Scenario evening of riddles senior group. Abstract of the competitive program "Evening of riddles in the senior group

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

The riddles have come to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

A large garden was planted,

The harvest was large.

Guess guys

What we have grown in the garden.

1. No windows, no doors,

Full of people.

(to the music “Like at our gates” a “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

2. The red maiden is sitting in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

3. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

4. I, my friends, am not without reason proud.

From above I am green, solid,

But inside - more cheerful than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat in a circle.

1- "grow" and spin,

2- “heels” and spinning,

3- They walk in a circle, holding hands, sit down with the children on the chairs.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

There is a competition "Who will name more riddles". For each riddle, children receive a chip, the one who has the most chips wins.

Leading: And now kids, it's time to play.

Competition games:

1. "Bring a ball in a spoon"

2. "Bring a tablet on your head."

There is a knock. Grandmother appears.

Mysterious grandmother:

Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

And did you recognize me?

Children: No!

Mysterious grandmother:

Yes, how is it?

I'm Grandma the Mystery.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa.

Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone.

Mysterious grandmother:

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once ... (sailor)

What a long time ago he lived

At the outpost of Ilyich.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa ... (tower).

And in this book is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Nearly killed her

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head. ("Fly Tsokotukha).

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Well, guess, and quickly answer

The name of this fairy tale ... ("Masha and the Bear)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout: “Where to? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

From frustration and shame.

But it all ends well

Everything returns to its place.

All the guilty have been forgiven

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not stain them and wash them often. ("Fedorino grief")

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It has a rich mistress

Lived happily,

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned down. ("Cat house")

Before the wolf did not tremble

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ... ("Gingerbread Man)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, approach him and come back, go in a circle, and the “bun grows” (gradually gets up). When the music ends, the children stop.

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing in front of the "kolobok"): And you won't leave the kolobok from me! "Kolobok" runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.

Mysterious grandmother:

Well done guys, well guessed riddles.

(The mysterious grandmother treats the children with sweets).





for children 5-6 years old

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

The riddles have come to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

A large garden was planted,

The harvest was large.

Guess guys

What we have grown in the garden.

  1. No windows, no doors

Full of people.

(to the music “Like at our gates” a “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

  1. The red maiden sits in a dungeon, and the scythe is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

  1. One hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

  1. I, my friends, am not without reason proud.

From above I am green, solid,

But inside - more cheerful than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat in a circle.

  1. "growing" and spinning,
  2. "heeled" and spinning,
  3. They walk in a circle, holding hands, sit on the chairs with the children.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

There is a competition "Who will name more riddles". For each riddle, children receive a chip, the one who has the most chips wins.

Leading: And now kids, it's time to play.

Competition games:

  1. "Bring a ball in a spoon"
  2. "Bring a tablet on your head."

There is a knock. Grandmother appears.

Mysterious grandmother:

Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

And did you recognize me?

Children: No!

Mysterious grandmother:

Yes, how is it?

I'm Grandma the Mystery.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa.

Uncle Styopa is familiar to everyone.

Mysterious grandmother:

Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

Was once ... (sailor)

What a long time ago he lived

At the outpost of Ilyich.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa ... (tower).

And in this book is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these birthdays

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Nearly killed her

But the insidious villain

Someone cut off his head. ("Fly Tsokotukha).

girl sitting in a basket

The bear is on the back.

He himself, without knowing it,

Carries her home.

Well, guess, and quickly answer

The name of this fairy tale ... ("Masha and the Bear)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout: “Where to? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

From frustration and shame.

But it all ends well

Everything returns to its place.

All the guilty have been forgiven

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not stain them and wash them often. ("Fedorino grief")

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It has a rich mistress

Lived happily,

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned down. ("Cat house")

Before the wolf did not tremble

He ran away from the bear.

And the fox on the tooth

Well, I got caught ... ("Gingerbread Man)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, approach him and come back, go in a circle, and the “bun grows” (gradually gets up). When the music ends, the children stop.


Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing in front of the "kolobok"): And you won't leave the kolobok from me! "Kolobok" runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.

Mysterious grandmother:

Well done guys, well guessed riddles.

(The mysterious grandmother treats the children with sweets).

Leisure "Evening of riddles " V senior group

Tasks :

1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity.

2. Learn to guess the descriptiveriddle throughlisting the attributes of an object without naming it.

3. Activate the vocabulary of children by naming objects and designating their features.

4. To form an interest in the environment, joint games, overcome difficulties in communication.

5. Help your child feel more confident in group.

caregiver :- Guys, today I invite you to go on a fun journey through our group , but it will not be an easy journey, but with riddles!

I will give you riddles, you same give me guesswork.

Listen carefully, think carefully.

Carousels, carousels with you, we got into the car and drove off!

(Imitate driving a car and moving to the first stop)

Attention! Stop"Kitchen"

Guys, what's in the kitchen?(children's answers)

Here are the riddles we have to guess about those objects that can be seen in the kitchen.

Water, compote is poured into it.

And he gives us juice and milk to drink.(Jug)

I puff, puff, puff, I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rattled loudly: “Drink tea, the water has boiled!”(Kettle)

And he is sharp and good. Guessed? This(Knife) .

We fry on it, we soar on it,

We get the second course.(Frying pan).

She is not afraid of the heat, boldly sits on the fire.

A delicious soup is cooked in it - a soup of vegetables and cereals.(Pot) .

Guys, you know the names of dishes well. Well done!

What dishes do you still know?(children's answers)

And here for you product riddlesabout vegetables and fruits.

I grow in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet.(Carrot)

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch? what is that bush?

How can I be without a crunch, if I.(Cabbage)

He will make everyone around cry, even though he is not a fighter, but.(Onion)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet.(Cucumber)

You can't make a vinaigrette for dinner

If you don’t have such a vegetable in your kitchen.(Beet)

This vegetable was once a golden carriage in a fairy tale.

Guess without a clue, what is his name, guys?(Pumpkin)

In the hot sun it dried up and burst from the pods.(Peas)

A green striped ball filled with scarlet like heat,

Lying in the garden, like a load, tell me what it is.(Watermelon)

There is a side in a golden skin, and sweet juice under the skin.

In each slice, a sip for both sons and daughters.(Orange)

The golden crescent, As if poured with honey.

It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch.(Banana)

Well done! And with theseyou solved the riddlesNow we can move on!

Carousels, carousels, you and I got into the boat and went!

(We perform hand movements “rowing with oars)”

And here is our second stop"Seasons"

Guys, what time of year is it?(children's answers)

Look carefully at the calendar of nature and listen puzzles

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves.(Autumn)

The cold has come. The water turned to ice.

The long-eared hare is gray, turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped crying: a bear fell into a hibernation in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens?(in winter)

I open the kidneys, into green leaves. I dress the trees, I water the crops,

Movement is full, they call me.(Spring)

I am woven from the heat, I bring warmth with me, I warm the rivers, "swim!" - I invite. And love for it you all me, me.(Summer)

caregiver : Well done boys! Allriddles guessedYou know the names of the seasons well. We can go further!

Carousels, carousels, we got on the train and went!

(Children stand in a column one by one behind the teacher and"engine" move to the next stop)

Educator: Stop "Musical"

You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it.

Voiced, elegant, Russian, two-row.(Harmonic)

Everyone knows in Rus', even ask someone about it!

She has only three strings, but she is the love of the country.

Vanya will come out behind the fence and will play : "rubbish" yes "nonsense"(Balalaika)

caregiver : You did a great job! Stop ahead of us"Game"!

Carousels, carousels, you and I got into a rocket and drove off!

(Hands "house" above the head)

Stop "Game"

Educator: In our a lot of toys for the group. Among they have your favorites too.

AND riddles will be about toys.

Spinning on the floor and it buzzes - Ooh ...

The faster I spin it, the more fun it spins.(Yula)

With his brother Misha from him a lot of different things

We collected in a day, but we were not tired at all!(Constructor)

And our Kolya plays and plays until the very night -

Collects pictures from different small pieces.(puzzles)

I will build a house, a pyramid, a spaceport out of them.

What kind of bricks are like matchboxes?(Dice)

If there is a fire somewhere, the car quickly rushes there,

An alarm signal is given - and the people make way!

Not cargo, not commodity, which one?("Fire")

What kind of ambulance with a siren rushes through the city,

In a hurry to help the sick and the old and the young?("Ambulance")

caregiver : Attention! Let's go to the next stop.

Carousels, carousels, we got on a horse and rode!

(Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you,"jumping" on a horse

Stop "Zoo"

Educator: Our stop "Zoo" . Guys, who can we see at the zoo?(children's answers)

That's right, animals, of course. And what animals we will meet in the zoo, we will find out by guessing puzzles .

How to open your mouth - a nightmare! heard only: kar-kar-kar (Crow)

Doctor of the forest kingdom - heals all trees without medicine.(Woodpecker)

Walking by the river - horns and rings.(Lamb)

Proudly ringing with spurs - famous for loud singing.(Rooster)

Who is dreaming in the lair until spring, day and night?(Bear)

From head to toe, this predator is striped.

He lurks and is silent, and gets angry - growls.(Tiger)

I walk in a red coat, I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.(Squirrel)

Small, gray, long ear,

A ball of fluff, jumps deftly, loves carrots.(Hare)

She is more cunning than all the animals, she has a red fur coat on her.

A fluffy tail is her beauty, but what is her name?(Fox)

Under the pines, under the fir-trees lies a bag of needles.(Hedgehog)

caregiver : It was a wonderful walk around the zoo! And it's time for us to move on.

Carousels, carousels on the plane, we sat down and went!

(Hands to the sides, "flying" on an airplane)

We have arrived at the final stop"Knizhkin House"

Guys, do you like fairy tales?(children's answers)

caregiver : So how do we learn about miracles and magic, adventures and how good triumphs over evil? Listen riddle .

Everyone needs me - both adults and children.

I teach everyone the mind, but I myself am always silent.(Book)

caregiver : Well done! Of course, it's a book. Now let's guessriddles about fairy tale characters.

Gobbling up kalachi, a guy rides on the stove.

Goes straight to the palace, who is this fellow?(Emelya)

Wooden toy wears shaving hair

And has a long nose. Who is this? Here is the question.(Pinocchio)

Who sits on the throne in a golden crown?(Tsar)

A girl in a red cap, curls from under her cap.

And there is a pie in the basket. what's her name, friend?(Little Red Riding Hood)

And so our journey endedgroup of riddles. All of you guys are very good at guessing puzzles .

Did you enjoy traveling?

What did you like the most?(children's answers)

Leisure in the preparatory group on the topic "Riddles about natural phenomena." Abstract

Yakovleva Olga Vasilievna, educator, GBOU "School No. 842", Moscow
Description of work: I offer you a summary of leisure activities on the topic “Riddles about natural phenomena” for children of the group preparatory to school (6-7 years old). This material will be useful to educators working with older children. preschool age. This is a leisure summary aimed at consolidating children's ideas about natural phenomena.

Consolidation of children's ideas about natural phenomena.
To consolidate children's ideas about natural phenomena through an artistic word (riddles), to form an interest in the knowledge of nature.
To develop figurative and associative thinking, attention, perception, memory, observation, curiosity, the ability to analyze.
To cultivate an aesthetic perception of nature, the desire to admire the beautiful phenomena of nature.
Preliminary work: Classes to introduce children to natural phenomena, observations on a walk, conversations with children about natural phenomena, looking at illustrations, reading fiction.
Methods and techniques: Game, visual, use of fiction, musical accompaniment.
Materials and equipment: Illustrations depicting natural phenomena; basket; glass balls of white and blue color (5-7 pieces each); pieces of cotton; umbrellas; easels; sheets of paper; felt-tip pens (markers); mirror; music center; a treat for children. The music includes Grandma Riddle with a basket, greets children.
Grandma Riddler: Today I will tell you interesting riddles, but guess what
The sun is shining,
The wind is whistling
The rain is pouring like a bucket.
After the rain in the sky
The rainbow is immediately visible.
These weather changes
They give us ... (phenomena of nature).
Children conclude that in riddles we will talk about natural phenomena.

Grandma Riddler: Hear the riddle
In the morning, in the evening she
Like a red girl
Dissolves with the dawn
Pinkish, delicate color.
At sunset, like a firebird,
Flies out of the station
For the fields and for the seas.
And her name is - ... (dawn)
(V. Anokhina)
After guessing each riddle, the children explain why they think so.
After the children answer, the corresponding illustration is shown.

Grandma Riddler: On a blade of grass at an early hour
The diamond glows in summer.
Let's eat it during the day
For some reason we can't find it. (dew)

Game - competition "Collect dewdrops"
Grandma Riddler: Yes, I have dewdrops in my basket (white and blue glass balls: the same amount).
Grandmother Zagadushka takes out of the basket and lays out the balls on the carpet, while saying the words:
The sun undressed in the evening,
The pearl string broke.
The beads scattered
Big ones and tiny ones.
And on each blade of grass
Hidden on dewdrops.
In the morning the sun will go across the field,
He will collect all the pearls from the blades of grass.
(V. Tatarinov)
And the kids will help him!
Two children are selected, one collects white balls, the other blue. The one who collects faster wins. (The game can be repeated 2-3 times.)

Grandma Riddler: The gray-haired grandfather at the gate covered everyone's eyes. (fog)
Over the river, over the valley hung a white canvas. (fog)

Grandma Riddler: Walking in the field, but not a horse,
Flies in the wild, but not a bird. (wind)

Grandma Riddler: Fluffy cotton wool floats somewhere;
The lower the wool, the closer the rain. (clouds)

Breathing exercises "Blow on the cloud"
Grandma Riddler: Let's look in my magic basket. Look, there are clouds (pieces of cotton wool) in it. You will blow on the cloud like the wind.
Let's see whose wind will be stronger, whose cloud will fly farther.
Three children are selected. Pieces of cotton are placed on the table, the children blow on their piece. Whoever flies the farthest wins. (repeated 2-3 times)

Grandma Riddler: An eagle flies across the blue sky
She spread her wings, covered the sun. (cloud)

Grandma Riddler: They waited, called, but appeared - everyone ran away. (rain)

Mobile game "Hide from the rain!"
Umbrellas are laid out in a circle in the amount of one less than the participants. To cheerful music, children run in a circle, to the sounds of rain, children should take umbrellas. For those who didn't have enough, the rain got wet.

Grandma Riddler: I say to my brother
- Oh! Peas are falling from the sky!
- That's a freak! brother laughs,
Your peas - it's ... (hail)
(E. Serova)

Grandma Riddler: No one sees me, but everyone hears, and everyone can see my faithful companion, but no one hears. (lightning and thunder)

Game with the word "Rain"
Rain! Rain! We need
Disperse home! (We walk in place)
Thunder! Thunder like cannons. (claps)
Today is a holiday for frogs. (Jumping)
Hail! Hail! Throws hail, (Bend, unbend fingers)
Everyone is under the roof. (Sit down)
Only my brother in a puddle
She catches fish for dinner. (We walk in place)

Grandma Riddler: The rain has passed - and clean
Seven-color rose bridge,
The gates went up
Beauty all over the world! (rainbow)

Grandma Riddler: Do you know what order the colors are in the rainbow? (children's answers)
Grandma Riddler: The following hint will help to remember the location of the flowers: “Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting” (children repeat)
Grandma Riddler: Let's play. I suggest you draw a rainbow. At the same time, we will check how you remember the sequence of colors.
The game "Who will draw the rainbow faster"
Children are divided into two teams of seven people. For each team, an easel is set up on which a sheet of paper is attached. Team members take turns running up to the easel and drawing with markers (felt-tip pens) one of the colors of the rainbow. The team that draws the rainbow faster and correctly wins.

Grandma Riddler: What is higher than the forest, more beautiful than light, burns without fire? (Sun)

Fun game "Sunny Bunny"
Grandmother Zagadushka takes out a mirror from the basket, lets out a sunbeam, saying:
Runaways are jumping -
Sunny Bunnies.
We call them - they don't go,
They were here, and they are not here.
Where are the bunnies? Gone.
Did you find them anywhere?
(A. Brodsky)
Children try to catch him, laugh, frolic.
Grandma Riddler: What sunbeam?
Children: Cheerful, fast, indefatigable, mischievous.
Grandma Riddler: What is he doing?
Children: He has fun, rejoices, jumps, plays with us, plays pranks.

(Leisure for middle-aged children)

1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity.

2. Learn to guess the descriptive riddle through listing the attributes of an object without naming it.

3. Activate the vocabulary of children by naming objects and designating their features.

4. To form an interest in the environment, joint games, overcome difficulties in communication.

Educator:- Guys, today I invite you to go on a fun journey through the autumn, but it will not be a simple journey, but with riddles!

I will give you riddles, you same give me guesswork.

Listen carefully, think carefully.

Carousels, carousels with you, we got into the car and drove off!

(We simulate driving a car and move to the first stop.)

Attention! Stop "Ogorodnaya"

Guys, what is growing in the garden? (Vegetables.)

That's puzzles we have to guess about vegetables.

I grow in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet. (Carrot.)

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch? what is that bush?

How can I be without a crunch, if I. (Cabbage.)

He will make everyone around cry, even though he is not a fighter, but. (Onion.)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet. (Cucumber.)

You can't make a vinaigrette for dinner

If you don’t have such a vegetable in your kitchen. (Beet.)

This vegetable was once a golden carriage in a fairy tale.

Guess without a clue, what is his name, guys? (Pumpkin.)

In the hot sun it dried up and burst from the pods. (Peas.)

A green striped ball filled with scarlet like heat,

Lying in the garden, like a load, tell me what it is. (Watermelon.)

Well done! dealt with riddles Now we can move on!

Carousels, carousels, we got on a horse and rode!

(Perform jumps.)

Attention! Stop "Garden"

Guys, what is growing in the garden? (Fruits), what do they grow on? (on the trees)

Fruit looks like a tumbler, wears a yellow shirt.

Breaking the silence in the garden, fell from a tree... (Pear.)

Round, ruddy, I grow on a branch.

Adults love me, kids love me. (Apple.)

yellow citrus fruit

Grows in sunny countries.

And it tastes sour.

What is his name? (Lemon.)

This fruit tastes good

And it looks like a light bulb. (Pear.)

There is a side in a golden skin, and sweet juice under the skin.

In each slice, a sip for both sons and daughters. (Orange.)

The golden crescent, As if poured with honey.

It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch. (Banana.)

Great guys! All riddles guessed know the names of fruits well.

Carousels, carousels, we got on the train and drove off!

Attention! Stop "Forest"

Guys, what grows in the forest? (Trees, mushrooms, berries.)

And who lives in the forest? (D some animals.)

Not caring about the weather

He walks in a white sundress,

And on one of the warm days

May gives her earrings. (Birch.)

Into this sleek box

Bronze color

Hidden little oak tree

Next summer. (Acorn.)

Winter and summer -

One color. (Spruce.)

Small and clumsy

And modestly green

But in autumn their leaves

And the berries turn red. (Rowan.)

It's not even a mystery

Let's call it right away

If only someone would say -

Acorns on it! (Oak.)

If they are found in the forest,

Immediately remember the fox.

Redhead sisters

They are called ... (Chanterelles.)

White dots on red

Poisonous mushroom, dangerous.

There is no point in talking here -

Do not pluck ... (Fly agaric.)

Strong, dense, very stately,

In a brown and elegant hat.

This is the pride of all forests!

The real king of mushrooms! (Porcini.)

In a red hat under an aspen

A yellow leaf stuck to the hat ...

Get in the basket

You're an edible, tasty mushroom. (Boletus.)

Clumsy and big

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves cones, loves honey,

Well, who will call? (Bear.)

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

Not just one thread. (Hedgehog.)

We recognized the animal with you

According to two such signs:

He is in a gray fur coat in winter,

And in a red coat - in the summer. (Squirrel.)

red cheat,

Cunning and dexterous

Got into the barn

Kurt counted. (Fox.)

Who is cold in autumn

Walking gloomy and hungry? (Wolf.)

A ball of fluff, a long ear,

Jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare.)

working animals

Building a house in the middle of the river.

If someone comes to visit

Know that the entrance is from the river! (Beavers.)

He came out of the forest again

Not a deer or a cow.

We had to meet

Meet this ... (Moose.)

And here is our fourth stop "Seasons"

Guys, what time of year is it? (Children's answers.)

Listen carefully puzzles

She came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn.)

Autumn has come to visit us

And I brought with me...

What? Say random!

Well, of course ... (Leaf fall.)

The wind will call the cloud

A cloud floats across the sky.

And over gardens and groves

It is drizzling cold ... (Rain.)

It became gloomy outside the window,

The rain is begging for our house.

The house is dry, but outside

Appeared everywhere ... (Puddles.)

Rain and sleet, dirt and wind,

Autumn, you are responsible for everything!

It freezes, a person freezes, the first white fell ... (snow.)

Educator: So our journey ended. with riddles. All of you guys are very good at guessing puzzles. Well done!


Novikovskaya O.A. Abstracts of complex classes with children 4-5 years old. – Parity, 2008

Internet resources used.

Anastasia Milkina
Entertainment for children of the senior and preparatory group and parents "Evening of riddles"

Langepas City Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten of combined type No. 10 "Squirrel"


For children of the senior and preparatory group and parents

« Evening of riddles»

Milkina Anastasia Vasilievna

Langepas, 2016

Entertainment for children of the senior and preparatory group and parents« Evening of riddles»


Develop logical thinking, savvy, contribute to the formation of positive relationships.

Implement a differentiated approach to the education of boys and girls, taking into account their interests.

Gentlemen and ladies!

Guys and moms!

Dear daddies!

Today you all without exception

Exciting adventures await!

There will be competitions, personal tasks

And the rides are great!

You need to defend the honor of the team,

That you are the best, everyone needs to prove.

So, friends, let's start our program!

Leading: Attention! Attention! Attention! Opening an amateur club riddles. Two teams are taking part in our meeting today. Team of boys and dads and team of girls and moms. The topic of our today meetings: “What, what, what are our girls and boys made of”. Both teams are ready to play. Who will we listen to first? (The boys offer the girls to choose the order of performance.)

The girls come out and recite a poem.

What are boys made of?

From snails, shells

And green frogs.

That's what boys are made of!

After reciting the poem, each girl leaves on a blue tray an object that she thinks the boys are using or playing. (Cars, pistols, robots, etc.)

The boys come out and recite a poem.

What are girls made of?

From sweets and cakes

And all kinds of sweets.

That's what girls are made of!

After reciting the poem, each boy leaves on a pink tray an object that he thinks the girls are using or playing. (Dolls, hairpins, bows, etc.)

Leading: Each team came up with a name for themselves. But in order to find out which one - you need to guess riddle.

First competition "Guess the Team Name"

Girls team (speaking in unison)

Mom found her daughter

In a blooming flower.

Who read this book

Knows a little girl.


The boys are the answer.

Boys team (speaking in unison)

gobbling up rolls,

The guy rode on the stove.

Ride through the village

And he married a princess.


Girls give the answer.

Second competition "Homework"

Leading: Girls prepared riddles for boys.

I'm not alive, but I'm walking

I help dig the ground.

Instead of a thousand shovels

I'm happy to work alone.

(Walking excavator)

Where they build a new house

A warrior walks with a shield.

Where he passes, it will become smooth,

There will be a level playing field.


Ruchenka - hands,

What in the earth are you looking for?

I'm not looking for anything

I dig and drag the earth.


The man is not young

Here with such a beard.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Does any of you know

Who is this?


He is from countries where the climate is hot.

Bright yellow but not sweet.

Even ripe sour it.

What is the name of the fruit?


Grumbled a living castle,

Lying across the door

Two medals on the chest.

Better not come into the house.


Red, but not a horse,

Horned, but not a ram,

They don't like him at home.

And they won't buy it at the market.


He puts bricks in a row,

Building a garden for children

Not a miner and not a driver,

We will build a house.


The two lanes are so narrow

The two lanes are so close.

And run along those paths

Houses on round legs.


Very hard work

Caring for the family in spring -

Build floors in the house!

Who are the builders?


Leading: But what riddles prepared boys to our girls.

Often I look at him

In front of him I spin, spin.

I braid my braids

And fixing the suit


I spin my wheel

loudly, cheerfully knocking.

Suffices my skill

To update you.

Get it, kids

Dresses, blouses, pants!

(Sewing machine)

In the open windows

Will fly in unexpectedly

Something will whisper

It suddenly buzzes.

Quiet, fade away

Rush again

That will take in the sea

Drive waves.


blue eyes,

golden curls,

Lips are pink.


Knock-knock-knock - all day in the morning

How is he too lazy to knock?

Maybe he's a little crazy?

Knock-knock-knock - in response to us.


Not a motor, but noise,

Not a pilot, but flying

Not a viper, but stings.


He is not an artist, but paint,

Smells invariably

According to the pictures, he is not a master -

He is a master of walls!


Weaved thick grasses

Meadows curled up

Yes, and I myself am all curly,

Even a curl of a horn.


The house is walking down the street

We are lucky to work.

Not on thin chicken legs,

And rubber boots.


For a curly tuft

Dragged a leaf from a mink.

Touch - smooth, Eat - sweet.


Leading: And now I invite everyone to a fun warm-up.

Girls and boys jump like balls.

Hands clap, feet stomp,

They blink their eyes, then rest.

Everyone goes out in order, doing exercises together.

One, two, three, four - arms higher, legs wider.

Left-right turn, tilt back tilt forward.

Get up on your toes, squat and straighten up.

Legs to the sides, legs at an angle, legs together, legs apart.

And now everyone stand up straight, slowly raise your hands,

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench them, hands down and stand like that.

We all rested for a bit and started walking.

Third competition « Mystery pantomime»

Team "Thumbelina" shows pantomime. The boys team must name and riddle and riddle. (Familiar children are taken puzzles)

I am small,

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me.

(Needle and thread)

Growth different girlfriends

But they are similar to each other.

After all, they are sitting next to each other,

And just one friend.


Team "Emelya" shows pantomime. The girls' team must name and riddle and riddle.

The fat one will beat the thin one -

Thin something will beat.

(Hammer and nail)

The brothers were equipped to visit,

They clung to each other.

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke.


Fourth competition "Draw a clue"

The teams are given paper and markers. Leading makes riddles, you need to draw riddles. The team that did it faster and better wins.

There is a curl in the garden -

White shirt, golden heart.

What it is?


Three eyes - three orders

Red is the most dangerous.

(Traffic light)

The red maiden sits in the dungeon,

And the spit is on the street.


There is a knock on the door.

Educator. Guys, we have a guest.

The postman Pechkin enters on a scooter (disguised teacher).

Pechkin. Hello guys. You recognized me? I came to you in a transport that rolls itself (demonstrates.) How can it be called in one word? (scooter)

That's right, this compound word consists of two simple words, repeat these words in chorus.

Well done. They sent me a package with riddles and I can't figure out any of them. Help me please. (takes out illustrations-guesses from the parcel, lays them out on the table with the reverse side, pays attention children that numbers are written here, and on the reverse side there is a secret, we will see it if we guess it riddle).

Educator. I also have numbers (1-7, (places them on the board in order)

There's a secret underneath them too, we'll see it at the end evenings.

Pechkin. Guys, under what number do you want to guess riddle? (children walk around the table and choose a card with any number themselves - they call 3)

Pechkin is reading.

I am related to Moidodyr,

Open, open me.

And cold water

I will kill you alive. (Water pipes)

There are arguments children.

Pechkin. Well done, you guessed riddle(turns the sheet over and shows a picture of the plumbing).

What words did you make up the word "water pipes"? (conducts water)

Educator. you guessed right riddle number 3, let's open it on the board (turn the card over - there is the letter L).

riddle? (optional children -1)

Pechkin is reading.

They stuffed her mouth with meat

And she chews it

Chews, chews and does not stop

And sends it to the plate. (Meat grinder)

There are arguments children.

Pechkin. Right (shows a picture of a meat grinder.) name 2 simple words (meat cuts).

Educator. you guessed right riddle, open number 1 (M)

Pechkin. Walk around the table and choose the next riddle. (children choose 6).

Floats quickly in the sky

Overtaking birds flight,

The man controls it.

What's happened?. (Airplane)

There are arguments children.

Pechkin. Well done! guessed riddle(shows picture).

Educator. you guessed right riddle number 6. Flip it over (C)

You were attentive. What solve the riddle now? (2)

We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk.

Robot loves cleanliness

And buzzes like a liner "THAT". (Vacuum cleaner)

Pechkin. Right. Name 2 simple words (dust sucks, (shows picture).

Educator. you guessed right riddle, open the card (letter o)

Pechkin. Under what number do we guess riddle? (children choose number 7)

I'll scream, I'll scream

I will fly under the sky. (Helicopter)

There are arguments children.

Pechkin praises children and shows the picture.

Pechkin. What words does this compound word consist of? (turns and flies).

The teacher opens the card on the board under number 7. (s)

Pechkin proposes to solve the following riddle. (5)

Boil - steam comes out,

And whistles, and blazes with heat.

The lid rattles - Hurry,

Pour yourself some tea! (Samovar)

reasoning children.

Pechkin praises children and shows a picture - a guess, asks to name 2 simple words.

The teacher opens card number 5 on the board (D).

Pechkin. I'll guess the last one riddle number 4.

Who, on the shore of a pair of clubs,

Blowing smoke with a pipe,

Carries itself forward

Yes, and me with you? (Locomotive)

Gives the wrong answer, the children correct it.

The teacher opens the last letter and invites the children to read the word that turned out on the board "well done".

Pechkin. Thanks guys for the help. You are attentive, smart, diligent. Helped me figure it out puzzles. Encourages children gifts and say goodbye to them.

The jury sums up the results of the competition. The teacher invites children and parents for tea.

Continuing the topic:

The Internet is replete with advertising, the methods of displaying which are becoming more aggressive. Animated gifs and flash, individual frames and pop-ups are just flowers. More often...