remember how many troubles were caused to people because of the banal unwillingness to go out into the yard with a cigarette or even throw it out the window. Too lazy to "change shoes" on the car winter tires and that's why tragedy happened. The engineer was too lazy to once again check the condition of the aircraft landing gear or engines, the crash of the liner led to numerous tragedy. The sad list can be continued, but is it worth pointing out once again that the masses suffered from the laziness of one person or a small group of people. Now let's move on to a barrel of honey in a fly in the ointment.

Laziness is our main ally

And this is also known from an early age, because we now and then hear that it is the main engine of progress. Let's remember the most convenient gadgets and inventions for us, created precisely because of banal laziness. How hard it was for our fathers and mothers to constantly jump up from the sofa and change channels on the TV. Fortunately, they only had 4-5 channels at that time. Now there are all 1000 of them and how could we constantly bounce from a warm place. The remote control helps us with this. And there was, God bless him, the man who invented this, well, very important thing. The same is with the elevator, going up to the 3rd floor is already difficult. What would we do? Prices for apartments on the lower floors would be the most expensive, well, and so on. All innovations created by people, spurred on by banal laziness, are presented as achievements of science. So - thanks to her, the same laziness.

What is laziness - types

  1. Physical. For each of us, life is movement. We run to school, work, take care of the housework, carry out various kinds of assignments, etc. As a result, natural fatigue occurs, that is, the body gives signals that a lot of energy has been expended and time is needed for its new accumulation. You can not ignore this process, you need to treat your body with care, and listen to its "requests". Stop, relax, take a break.
  2. Emotional laziness. It is also called spiritual and it is impossible to hide. Such a person is betrayed by complete indifference to others, he automatically performs some actions, feelings are atrophied. Many people are probably familiar with the term “burnout syndrome”. So, a person who has experienced excessive fatigue and against this background a breakdown will do everything on duty. But don't assume that this is the end of it. As a rule, the condition is aggravated by a nervous breakdown, mental disorders, and somatic disorders.

    To recover, you need bright colors, an emotional shake-up. An extreme sport will help someone, while others need to throw out emotions - beat the effigy of the authorities, shout or sob into the pillow, etc.

    If the reasons are hard, hard work, try to change it. Otherwise, you risk getting a serious breakdown and mental disorder.

  3. Spiritual laziness. The quintessence of all types of laziness - emotional, physical, mental. The person is tired of everything and needs serious, professional help. It is necessary to consult a psychotherapist, take sedatives and rest - complete and relaxing. We can say that there are obvious signs of mental illness - a person has lost the meaning of life, his soul is “empty”, he does not know how to live on and no motivation to move forward. Next is a dead end. Unfortunately, if help is not provided in time, a disastrous outcome is possible.

    In this state, a person can help himself and himself. You need to pull yourself together and work on yourself. Take a time out and try your best to get out of the vicious circle. And yet, do what you dreamed about before. If you wanted to write a book, start the first pages. Poems - reflect on paper your feelings.

  4. Creative laziness. This "ailment" is more common in people who strive to show perfectionism in everything. And if they are given a task that needs to be completed in too short a time, then there is a refusal of all desires. The prospect that it is impossible to cope with the task leads the psychological state, first to despair, then to complete apathy and unwillingness to do anything. And these are not the whims of a person, his brain refuses to perform its functions.

    The only thing you can do is relax. Take a vacation, weekend and leave, get away from the hustle and bustle. It is advisable not to think about work, tasks at all during the rest. Change the "decoration" - go to parties, take a walk in the woods, ride a boat, go diving.

    Psychologists also distinguish philosophical laziness, in which a person abandons the old foundations. It is easier for him to believe, for example, in Buddhism, in which no actions have power. There is no need to force yourself to fast, to fulfill the commandments. But it is worth noting that this is not a type of laziness, but a banal desire to live in this way.

  5. Laziness, because they force. Psychologists say that every person himself wants to be the initiator of his actions. But if he is forced to do something, apathy and unwillingness immediately set in. He must be aware of himself as a person and do only what he wants to do. Can't say it's correct setting question, otherwise everyone would have to be masters, bosses, directors, etc. Remember your school years, because the assigned lessons were a burden to us. Most of us have been looking for a lot of reasons not to do them. But at the same time, we read books that were not included in the school curriculum avidly.
  6. Laziness is a myth. Each of us is periodically ready to believe what his lazy mind says. For example, your child decided to take a pencil and draw a flower. You immediately object - it still won't work. But the skills of art are acquired only when you try and try to draw those very circles. And here is another, very common example of false signals. Your friends managed to earn money for an apartment, a car. You would also like to be in their place and enjoy the expanses of luxury housing. But at this moment, thoughts arise: “Why do you need this, do you live worse than others?”, Or “So what, but they spent a lot of time and money.” But it would be right if ideas like: “Come on, dare, you will succeed too!”, “Show yourself in business, because you have talent, will, the main thing is to want!” etc. But other beliefs more often settle in us - “It is unlikely that I can”, “I will not succeed”. It is these thoughts that hinder our actions and force us to be content with what we have, they do not give an incentive, motivation in order to change the type of behavior. All these are myths, invented by our own subconscious, the reasons that slow down the process. If you want to achieve something, start with the head. That is, fill yourself with positive, self-confidence, you must truly want to live better, more interesting.

    Important: the victory over your own laziness is the most important and very difficult task. But if you manage to achieve this, consider that all problems are nothing!

    And finally, laziness is pleasure. Well, which of us was not so pleasant to soak up in a warm bed or sit at the TV screen, drinking warm tea. Yes, there are things to be done, work to be completed. But sometimes the soul and body simply need that same laziness. Perhaps this is one of the most better ways pamper yourself. Well, sometimes you can, and why not?!

What is needed for action

Having studied the main types of laziness and the causes of their occurrence, it is easier to learn how to get rid of it. If you take strength “into a fist” and start working on yourself, then you can achieve everything that you dreamed about. Well, or at least a lot.

There is a wise Chinese proverb: "If you have the will, you can turn the mountains into a field!". And here it’s not like moving mountains, you don’t want to get up from the sofa.

Decide on your goal. Before you begin to act, it is necessary, which can only be achieved by active actions. And if there is no desire to move from a place here either, maybe the goal is not the same? After all, if she were the one you really sincerely dream of, the most inveterate lazy person would get up from the “bed”. What could be causing:

  1. You don't love your job. Most likely, earlier you wished for something else, made other plans. But at some point, I had to turn myself around and stand “at the machine” out of necessity, for earnings, in order to show everyone how successful you are.
  2. It seems that you love your job, but there is a fear that you will not be able to achieve any success or, on the contrary, become too successful. Many are afraid that having received an excellent result, more will be required of you.
  3. If there is no goal at all, then there is nowhere to move. There is no motivation, no reason to take action.
  4. You have outgrown your own position, you need to raise the bar of tasks, that is, set other, higher goals.

Actions. In order to start, we need energy, momentum. But if we spend money along the way, we will not have the strength to achieve our goals. Perhaps this is not only physical, but also mental, that is, moral fatigue. The body will never tune in to work if it is tired and will simply “sabotage” the beginning. Also, our body is able to recognize signs. If at the level of intuition it is felt that actions will not lead to the goal, laziness will immediately make itself felt.

Result. Rejoice if you have achieved what you wished for. Now there is an impulse to take other actions, as there is already a powerful motivation to move on.

Or maybe you already had an achieved result, and for some reason, it did not suit you? Well, that often happens. But how, everyone learns from their mistakes, so you need to think in more detail about your goals, actions, and then the desired result will be achieved.

How to overcome your laziness

Well, the question is certainly not an easy one. You will have to try hard to get rid of this quality. But first of all, it is necessary to determine its signals, to deal with its causes. And if everything is in order - act, applying the advice of experienced psychologists.

  1. Release yourself from obligations. If you owe something to someone, give it back, and at the same time return yours. In the case when there is no such possibility - forgive the debt, because it also happens that people are not able to return what they have taken. Moreover, give easily, with kindness and a smile, and never regret.
  2. If someone was promised something - fulfill this word, as for yourself - then also act or get rid of them. Past desires that you have not been able to fulfill, like a ballast, are pulling you “down”, taking away energy.
  3. Perform a simple ritual - reflect on a clean sheet of desire, intentions that you decided to let go. Literally say these words aloud - fully intent and the word "Let go". Someone will laugh and think that we are doing magic here, but this is not so. Often, words spoken aloud are more firmly deposited in our minds and allow us to put an end to their decision.
  4. Put the house in full order, make a "general". Get rid of junk, broken, cracked dishes. If some little thing is not to your liking, give it as a gift or just put it on the street, and someone will pick it up. It is strictly forbidden to keep a broken clock in the house. Collect them in a pile and take them to the master. If they are dear to you, ask them to fix them and pay for it. If not, let them stay with the watchmaker.
  5. General cleaning is also necessary for the state of mind of a person. If there are conflicts, misunderstandings, reticence - "close" these questions. Ask for forgiveness, resolve the conflict. If the other side is not available - write a message, a letter, as a last resort, talk to yourself. In any case, you did everything you could. There is a great "two chairs" method. Sitting on one - speak for yourself, on the other - for "that guy." In the course of the "conversation", give arguments and come to an agreement.
  6. Visit the church, light a candle for the health of all relatives, friends and loved ones. Pray for the repose of the departed. Take communion, repent of your sins. This item is the most effective and powerful for those who strive to start new achievements.

How to do things right

Following the example of the legendary Eisenhower, it is necessary to distribute cases as follows:

  1. The most important, urgent. If they are not done, then problems with health, personal life, work, etc. are possible.
  2. Important, but not urgent: the main thing is to start them and over time they will turn into urgent ones, but you will be half ready.
  3. Urgent but not important is routine. Such cases include the banal washing of windows, the request of a friend. Try to choose a time to complete, otherwise you risk having another important and urgent task.
  4. It doesn't matter and it's not urgent. Such cases can be abandoned without problems, in extreme cases, postponed for a longer period of execution. For example, constantly watching TV, chatting on the phone, lying on the couch, etc.

How to get started

In order not to slow down and easily begin to act, you need to break the task you have set yourself into stages.

  1. Who are you by nature - an owl or a lark? Now find the time of day when you feel the most active and alert. Plan things for this segment.
  2. To get rid of fatigue and get a boost of energy to perform - slow down. Take 10 minutes of rest, breathe properly - long inhale and exhale. At the same time, you do not need to be distracted by other things: TV, phone, gadgets, etc. Well, tired of standing like that? Start acting and everything will go like clockwork.
  3. Switch your brain from physical to mental activities, or vice versa. Sign up for a yoga, martial arts, fitness, shaping, etc. studio.
  4. Before you is a job that is extremely unpleasant for you, but you need to do it! Great way: count to five and start doing it immediately. Remember how we plunged into the ice hole? They froze, took in air and let's go to the font. Exactly the same here!
  5. To get an additional charge, turn on rhythmic music that will allow you to be more active and uplift your mood. And this is already half the battle.
  6. Reward yourself for your actions. Promise that you will allow yourself a small piece of delicious cake or a coveted dress if you manage to complete the task. You can also treat yourself to communication on the Internet, by phone, etc.
  7. Try not to notice "mistakes", but remember only the positive moments in achieving your goals. For example: well, let me sleep a little, but I can catch up if I stay a little late at work.
  8. Don't turn down the offer of help. At the beginning of the journey, it is always difficult to do everything alone. After all, you also do not mind offering your services when others need it. And who does not know how to appreciate help, do not learn to give.
  9. Get rid of the ballast in the environment. Do not tolerate whiners next to you, lazy people who pull back with their habits. Meet bright, open and active personalities, team up with them and achieve your desires together.

As you can see, there are many ways by which you can begin to act decisively, and not wait for the weather by the sea.

Laziness cannot be defeated

Believe me, there is no person in the world who would not be lazy to do something. Everyone, without exception, periodically wants to quit everything, not get out of bed, forget about obligations. And this is the absolute truth - it is completely impossible to overcome laziness. All that a person is capable of is to force himself to act, overcoming reluctance and apathy. Motivation is important, without which it is impossible to take a step, because there is no point in action. In the modern world, when everyone lives on everything ready, laziness has become the scourge of young people. All they do is try not to move from their place and wait for "manna from heaven."

The main motivator in achieving your plans is a person's optimism. Get rid of negative thoughts, tune in to success in advance, believe in your plans - and they will come true. If you want to play sports, start with light gymnastics. If you want to get additional education, start by attending courses, etc. No one claims that you can come out the winner the first time. The main thing is to start and believe in yourself. Listen to the expression "Who conquered laziness - he will be able to conquer the whole world!". So stop lying on the couch, make a dash, open the curtains and enjoy a new day. No need to wait for Monday, otherwise you will never start a new life.

Oh, this laziness - and how to deal with it? Perhaps there is no person in the world who has not suffered from this disease at least once in his life. We are not talking about temporary fatigue, when doing something is not possible, but about a state of mind when all goals fade before the temptation to sleep in a warm bed for an hour or even skip work, lying about an imaginary illness.

Although, you are not so far from the truth when you refer to the authorities for an illness in the hope that you will be released on sick leave. Scientists have proven that laziness is a disease. But not physiological, but psychological. Simply put, laziness is a disease of the soul. And in order to determine how to deal with laziness, it is necessary to find out why there is an unfortunate reluctance to do something.

Classification of loafers

  • Physical laziness

Almost all the inhabitants of the planet suffer from this disease from time to time. Especially at the end of winter, when there are not enough vitamins and the vital potential of the body is reduced. The person becomes lethargic, sleepy and inactive. It is not for nothing that labor productivity in production and the overall performance of students at school fall with the onset of cold weather.

However, this ailment is easily treated by taking vitamins or a standard cup of strong coffee in the morning, which will help to cheer up.

  • unorganized laziness

This type of person himself suffers from his illness, as he is not averse to moving mountains and achieving success. But he doesn't know how to do it. A person, having set a goal, simply does not see the ways to achieve it. Or he sees too many opportunities and rushes from side to side, never having achieved what he wanted. As a result, the goal remains the goal, the efforts are invaluable, and the person himself is stigmatized as an idler.

Meanwhile, overcoming unorganized laziness is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose positions where all responsibilities are clearly defined and you will not need to come up with your own action plan. And, of course, you need to develop self-organization: get yourself a diary in which every morning write down plans for the day, keep all promises and punish yourself if you missed something because of your own laziness.

  • Laziness from boredom

It happens at the moment when a person ceases to be interested in the world around him. Everything seems bland, boring and banal. In this case, some habitually run in a vicious circle (work - home - home - work), and someone gives up and plunges into the abyss of laziness. This person no longer sees the point in achieving any goals. He's just not interested in life.

How to deal with laziness from boredom? Diversity. If you are overwhelmed by longing - take a vacation, buy a ticket to some distant exotic country and leave your familiar environment for a while. A change of scenery usually has a beneficial effect on a person. Can't leave? There are plenty of other ways to shake things up. Skydiving, extreme driving, overhaul in an apartment (those who have gone through this stage in their lives will agree that repairs are tantamount to an earthquake. There is no time for laziness!).

  • Fear of responsibility

The most destructive laziness is when a person is simply afraid to do something. The fear of failure is much stronger than the joy of achieving a goal. Usually, people who were strongly guarded by their parents in childhood can “boast” of this ailment. Mom and dad simply did not give the child the opportunity to act independently. And when a son or daughter did decide to take some action, the parents criticized the results. Why such guardianship? Just subconsciously, the mother and father did not want their baby to grow up. They subconsciously understood that the longer the child will depend on them, the more time he will live in his father's house.

It is quite difficult to destroy irresponsible laziness. To do this, it is necessary to get rid of children's complexes and excessive parental care. And if a good psychologist can handle the first point, then a loving mother can show resistance to her child’s desire to become an independent person. Therefore, we advise you to stock up on patience and inflexibility.

  • Fear of difficulties

This laziness is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one, but proceeds in a milder form. A person is capable of deeds, but in no way can he take on a major project, in every possible way delaying the moment of starting work. He does thousands of small things that other people could do, and most importantly, he remains motionless. And the essence of the problem is not at all in the natural laziness of a person, but in an elementary fear of possible difficulties. Moreover, the larger the project, the more difficult it is to take on it.

How to deal with laziness that grows out of fear? Break a big goal down into smaller ones. Need to write thesis? Divide it mentally into chapters and persuade yourself to write an introductory part in a week. Then the next piece of work and the next. Believe me, step by step deal with big project much easier.

  • Love for idleness

This laziness is the most inveterate and unscrupulous. A person is happy to immerse himself in watching his favorite TV shows, knowing that the husband will bring money for food, and the grandmother will bring the child from school. An idle lifestyle is sometimes so addictive that people stop doing even the most elementary things. For example, they put off washing dishes or ironing clothes.

The favorite proverb of such a loafer is "work is not a wolf, it will not run away into the forest." She really does not run away anywhere, she only looks longingly in the form of dirty corners and unwashed windows. If we talk about female laziness, then it very often overtakes a defenseless victim on maternity leave. The child has already grown up, she has not yet got a job. You can take time for yourself. But in the end, the days fly by unnoticed and in complete inactivity, reminding each other.

If maternity laziness has overcome you and you don’t know how to deal with it, we will tell you what to do. Get to work. You won't tell your boss that you deserve a break because you've been looking after your child for three years. And you can not bribe the pallor of the face. Though through force, but you have to get up early in the morning. You will see, a week or two will pass, and laziness will take off as if by hand.

Universal ways to deal with laziness

“What is laziness and how to deal with it?” you think when you realize that another day has passed you by. And if we have quite successfully dealt with the first part of the question, then the second still requires its own answer. There are many options for what the fight against laziness should look like, and each of us will probably have to choose our own most effective one. Shall we try?

  1. Reward

    Try to reward yourself with something for doing unpleasant work. For some, a chocolate can be a reward. For some, going to the movies. You can change the methods of reward so that they do not become boring. Especially when it comes to chocolate. Moreover, the greater the amount of work performed, the better the prize should be. And then gradually a “work-reinforcement” connection will form in your brain, and it is quite possible that you will no longer need a chocolate bar in the future.

  2. Always start with the most difficult and unpleasant thing

    In the morning, when there is a lot of strength and energy, it is best to “finish off” the largest amount of work that you don’t want to do at all. Just don’t fool yourself by persuading: I’ll do what’s easier now, tune in, and only after that I’ll take on the difficult. Take it right away, otherwise the day will pass for small things, and again you will not have time to do anything.

  3. Plan

    Very effective method. Moreover, he helps not only lazy, but also hardworking people overwhelmed with work. The more carefully you plan your day, the more things you can get done. Write a plan in advance, in the evening, so that the morning routine is ready. Firstly, in the evening you have time to remember all the planned things. And secondly, in the morning you will definitely find some excuse for yourself and not include a couple of items in the daily routine. When planning, do not forget that doctors advise alternating mental and physical labor. Well, do not forget about the small five-minute breaks to “be lazy”.

  4. Arrange a competition

    Nothing is more capable of fighting laziness than the spirit of competition. Argue with a friend: who will be the first to write a diploma. Or which of you will get the highest score on the exam. In any other case, you would be too lazy to lecture. But in front of a friend somehow uncomfortable! Yes, and I myself want to prove that you, if not better, then, in any case, are no worse than the second arguer.

  5. Clean up on the table

    Very often, heaps of “necessary” papers on the table prevent you from gathering your thoughts. Do a little cleaning. At the same time, tune in to work. By the way, this applies not only to the table, but to the entire workspace as a whole. Yes and appearance order can add energy and tone.

It happens that quite energetic and successful man. He loads himself with work again and again, complaining that he does not have time for anything. In this situation, we are not talking about laziness, but about workaholism. These people are struggling with “laziness”, while they have to fight with themselves, forcing themselves to at least sometimes be distracted from work.

In addition, laziness is sometimes very useful. No wonder it is called the engine of progress. Anyone tired of hand washing clothes? Invented the washing machine. Tired of walking? Please give me a car. Therefore, asking yourself a question about the fight against laziness, think about it: is it necessary to get rid of it? Or is life just pushing you to the next brilliant discovery?

Talk 12

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What is laziness, everyone knows firsthand: who has not had to be lazy! Laziness is the lack of desire to do something.

There are many proverbs and sayings about laziness: “Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils”, “A lazy person in the middle of the river asks for a drink”, “A lazy spinner has no shirt for himself”, etc. Many folk parables are also devoted to laziness, and traditionally laziness is considered vice. Being lazy is bad, because “water doesn’t flow under a lying stone,” and a lazy person, as a rule, lives at someone’s expense, that is, simply a freeloader.

When we say: “I won’t do it because I’m lazy”, deep down we understand that the task is not interesting to us or we feel it is useless, therefore we internally resist its implementation. At the same time, we are trying in every possible way to take time, just not to do what the soul does not lie in. After all, laziness is not necessarily doing nothing.

A student who, to put it mildly, does not love his own, will prefer to sit aimlessly on the Internet, talk on the phone for hours, play “shooters”, just not to do what he has to do at the moment.

Another example: you can be lazy for years if a person understands that he will never be useful to him.

3. Perhaps the main reason for laziness is a lack of motivation.

The human body is designed in such a way that it guides us to the actions necessary for our survival. Where there are basic instincts, there is no laziness. For example, it is unlikely that a healthy person will be too lazy to eat if he is very hungry.

In more complex cases of behavior due to motivation or lack of it, everything is not so simple. For example, an unemployed husband lies in front of the TV, and an irritated wife is ashamed and persuades him. But he is too lazy, because everything suits him, except, of course, his wife's notations. However, the pleasure of being able to lie on the couch outweighs the annoyance of her words, so he will continue to be lazy. Most likely, he will budge only when the electricity is turned off for debts, the products run out, that is, when this situation no longer suits him and when he has motivation (unless, of course, the same wife continues to provide him).

This is too simple an example, but it says that if there is no motivation, then there is no energy, and the person becomes lazy.

The lack of proper motivation, for example, appropriate remuneration, on the part of management can lead to the laziness of the entire team in any field of activity. And this disease is dangerous because it progresses. In this case, each employee will wait for someone else to do his work, and not himself.

4. Lack of dopamine

Some scientists have concluded that laziness can be inherited due to the laziness gene, which prevents the brain tissue from producing enough of a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Dopamine is involved in the formation of motivation and has an invigorating effect on the body. The lack of dopamine makes a person lethargic and inert.

Although, of course, it’s easiest to justify your doing nothing with the words: “I was born that way, you won’t go against nature.”

5. Laziness is contagious

Spending too much time in the company of inert people, we run the risk of becoming lazy and becoming the same.

Is it possible to overcome laziness?

In fact, there are many methods for dealing with laziness. At the same time, some of the chronic lazy people came to the conclusion that it is impossible to fight laziness - but it can be used profitably by making friends with it. That is, do not waste energy on fighting it, forcing yourself to do uninteresting things, work through “I don’t want to”, but do less, but what you like and leads to success.

Some people joke: "Laziness can be overcome, but laziness."

In addition, there is an opinion that in most cases the fight against laziness is the cause. The loser in this fight experiences disappointment, dissatisfaction, which can ultimately lead to depression.

However, why not try? Moreover, knowing the reason for our own laziness, it will be easier for us to do this.

1. Review the regime of the day and nutrition

A person who has been possessed by apathy, lack of interest in anything and unwillingness to do anything due to fatigue and a decrease in vitality, nothing can force him to work until he returns to his previous form. So, he must rest and reconsider the regimen of the day and nutrition.

Natural stimulants are used as tonics for physical and mental overwork: tincture of Eleutherococcus, Schisandra chinensis and ginseng root.

2. Take a closer look at the people around us

If it turns out that we copy their behavior and easily succumb to other people's influence, in particular, we adopt the habit of idly spending our time, it is worth gradually changing the environment. No wonder they say that the king is made by the retinue.

3. Motivate yourself

To defeat laziness, you need to have a decent incentive and clearly imagine the benefits of our actions, that is, motivation, which will serve as a driving force for us on the way to the intended goal.

4. Sometimes still be too lazy

There is a parable about laziness: after death, one person ended up in a wonderful place where you could do nothing, just enjoy delicious food and get all kinds of pleasures. And so time passed in idleness, until such a life bored man. And he asked a white-robed creature passing by when he could at least do something, because such a life is worse than hell. To which the creature replied: “Where do you think you got to?”.

Thus, if sometimes you want to be lazy, you need to give yourself such an opportunity. After a while, idleness will bore us, and we ourselves will develop vigorous activity.

5. Remind yourself often that life is short and there is no time to be lazy

Sometimes it’s worth making an effort on yourself and instead of saying “I have to do this”, say to yourself: “I want to do this”, because “the road will be mastered by the walking one”. Otherwise, if we do not learn to manage our lives ourselves, there is a great risk that someone else will manage it. And not always deserving of trust and respect.

Friends, hello everyone! Let's talk about how to deal with laziness.

I think that when you read the title of the article, you exclaimed in your hearts: “Oh, yes! There is a problem!”…

What is there to dissemble, all of us from time to time (and someone constantly) faces the problem of our own laziness and inability to overcome ourselves and start (and continue!) Do what needs to be done.

How to be? Is there anything you can do to help yourself at times like these? What are the real causes of laziness and is it always really laziness?

Today's article will be about all this, read on, we will understand these issues that are relevant to us together!

So, how to deal with laziness effectively?

From this article you will learn:

How to fight laziness and become effective?

The very first step in the fight against laziness: take it, and then everything will be much easier!

Today, there are a lot of ways to deal with laziness, and many of them, by and large, are aimed purely at MANIFESTATIONS of laziness itself, at somehow overcoming it.

Of course, you can take and overcome your "attacks of laziness" one-two-three times, but! But soon you notice that you are already “stimulating” and “pushing” yourself in this way ... yes, you are already too lazy! ☺

That's right, such “quilting yourself” is very energy-consuming for the body. This is the first.

And the second, and most important, is that the CAUSES of the lazy state are never eliminated with this approach!

So, friends, we won’t talk about standard and inefficient ways to overcome laziness, this “good” is already full on the Internet. I want to tell you about how to get rid of laziness FOREVER.

And the most reliable and surest way to do this is to deal with the REASONS for laziness.

The main causes of laziness in a person - how to deal with laziness

It is unlikely that we always understand the reasons for our laziness. It's one thing when we are physically or mentally tired, then - yes, then everything is clear with this.

In this case, our laziness is quite natural, and it's not even laziness, but simply a logical requirement of our body to just relax.

But it turns out that, most often, the reasons for laziness are incomprehensible to us: that's just laziness and that's it!

Just in this case, the state of laziness arises for the following reasons:

  1. The lack of a clear goal and understanding of what we want, what we need for this, and how to do it.
  2. Various fears: the fear that we will not succeed at all in what needs to be done. Or the fear of a bad result, not the one that is needed in the end. And also the fear of success: I will do it, everything will be ok and ... and then what, what next? fear of success and the fact that everything will work out. And also the fear of condemnation from others, the fear of criticism and so on ...
  3. Disbelief in one’s own strengths, in one’s abilities, rather low self-esteem. Because once, from parents and other people, we learned: “Don’t stand out!”, “Sit quietly!”, “You can’t do it!” (when we started doing something), “Keep your head down!”, “Sit quietly!” etc. It may seem that we have forgotten all this for a long time, so many years have passed! And, in fact, it disappears only from our memory, but, in the subconscious, everything is preserved. And then quite tangibly affects our whole life ...
  4. Internal protest forgiving that the thing NEEDED to be done. Without any reservations. Dot. It is this feeling of OBLIGATION that we feel that makes our psyche resist this “obligation”. There is a protest: I will not! Unfortunately, often, even when we understand intellectually what SHOULD be done, that for ourselves it is good, it is beneficial, etc. But we are still "stuck" ...
  5. Why? Because our protest against any “must” developed in childhood, when we were forced to go to school every day, do our homework, make the bed, brush our teeth, do various tasks for our parents around the house, etc.
  6. When we exaggerate the complexity of the work to be done. This terribly prevents us from even just taking it and proceeding with it. Especially when it's a big job that requires a lot of work. In this case, we look at the entire scope of work at once, in its entirety, and are horrified at how difficult it is, and how it is, in principle, impossible to implement. Seems logical, but wrong. And we will be introduced to such a "logic" ...
  7. Sometimes laziness is caused by very boring and routine work, conflicts with employees, a feeling of indignation from unfairly distributed duties among team members by the boss, etc.

Laziness, as a result of the lack of vital energy

Laziness can also occur as a result of the loss of vital energy for completely banal reasons, how to deal with laziness:

  1. From the side of physics, this is lack of sleep, disturbed daily routine, frequent use of junk food, heavy food, eating late, lack of physical activity every day, lack of vitamins, B, minerals, sunlight and clean air and water, and so on ...
  2. On the part of the psyche - this is dissatisfaction with one's life, too frequent "self-eating", a sense of guilt, insufficient self-respect. As well as hidden, and unforgiven grievances, wasting vital energy on empty chatter on the phone, social. networks, gossip, envy, anger, swearing, rejection of someone or something, and so on ...
  3. · If we have done something before, trying to somehow change the situation in our lives (especially if it was about quite serious things), and we did not succeed. Especially if they did it more than once, and as a result there was a failure.

In this case, we develop a persistent disbelief in ourselves, based on “quite logical reasons”, we cannot overcome the negative memories that arise in ourselves.

And, whenever we just think that “it would be nice to try to do this and that again”, then we literally “sausage” from the mere thought of it! And, of course, we do nothing again...

All these reasons terribly take away our strength and energy. Of course, in such cases, we simply DO NOT have it for any cases!

The saddest thing is that these reasons are practically not realized by us in Everyday life, this is their deceit!

In fact, there are many more reasons for laziness. But there's no point in delving into it too much.

The main ones were listed here, and this is quite enough to understand something for yourself, realize it and start doing something with it.

How to deal with laziness?

If we want success in this matter, if we are tired of being a “great unwilling person”, then we must certainly cleanse ourselves of all the above “garbage”.

By solving this issue, we will not only not give laziness a single chance to further destroy our lives, but we will also solve many of our other problems.

So, how to deal with laziness:

  • You can deal with laziness quickly enough if you take the time to clearly set a goal and determine what prevents us from starting work. If among the reasons you identified there were serious problems, then you need to think about how you can get around them: maybe you need to entrust this business (or some part of it) to other people, and do something that doesn’t cause you a “lazy stupor” .

Remember: there are no identical people, and someone with absolutely no problems can take on that business (or part of it), which drives you into panic and irritation from the fact that this must be done without fail.

  • Set goals for yourself that are achievable so you don't give up every time you think about how much you need to get done. Your motivation will not disappear if you clearly understand that everything is feasible.
  • There is another type of people who need to set “sky-high” goals, those that, at first glance, seem impossible. Such people are ignited by the very grandiosity of the goal, its breadth, scope, they are motivated by future results. You don’t “motivate” such people with something that can be done in “one-two-three”, they are bored, not interested, and they don’t even want to get down to business.

This way of overcoming laziness, in fact, has a lot of fans who prefer to set goals that “take your breath away” and do not even sleep at night from overflowing inspiration.

Decide what goals motivate you - small or grandiose, and boldly start!

It is best, if you are not yet experienced in goal setting, to set the goal of the “golden mean”: its bar should not be too low, otherwise you will not be interested, but not too high, otherwise you simply will not want to do anything, because you will think about how difficult it is.

  • Set goals that make you happy. Not only by its result, but also by what awaits you in the process of achieving them.
  • Set yourself time to complete your goal. It can motivate you when you clearly understand how much time you have left.

It doesn't suit everyone.

Many people don't want to have the "sword hanging over their ear" of time, they are so much more effective when they are not limited. But, as soon as any deadlines appear, they are completely repulsed by the desire to move on. This can manifest itself as an internal protest.

What to do?

Either realize it and deal with it, or, if you are already effective and not lazy, do everything on time, then don’t change anything. For what?

  • Perfectly removes "attacks of laziness" visualization of desires. These can be pictures, photos and notes of your desires that need to be re-read regularly. And also reflections, unhurried meditation, dreams about the upcoming results.
  • If the goal is global, and you understand that you are "reversing" at the mere thought of it, then break the goal into stages of achieving it - small "sub-goals", and focus on completing one step each time. Once done, move on to the next one. So, “having eaten an elephant piece by piece”, you will certainly come to your goal without hanging in a state of laziness.
  • Get your priorities right. When you clearly know what is important to you, what is important, what is secondary, this will reduce the likelihood of laziness.
  • Very often we are too strict with ourselves when we evaluate our actions and results. This leads to delay, and then to loss of results. This is because the ideal is unattainable, and the rigid limits that we set for ourselves give rise to nothing but laziness ...
  • The desire to do something can disappear in the process itself. It would seem that you started something, and even with joy, but then something stalled, motivation disappeared, laziness rolled in, you don’t want anything already, you think, “do I need it all this”, etc.

The most important thing in such a situation is to understand that this happens to everyone, and this is normal when laziness periodically attacks and you want to retreat, quit, be lazy ... There is no such thing that everything was “smooth and okay” from beginning to end.

Don't fight it, don't repress it, be aware and accept it as a fact, as an inevitable "side effect".

Observations show that, having ceased to struggle with this, to resist, to blame oneself for laziness, etc., a person ceases to be lazy and becomes "suddenly" many times more effective!

  • Be sure to motivate yourself with everything you can: it can be any kind of encouragement in the form of snacks, a movie, relaxing and spending time with friends and family, and so on.
  • Praise yourself, write down your achievements, tell yourself more often that you are capable, smart, that you are doing everything right and you always succeed, that you are always lucky. This works, because often the reason for laziness is in low self-esteem, in the belief that we are small, weak, incapable individuals that were once instilled in us ...

Gradually, little by little, you will see the result yourself, it will inspire you, and you will no longer need to praise yourself, you will already, deep inside yourself, firmly know that you can do whatever you want!

  • Just start. Yes, that's right, friends!

Many people, having succumbed to laziness, "sink" in it for so long that they simply cannot and do not want to move and do anything ... Motivation is at zero. Rewarding yourself doesn't help. Goals are not inspiring.

How to overcome laziness?

Take the first step. One. And just START. Despite any "cries of the mind" and the resistance of the body.

Get Started! This is a “trickster” that has been tested by many (and by me personally more than once!) and which easily launches a new impulse. And then everything goes like clockwork.

My own “life hack” that ALWAYS helps me get up and start doing what I need to do: DO NOT THINK and DO NOT MEDIT! Do not “chew” any thoughts in your mind, do not think over anything, do not doubt, do not think about what I will do first, and what - later, but how it will all be, and when I will complete this task, and so on ...

NO THOUGHTS! I just got up and went to work. It's just like (sorry for the comparison, this is to make it clear) "zombie", if you want ... ☺

Friends, effectively is not the right word!

To be honest, first of all, I always first of all try this method of combating laziness, and if it doesn’t help (which happens very rarely), then I try to “kill” it in other ways.

  • One of the ways to “kill” your laziness (my favorite too is to go out for a walk in the fresh air. And not just wander slowly, barely dragging your feet, but like that. You know, actively, cheerfully, quickly, but to good music in headphones, breathing in full chest air and rejoicing in the sun, birds, wind, snow, heat, rain, puddles - no matter what. The main thing is to go and smile, rejoicing in everything you see and absorb all the charm of Life!

Honestly, half an hour is an hour of such a brisk walk, and that's all - upon returning home, you are as good as new! So much strength, so much desire, so much inspiration to do something!

If you work in an office, then the best thing is a morning jog, active walking, any other movements in the morning in the fresh air: cycling, swimming in the river, and even just leaving the house 15 minutes earlier and cheerfully walking to work (or a few stops of everything if you go far).

These simple actions launch a “new life” in you, friends, honestly, try it and you will feel it! Then you say: “Laziness? No… I don’t know… What is it, huh?” … ☺

  • Never give up! Never. Under no circumstances. No matter how many times you try, no matter how many times you start and then quit, no matter how many “failures” you have behind you!

Never give up!

You can, I believe!

When your hands go down, instead of putting them down, do this:

Think again about your ultimate goal, think about how happy you will be if you achieve it, and how disgusting it will be in your soul if you give up everything now without bringing the matter “to mind”.

Think about what you have ALREADY achieved. Do you really want all your efforts, time and efforts to be in vain? I don't think so... ☺

  • Never fight laziness in such a way that you later get a neurosis. You don't have to beat yourself up if you feel like you can't... Don't beat yourself up. No need to scoff, it will be even worse.

There are times when you do not need to do anything with laziness. When you just need to survive it, plunging into doing nothing and being too lazy to your heart's content.

Be lazy, give yourself a “time-out”, forget about everything for a while, have a good rest.

Then get up, go and do it!

Do not "hang" for a long time in a state of laziness, it is dangerous because then everything will be even more difficult ...

  • Be sure to review your surroundings. Who surrounds you, what kind of people are they? What are their life goals, what do they want, how much do they do for this? What are their results in life? Are they “sloths” or are they “doers”?

What is it for?

Our environment influences us so powerfully that we cannot even imagine!

You will never become a successful and not lazy person who achieves his goals in “one-two-three” if there are people in your environment who do not want to change anything in their lives or those who periodically start doing it, but leave everything halfway through without achieving anything in the end!

  • Be sure to exercise. It doesn't matter which. Anyone. The main thing is every day if possible. Physical activity develops the will and desire to win. Loading the body physically, we do not give laziness a single chance.
  • Look at the athletes: it is unlikely that you will find a “highly lazy” person among them!
  • Do not watch TV, do not "sink" on stupid series and shows. Scientists have proven that such activities contribute to the development of laziness!
  • Another interesting scientific data, friends. It turns out that drinking and smoking reduces the ability to achieve one's goals, kills motivation, contributes to the development of a lazy character and unwillingness to change anything in one's life, and also (as a result) contributes to the emergence of dissatisfaction.
  • Always try to do everything with love in your heart, tune in joyfully and positively. Never start a task with a frown on your face!
  • If it's hard for you - smile!

Do not want? Smile!

Sick of all? Smile again!

Remember, the heavier you are, the wider your smile should be. This should be your rule forever.

And, in fact, this is just an ancient method that came to us from yoga, only - shh! .. ☺

What does it give?

It trains your brain that action is GOOD, it's cool, it's interesting, it's enjoyable. This simple technique helps to immediately cope with possible “I don’t want to, I won’t”, fears, etc.

The brain gets used to the fact that doing something is nice, it gives results, it's cool, it's cool and it's fun. Well, you convinced him of this with your smile! ☺

Yes, at first your smile will be crooked, oblique and forced ... But very little time will pass, and you will see. How fun you take on new things, and with what enthusiasm you continue to do it, despite any obstacles and difficulties!

What's the laziness? Oh well ... And you will not think about it!

  • Remember, friends, “either you build your life, or it “builds” you!”

This is the Law of Life.

Therefore - only Forward! And don't listen to anyone! Do not give up on your dreams, try, try, create every day, inspire others and be inspired yourself!

Burn with your goals, long for them, rejoice in your small and big achievements, always give thanks and want even more!

And then any “attacks” of laziness will be temporary and small, just as a way to relax, “lay low”, “relax” and, having a good buzz from everything already achieved, having tasted “to the fullest” from your results, gain strength and move on in life!

Write in the comments, how do you fight laziness, what are your favorite "opposing" methods?

I hope that I was useful to you today and now you know how to deal with laziness effectively)

See you soon!

Cheers to all, friends!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!


In order for the fight against laziness to be effective, you first need to determine the causes of its occurrence. Having overcome all your weaknesses, you can learn to enjoy work and self-development classes. But first you need to learn to overcome disorganization, passivity. There are so many different ways to do this. One should start with educating oneself, overcoming small difficulties every day, a person will be able to train himself for larger things. After a while, it will become a habit and laziness will begin to recede. If it came to mind interesting idea, then you should write it down, for this it is recommended to carry a notebook or notebook with you. Psychologists recommend finding a role model for yourself, let it be some actor or even a character from a movie that is admired. The most important thing is to be persistent, confident in yourself and your success, because thoughts are material.

  • Show all

    Causes of laziness

    The psychology of laziness is the unwillingness to perform any activity. To combat laziness, apathy, you need to understand the causes of their occurrence. After eliminating the cause, not only laziness will disappear, but also all the problems associated with it. There are the following symptoms:

    • mental and physical overwork;
    • realization of not one's own desires and goals;
    • lack of interest in the work performed;
    • an environment of purposeless and lazy people;
    • fear of criticism and condemnation;
    • self-doubt;
    • unreasonably low self-esteem;
    • internal protest against duties and any "must", formed in early childhood;
    • lack of desire due to past failures;
    • the opinion that nothing can be changed in this life;
    • too large, intimidating amount of work required.

    The main reason is the fear of failure. If a person has ever failed in some business, then he will not be willing to take on it, because having encountered difficulties once, he will be afraid to meet them again.

    Many do not know how to set a clear goal, prioritize and plan their time, because of which people get scared and they have a desire to quit everything and not take on these things at all. If any idea suddenly arises, it is necessary to start implementing it as soon as possible, because putting it on the back burner, people spend a lot of energy and effort on thinking, making plans. This ultimately leads to laziness and the depreciation of this thought in terms of motivation.

    Elimination of causes

    To fight laziness should be correct, there is always a certain psychological method of struggle for each state. Allocate states such as:

    • weak willpower;
    • low level of motivation;
    • individual style of daily activities;
    • mental and muscle fatigue;
    • lack of responsibility.

    Strength of will

    If we consider laziness from the side of weak willpower, then one should resort to struggle with the development of the level of self-control and self-regulation. Here psychologists recommend several exercises:

    1. 1. Act despite setbacks. It is difficult only at the beginning of the journey, it is difficult for any adult to leave the comfort zone, you do not want to do anything, but this is the only way to achieve some success.
    2. 2. Learn to prioritize. Of course, often you just want to lie on the couch and watch a movie, but this steals precious time. It needs to be planned: to start doing important things, between them you can afford small breaks - if it's not the Internet or TV, it's very difficult to return to work later.
    3. 3. Wait five minutes before eating something. It would seem, what does food have to do with the fight against apathy and unwillingness to work? However, if a person learns to postpone his desires for a while, the habit of instant satisfaction of his desires is removed.
    4. 4. Schedule sleep. By developing an individual sleep schedule for yourself, you can develop self-control. If it is difficult to stick to a sleep schedule and go to bed at a certain time every day, then what can we say about difficult cases. The ability to pull yourself together in the evening will affect the actions in the morning the next day, make it a habit. And then life will change quickly. It will be much easier to get started and achieve your goals.

    All of the above points will help overcome laziness, if its cause is weak willpower.


    If the point is a low level of motivation, the absence of the need to do something when everyone is doing it for you, or the discrepancy between the character of a person and the type of activity, then there is only one way out - the search for motivation. It is very important that the surrounding close people support and motivate, it is necessary to motivate your husband, children, including teenagers, because at this age support and motivation are very important, in the future it will affect the formation of personality. In this case, the family will motivate the person.

    You can try the following tricks to combat laziness:

    • Make a goal board and hang it near your workplace, this will contribute to motivation and the desire to complete all the goals as soon as possible.
    • Often, motivation is lost due to a lack of energy, so it is worth practicing a fast, 15-minute nap, it will help restore strength to start work.
    • Create a mind map with motivational pictures.
    • Read a motivational book or watch a video.
    • "Anchors". Let there be your own objects and actions that are done before starting work and will always contribute to an easier start of actions.
    • Super detailed plan of action. Break your tasks into smaller ones, describe in detail what and how to do. It is known that "elephants" (overwhelming tasks) are easier to eat with steaks, this will help to cope with fear and add motivation to the implementation of your plan.

    Lack of Responsibility

    In this case, it is necessary to determine what is the main reason, and only then can such laziness be overcome, because irresponsible people do not want to work, they are afraid of responsibility. First you need to stop being afraid to take responsibility for your actions. You need to understand yourself and your feelings.

    In order not to lose the desire for vigorous activity, it is sometimes worth allowing yourself to do nothing. The main thing is that it be dosed and have clear boundaries, otherwise you can return to the previous state again.

    How to deal with laziness in the family

    To overcome the laziness of a husband, first you should remember that a man does not need to be reproached, because this discourages the desire to do something for the home and family. It is necessary to sit down and specifically explain and share household chores.

    If attacks of passivity in a child were noticed, then there is no need to be scared, you just need to adhere to the following recommendations:

    1. 1. Personal example. It is difficult for a child to perceive words, therefore it is necessary to show by his personal example, because it is difficult to force a child to clean up toys if someone in the family does not clean up his workplace or things from a chair.
    2. 2. Trial and error method. The child should be allowed to do things on his own, in the way that is more convenient and more pleasant for him, there is no need to prohibit and indicate how to do it right and how to do it wrong, because this approach kills the desire of children to help and do something.
    3. 3. Business is a game. Psychologists recommend turning the daily routine into a game, because in a playful way adults are more likely to make a child do something, so the child is more willing to get to work.
    4. 4. Praise. In order for the child to want to help himself and do something, you must not forget to praise him, the most important encouragement is that the parents noticed how he tried and rewarded him with their compliments or boasted to their grandmothers what a good and hardworking grandson is growing.
    • Keep the workplace and the surrounding area in order. After all, the mess around leads to a mess of thoughts in the head. Confusion appears and most often it is not clear where to start, this repels from action.
    • We need to start with the most difficult tasks, because when our mind understands that everything complicated is behind, it is much easier to proceed to the next, smaller tasks. This acts as self-motivation.
    • It is recommended to bring variety to life. New activities, places will help generate interest. After all, the same type of daily routine tends to become boring.
    • The stick and stick method. We should not forget to encourage achievements, because the achieved goals, left unattended, will subsequently demotivate. You also need to come up with a system of punishments, let it be 100 sit-ups or refusal of one meal, or maybe give 1000 rubles to charity. Punishment should be such that you do not want to receive it. And rewards should be those that are not found in everyday life: for example, buying a new thing, going to a restaurant with a different national cuisine, going to a spa or buying a new stationery. By the way, scientists have proved that the new diary is of interest to planning and work.
    • It is advised never to forbid doing anything, because in the end a person will break anyway, but the result will be much worse than it was before.

    Physical activity has also been shown to help combat disorganization. Regular gymnastic exercises help to disperse the blood and contribute to a surge of strength.

    The body should be rewarded for order and discipline. And most importantly - do not forget that rest is one of the important values ​​in the fight against laziness, because it is impossible to watch TV shows until three in the morning and demand productive activity from yourself as early as eight in the morning.

    From a psychological point of view, the following advice can be given:

    • Movement is life. Energy appears only when you perform some action. After all, why should the body produce energy while lying on the couch. Therefore, psychologists recommend starting to act, even if it is something elementary, but it will give energy to start a more serious business.
    • Final goal. The end goal should motivate. Many people get lazy due to lack of motivation and not knowing what will happen if they do something. Therefore, experts recommend starting work with the question: "What will happen if I do this, how will it change my life?"
    • Pleasure. It is important to do what brings real pleasure, then the additional motivation and effort will not come in handy.
Continuing the topic:
Tax system

For me, a person is initially NOTHING, it is shit in the hole, a fiddle in your pocket. However, he can, is able to grow up to the Great Heavens Above, to Eternity - if behind his back...