Publication of books on medicine in printed and electronic form. The specifics of the release of medical publications, publishers, series Visual material in medical books

The publishing house, founded in 1918, is the largest specialized medical publishing house in Russia. The main direction of the publishing house is the release of special literature of an academic and educational profile. Every year, the publishing house publishes 100-150 titles of books, including atlases, textbooks, reference books, guides, monographs in all branches of medical science and health care. Publishing house "Medicina" is the founder and publisher of 38 scientific specialized medical journals

Publishing house "SpetsLit".
Publisher (originally " Special Literature") was established in March 1994 to bring together publishing and printing companies, trading companies and literary agents.
The publisher's books are intended for physicians, medical workers, paramedics, residents, nurses, students of medical schools.

Publishing group "GEOTAR-Media".
Leading Russian publishing house of professional medical and pharmaceutical literature, founded in 1995. Every year the publishing house publishes about 400 new books, magazines, electronic systems for students of medical and pharmaceutical universities, practical guides and reference books for doctors.

MIA Medical Information Agency.
The publishing house was founded in 1996. It publishes manuals and reference books, atlases and dictionaries, scientific papers and monographs on medical topics.

Publishing house "Practical medicine".
Issue of books on medicine for professionals.

Publishing house of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
The publishing house of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences was established in 1947, recreated in 1998 by decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The founder is the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. The publishing house publishes books on all branches of medicine and biology, approved and recommended for publication by the editorial and publishing council of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the journals Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Cell Technologies in Biology and Medicine.

Phoenix Publishing.
Trading and publishing company "Phoenix" offers a wide selection of literature. Priority direction is the publication of textbooks, teaching aids and educational materials for universities, colleges, the system of primary vocational, school and preschool education, as well as scientific and popular science literature on the humanities, natural and technical sciences, medicine and veterinary medicine, jurisprudence and economics.

Publishing house "Peter".
Piter Publishing House was founded in 1991. It publishes professional medical literature, economic literature, legal literature, computer literature, humanitarian literature, popular literature, literature on art and journalism.

Publishing trading house"KnoRus".
Founded in 1993. The firm specializes in publishing and distributing books on economics, law, accounting, psychology, sociology, history and other academic disciplines.

Publishing and bookselling association "URAIT".
For more than 13 years, the URAIT publishing house has been publishing textbooks and manuals, practical manuals and manuals, reference books and dictionaries, monographs and anthologies, as well as business literature. The association publishes literature on the following topics: legal, economic, humanitarian, natural science.

Publishing group "Logos".
Founded in 1989. The company "Logos" issues educational, scientific and reference publications in the field of humanitarian, socio-economic, exact, natural and technical sciences. Publishes monthly magazines Higher education Today" and "University Book", a quarterly electronic journal"Higher Education in Europe".

Publishing house "High School".
Founded in 1939. "Vysshaya Shkola" offers customers over 400 titles of books of various genres: textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, reference books, anthologies, workshops in the humanities, natural sciences and technical disciplines.

M The medical book, in comparison with books of other assortment sections, most quickly loses its main commercial quality - the "freshness" of information as a result of the accelerating development of medical science, technology and technology. The semantic quality of a medical book is by no means always (qualified) determined by book sellers, since it is expressed not so much in the material properties of the book as in the scientific or practical value of its content, which is accessible only to medical specialists.

Here are the total output figures for the last decades and some of the 90s.

They testify, in particular, that if in the 60s more than 2 thousand titles of these trade books were published annually with a circulation of about 30 million copies, then in the second half of the 90s "on health and medicine, about 1500 titles of books and pamphlets with a total circulation of 13 million copies. A significant part of the total output is made up of publications that do not go on sale (only about 800 titles go on sale per year). About a quarter of all buyers are interested in a medical book ". At the same time, the tendency of an annual increase in the number of titles of medical books with a decrease in their circulation is basically preserved. However, for specific publishing houses, all modern indicators lose to the previous ones. For example, "Medicina" in the mid-80s published about 400 titles of books with a total circulation of 15 million copies, and in the mid-90s, respectively, 100 titles with a circulation of 581 thousand copies.

A more detailed picture of the production of medical publications in the 90s by different centers, taking into account average circulation and volume, is given by the following analytical table 4 (which students can analyze on their own).

We only note that in the first half of the 1990s (1991-1995) the total number of medical books was 6417 (of which only 1836 titles were published by state publishing houses). The total circulation in the same years was 136,089 thousand copies. (54,600.1 thousand copies fell to the share of state publishing houses). This means that in terms of the number of titles and circulation, even at the beginning of the perestroika period, the “state” medical book was inferior to the “private” one (that is, the latter accounted for 4,581 titles, respectively, with a circulation of 81,428.9 thousand copies).

The share of medical publications in the total book release was:

Although some increase over decades and especially in last years It is observed that, in general, this branch book (according to physicians), unfortunately, occupies an extremely modest place in the book market: in the 90s, from 3.8 to 4.7% by title; from 2 to 4.7% in circulation.

Short specific gravity of medical publications in the general issue is directly related to the timing of the implementation of these publications, which are longer compared to the timing of the implementation of other assortment sections. And this makes them as a commodity very unprofitable from a commercial point of view, i.e. all book-selling operations to promote medical publications to the consumer require the greatest effort and cost. This is especially true for the study of consumer demand and the organization of advertising for such publications.

In essence, the question of the sale of a medical book is decided from the moment of the idea of ​​its creation. If the publisher is not sure that the future book will find the necessary number of consumers to buy up its entire circulation, he will not enter into a contract with the author for publication! True, if the publisher decides to take on the issue of a problematic medical book, then he can also make a trial run, which reduces the commercial risk.

In general, the sale of a medical book in a market (civilized, not cavernous speculative) is unthinkable (or carried out at great cost) without knowledge of the theory and methodology of marketing, i.e. the main market concept, designed to combine the spiritual and commercial in book publishing. It (the concept) is designed to "overcome the dictate" of the publisher over the reader, to create a situation of choice when the reader has the right to judge for himself what to read, and not to expect that someone will determine for him the "social needs" and the "social significance" of that or other edition.

In other words, book marketing can be represented through the publishing information and economic concept of the release of medical book products, focused on the effective marketing of these products on the market. Moreover, the basis for the publisher here is the sovereignty of the buyer. The publisher presents to the book market what the reader (anyone!) needs, and makes a profit by maximizing the satisfaction of his reader's tastes and needs (and, ultimately, effective demand).

Thematic preferences in the fourth quarter of 1998 (compare with the first quarter) were distributed as follows: in the first place - management in the industry, medical insurance, hygiene (62 books); on the second - folk, non-traditional medicine (38 books); on the third - pharmacology, toxicology (30 books); on the fourth - general questions of medicine and public health (29 books). Other topics are practically ignored by publishers (for example, only two books on gerontology and immunology were published during the quarter; none on otorhinolaryngology, genetics!).

At the same time, attention is drawn to the fact that quarterly the number of translated books in all thematic sections ranges from 14 to 30%. This is a very high figure, significantly higher than in many other countries. Moreover, translated books (mainly from English) are most of all presented in such sections as sexology, dietology, psychotherapy.

Finishing the analysis of the release of modern industry publications, it is impossible not to note the constant increase in the number of series. If in 1997 the country's publishing repertoire consisted of 22 medical series, then in 1998 there were 25 of them:

In 1999, in addition to those listed, 15 new series appeared on the book market:

(Biological analysis of "serial" tables is desirable and quite capable of being done by the students themselves).

Problematic today are the advertising and sale of medical periodicals in specialized stores. Among the diversified medical journals, the Economics of Healthcare, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Bulletin of New Medical Technologies, Issues of Oncology, Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry named after S.S. Korsakov, Clinical Medicine, " Problems of tuberculosis", " Russian magazine skin and venereal diseases", "Ultrasound diagnostics in obstetrics, gynecology and pediatrics", "Experimental and clinical pharmacology", etc.

And for a wide range of non-specialist readers, such illustrated publications as "Be Healthy!", "Your Home Doctor", "Women's Happiness", "Health", "My Baby and I", "Help Yourself", "Your Health" are recommended and so on.

The medical book most quickly loses the "freshness" of information as a result of the accelerating development of medical science, engineering and technology.

Low specific gravity of honey. publications in the general issue is associated with the timing of the implementation of these publications, which are long in comparison with the timing of the implementation of other assortment sections.

An axiom in marketing regarding medical books in the 90s: it is necessary to publish (produce) what is sold (realized with and without advertising), but not to sell (realize, distribute) what is published (produced).

Positive consequences of the transition of medical book publishing to market relations:

  1. Reduced book release date;
  2. The monopoly of state publishing houses has been liquidated;
  3. competition in the publishing industry;
  4. new trends in publishing activities (publishing a book at the expense of the author);
  5. access to the domestic book market of foreign publishers;
  6. the appearance of books by Western scientists previously banned for ideological reasons;
  7. stopped selling books on the black market;
  8. the nature and volume of kn.produktsii became determined by the market, chit.interests and requests.

Negative consequences of the transition of medical book publishing to market relations:

  1. The output of medical literature has been drastically reduced; in most cases, publishing it is not profitable from an economic point of view.
  2. Significantly reduced the readership of the medical book as a result - the decline in production in the country and the closure of many others. industrial enterprises;
  3. State. Publishing houses for the purpose of survival produce non-core literature for them, a cat. can give them more income.
  4. the level of medical book publishing has decreased - non-professionals have appeared;
  5. Decreased polygraphic the quality of the publications themselves.
  6. there are cases of release of pirated publications.

Most groats. Publishing house of honey. books - " Medicine", specializing in the production of books for professionals. It is followed by the publishing house " Kron-Press", which published books not only for specialists, but also popular medical literature.

By the middle of 1996, Moscow publishing houses began to expand the medical repertoire most actively: Binom, Vidar, Agar, Praktika, Farmedinfo, Kappa, JSC Medical Newspaper, Soviet Sport; Petersburg publishing houses: "Piter", "Komplekt", "Peter-Press".

For honey. Book. The market was dominated by publications designed for the mass consumer.

In the 1st half of 1997, 1st place was occupied by popular science publications, 2nd - hygiene, medical insurance, 3rd - pharmacy and toxicology, 4th - clinical disciplines.

Large Region. Publishing house of honey. books -"Avicenna", "Binom", "Medicine and nutrition", "Technique", "Pharmedinfo", "Geotar Medicine", "Practice".

All big role in the trade book publishing house play universities of medical and non-medical profile in the regions.

Advertising and sales seem problematic medical periodicals in specialized shops. Among the diversified medical journals, Economics of Health Care, Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Bulletin of New Medical Technologies, and Issues of Oncology stand out.

By the mid-90s, all state Russian universities (more than 500) received a license for publishing.

Commercial publishing houses are numerous. However, there are relatively few systematically publishing medical literature (mainly popular science).

Factors that played a negative role in the occurrence of crisis.phenomena in modern medical book publishing:

  1. Increase in the cost of polygraph materials and services;
  2. Insufficient professional training of the owners of some publishing structures;
  3. Neglect of traditions and experience of predecessors.

The main way out of the crisis is to pursue a policy of state protectionism, a deeper tax strategy.

Medicine is one of the most complex sciences. Many doctors lead research activities, the fruits of which are the publication of their own scientific works. That is why the publication of books on medicine is the most important direction for any major publishing house that has the same high professional status as the Triumph publishing house.

How to publish a medical book?

The list of medical books includes:

  • literature for professionals in highly specialized areas;
  • textbooks, reference books, manuals;
  • guides for physicians;
  • dictionaries, atlases, visual aids;
  • monographs.

The publication of books on medicine has some features associated with an abundance of specialized terms in the text, tables, formulas, and figures. That is why the publication of such literature should be approached with a certain experience in this area, as well as a deep knowledge of the specifics of this book direction.

All this is available from Triumph specialists. In order for your monograph, reference book or any other author's product to be a success with the audience, you should first of all choose the right publisher that is able to offer a full package of publishing services in a complex, as well as a solid list of printed and electronic publications that have already been published.

Publication of medical books - our offers

The main thing that the Triumph publishing house offers is a deep, individual approach to each author. So that you can publish a medical book, monograph, other work on your own high level, a whole team of professionals will work with you, capable of preparing a turnkey publication from scratch from the first to the last line.

Our services include:

  • layout development;
  • work with illustrations (in any technique);
  • layout;
  • proofreading;
  • distribution, promotion;
  • Creation of own site of the edition for the author.

I would like to make a separate point about the publication of the book in printed and electronic form. Indeed, today not every physician has the opportunity not only to spend time visiting specialized bookstores, but it is also elementary to have them available in your city. That is why electronic versions of books on medicine are more popular today than ever.

Visual material in medical books

Triumph publishing house pays special attention to the quality of visual material in medical books. After all, the publication of medical books (especially reference books, manuals) is almost impossible without them. Drawings and tables, charts and graphs, charts and illustrations - our publications have the most complete visual content of the most accurate, high quality.

If you do not provide us with your own illustrative material, our specialist artists will create it for you in any technique, based on your wishes and the specialization of a particular book product.

Distribution of medical books

Both the publishing house itself (through the Google Play online store and the Google Books library) and the author using the website and personal store created by us can distribute the book for free.

Order the publication of books on medicine in the Triumph publishing house. With us you will find the shortest way to your potential audience!

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