All good and good mood. Beautiful wishes for a good mood for the whole day (have a great day)

Beautiful and original wishes are presented here Have a good mood for the whole day for a friend, mother, husband's girlfriend, wife. Choose a poem that reflects everything you want to wish a person and send it in SMS. After all, wishing good things, we get a return like a boomerang. The verses and prose below reflect everything that can only be thought of. Your friend will be delighted!


I wish you a wonderful mood
May this day be positive!
I wish that every moment
The flow brought you only joy!

May you be surrounded all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!


Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will come out everywhere.
Have a good mood!


Sun, I wish you well and good mood, excellent health and incredible optimism of the soul. May the smile never disappear from your face, may your heart beat in time with fun and joy, may your every day be successful and happy.


wish Have a good day,
And great mood.
Let the new day bring
Only the best, happiness, luck.


I send you the news of the day:
Let the positive blow in the morning
Luck, luck will love you.
You get one answer for everything - «yes»!

Let everything in the world wish you well -
Traffic signal, weather, friends.
May the sun always warm
Eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your courage not go out today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!


Let the mood be cool
Let your eyes burn
I want to swim all day
In success, joy, love.

I want to be positive
joke, laugh, smile,
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
Never give up.


Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck pursues
Early in the morning
Good mood,
Will never leave.


With all your heart, smile with all your heart,
Let the positive cover you with your head!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, agree
Let every moment be filled with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
Give rays to all those who are close to you!
Do not try to be sad or bored,
Fill the world with your positive charge!


Let the smile brighter than the sun
Shines on your face
May your day be today
Just a pleasant surprise
Think only positive
To the degree of mood
Raised by adding
Joy and inspiration!


Let the mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
May luck accompany you
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with good
With a smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Wishes for a good day and good mood


I want to wish you
glorious mood,
smile and not see
Obvious negative.

Let nothing overshadow
Have a good mood.
I wish this day
Happiness and peace.


Don't be sad, don't even think about it
Sorrow is not your friend,
Drive them away
To not snoop around.

Smile wider, more often
Be patient in everything
Let your life be sweeter
Naughty mood!


More positivity
And good mood
To have enough strength for everything
And luck did not leave!


I wish you the most wonderful and beautiful mood. May the day pass richly and cheerfully, may the rays of love and joy illuminate the soul. I wish you strong hugs from your loved one, sweet kisses on your lips and incredible feelings of happiness in your loving hearts.


Good morning my sunshine
May the day be beautiful
Be in a good mood
Expect happy change.

Do not lose your cheerful mood,
Smile, have fun
After all, since the days of such inveterate
Our whole life is.

Wishes for a good day and good mood


Key to Eternal Luck
It's a good mood
For joy to walk beside
You need to smile more often.

Don't build any obstacles
develop, achieve goals,
Appreciate every minute in life
After all, living in the world is very cool.


Let the sun be clear
And a beautiful new day
Let whatever you wish
Happens immediately!

With a good mood
With great inspiration
You will overcome everything
Aiming for your dreams!


All the joy in life should be
Unexpected, unsolicited.
And so I wish you
All the best!

And if you smile
Wake up in the morning
Everything that happens in a day
Everything will be only for good!


Let your mood be
Good, cheerful. And always
Let it not depend on the weather
Even in the sun, even in the cold.

Let people give you happiness
Smiles, joy, warmth,
After all, they will decorate your life,
Bring goodness and beauty.

And with irritation, negativity
Let no one meet.
I wish you all the best
And the mood is one hundred percent.


Let it be a great day
And good mood
Drive away laziness
And good luck to all of you!

I wish you, relatives,
More strength and patience
And let the smile burn
Warm, joyful moments!

good mood poems


Let every moment carry
You have a colorful mood
And my pure love
Give happiness again and again!

Fill the whole world with a smile
How ladybug, sai,
After all, this colorful day
Will present a stream of goodness!


What will cheer you up?
Thinking it's Sunday soon
It can be from the heart
Relax and don't rush!

Enjoy a long day
With those who are dear, only together,
You can also gather friends
Or just eat and sleep.

The main thing is that in the soul
It was clear, not rainy.
And I always wish
"To not be sad!"


good mood,
joyful emotions,
Sunny smile -
Only mega portions.

Let the message of love
Covers a little
The sun will smile
Only you in the window.


I wish you a good day
And great mood.
Let success lead
Gives joy and inspiration.

May you be able to realize
All thoughts, ideas and plans.
May my love be great
It will be your true talisman.


My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood soon. Remember, you can do anything, you are a person of incredible strength and charisma, great dreams and good luck. And let all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds be accompanied by a great mood that will invigorate and inspire you. Whole.

Wishes for a good mood in verses for the whole day


My beloved man
Throw your sorrow away
You better smile
And I was distracted for a moment.

It's not easy for you to write
I assure you, it's not a trifle
I will wish mood
And to be inspired.

To fill the day with happiness
I'm not too lazy to wish this,
For everything to turn out well,
And all things came true!


Let a good mood
Today you will have
And may luck, happiness, joy
Boredom and boredom will win
I love you very much
Don't forget about this
Come on, smile
And never be sad!


Let there be a great mood
There is no reason for sadness and sadness!
Let it give you every moment
Chance to achieve all sorts of heights!

Let the soul be filled with bright light,
And in the glasses, the light will light up!
May the wish come true
Today, on this joyful day!


Let this day sound like a cheerful note,
And let your soul sing in the morning
Both in personal matters and at work
Let everything be fine and easy,

Let the mischievous breeze-naughty
Mixes bright colors in fate
Let it be light in the soul, a good holiday,
And in the heart - let my love for you!


Don't be sad and don't be sad
Under any circumstances
Better smile more often
As a sign of kindness.

And then you will return
The light that comes from the soul
Even the sun will smile
And stubbornly winks.

Good day wishes and good mood


I wish you a good mood
I kiss you, I love you!
Let passers-by smile
You are admired!

Let the day pass playfully
Add a lot of positivity.
Luck is waiting for you around the corner
And then, unexpectedly, you are lucky!


With nice mood
Meet the day today!
Let there be inspiration
And forget about laziness!

Let the plans come true
Dreams come true,
And new ones are born
And they are all hits!


Let the mood be bright
Like a rainbow - a child of rain -
And let like a lark in the sky
A carefree soul sings.


Smile, beloved sun,
And luck will smile on you!
Thoughts are only optimistic
To make everything work out great!

I wish you a color mood,
Lots of positivity and joy
May love give you strength
May this day be successful!


wish you well
I want mood
Let it give a new day
Happy moments.

The sun to you, beloved,
Let it smile in the sky
Every day one step
Let the dream come closer.

With nice mood
I wish not to leave
And dreams towards
Walk the path of happiness.

Good day wish. Poems of good mood for the whole day


Charge of good mood
You will bring a new day.
Give me your confident look
Cast your shadow of the world.

Decorate it with a splash of emotion
Color it in now.
You will see, everyone will definitely have to
Pass this day having fun.


I will collect the rays of dawn in a bouquet,
I will breathe into him great love for you,
In the palms I will hold the sun's light
And I'll draw your image for them,

I will give you joy, loving,
Chasing away your worries and doubts!
May your day be great
I wish you a good mood!


May it be a beautiful day
And a romantic evening
Let there be only happiness
In beautiful bright candy wrappers.

Let there be mood
Great, just like a holiday.
Love you! I want to say -
Smile more often.


Let the color mood
Walking around all day
And let luck accompany
Even a shadow of sadness will go away!

I wish your plans
Came true so easy, without difficulty!
Let my love be a talisman
Will always be yours!


Let the mood be bright
On such a bright, joyful day!
I only wish you luck
Emotions colorful flow!

Today in the world all the peaks
They will be subdued by you!
There are definitely reasons for happiness
After all, all "taboos" are allowed!


To have a great mood
Smile, please, hurry up!
Throw away all your fears, all your doubts
And it will become more fun in the shower!

Let everything go according to plan today
May you enjoy every moment!
And there will be pockets full of money,
To get a cold of sadness is even necessary!

good mood words


My beloved, let this bright day
Everything around will be beautiful and beautiful,
All problems will go into the shadows
And the whole world will become joyful and clear.

Let the mood, honey, be yours
Sparkles with happiness and fun.
Let the endless warmth surround
And insanely immense luck.


Laugh, sing and smile
Rejoice, my love!
Charge with positivity
And share it again and again.


I wish you well
Now the mood
To not be tormented by sadness,
Fear and doubt.

Let a smile decorate
beloved face,
And the heart will be passion
Tenderness tormented.


Let life give a smile
random passerby,
I wish my loved ones
Good mood.

So that in every moment of life
Happiness smiled at you
And a little miracle
It happened every day.

To positive and joy
The companions were
And to each other more often
We gave love.

I wish you mood
good, beautiful,
So that every new day
Could be a holiday for you.

❗Added new postcards and text wishes❗

Beautiful wishes for a good day in your own words

I wish you to see only positive signs in the signs of fate, to benefit from them and under no circumstances darken your mood with sad and heavy thoughts!

I will try in my own words to wish you a good day and not get confused in your thoughts. So, never give up and don't let life's circumstances be stronger than you! Remember that you can break any problem on your knee or bypass it. Act with a cool head, but with a warm heart, and then everything will work out for you!

I wish you a sincere, interesting, pleasant, fun, successful, cool, exciting and good day! May it be full of interesting and memorable events. Let all ideas and plans come true.

Have a nice day! Let the joyful events themselves find you and have an adventure with you! Sometimes you need to let go of control so that everything becomes exactly the way you want it to be!

Each new day is fraught with some kind of zest. So let this highlight always be something pleasant. If worries and problems await you today, let them be resolved in a way that is successful for you. Do you need to communicate a lot today? Let all conversations and negotiations be in a positive way. Have a nice day and good mood to you!

May on this good day the sky, the sun, clouds and all nature, as well as the people you meet, animals, even insects, in general, all living and non-living things in this world smile at you, and you smile back!

Yes, today you will have a difficult and eventful day, but this does not mean at all that it will be bad. On the contrary, having closed all the tails and completed all the tasks, you will experience incredible satisfaction. And no “ifs”, you will do everything today, and I will help you with this!

I wish you that all your assigned tasks are carried out easily, simply, naturally and with one left heel! Make your day yourself, let it be good and memorable. Show them what you are capable of!

Let your day start with a smile to yourself in the mirror image. Look how awesome you are! Well, that's another matter, because you have no reason to be sad!

Good luck in your business, pleasant interlocutors, good mood and a good day! May it be filled with goodness, enthusiasm, positivity, inspiration and endless luck!

Let this wonderful morning flow systematically into an equally good day, which will bring a great mood, many pleasant surprises, funny situations, wonderful news, and end so that everything is a good evening and a very good night.

Let the smile brighter than the sun
Shines on your face
May the day take you today
Just a pleasant surprise
Thoughts are only positive
To the degree of mood
rose by adding
Joy and inspiration!

I wish you a wonderful mood
May this day be positive!
I wish that every moment
The flow brought you only joy!

Let you be surrounded all the time
Only kind, smiling people!
Like the sun, let your eyes shine
And everything will always be great in life!

My joy, I hasten to wish you a good mood soon. Remember, you can do anything, you are a person of incredible strength and charisma, big dreams and good luck. And may a wonderful mood be added to all your aspirations, hopes, desires and deeds, which will invigorate and inspire you. Kiss.

With all your heart, smile with all your heart,
Let the positive cover you with your head!
Life is so beautiful and wonderful, you must admit,
Let every moment sparkle with kindness!

I wish you to shine instead of the sun,
To give rays of goodness to all those who are nearby!
Do not try to be sad or discouraged,
Fill the world with your positive charge!

I wish you a good day
And great mood.
Let the new day bring
Only the best, happiness, luck!

Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will work everywhere.
Have a good mood!

I want to wish you
glorious mood,
smile and not see
Obvious negative.

Let nothing overshadow
Good mood.
I wish this day
Happiness and peace.

I send you the news of the day:
Let the positive blow in the morning
Luck, luck will love you.
For everything you get one answer - "Yes"!

Let everything in the world wish you well -
Traffic signal, weather, friends.
May the sun always warm
Eyes sparkle with happiness all the time!

May your courage not go out today,
And everyone will give a piece of goodness.
I hug you, kiss you lovingly.
Let everything be cool! Have a great day!

I wish you a great mood
And a lot of positive moments!
All plans and aspirations will come true
Today without any doubt!

I wish to be next to you
Always friendly people!
So that only goodness and peace reign in the heart,
Look for the positive in every moment!

Let the mood be cool
Let your eyes burn
I want to swim all day
In success, joy, love.

I want to be positive
joke, laugh, smile,
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
Never give up.

Let the mood be great
After all, this day will only bring joy!
Let luck accompany you
And let your heart sing with happiness!

May this day be filled with good
With a smile, only bright colors,
My love, sun and warmth,
And bright, good miracles!

Today I call for assistants
Fantasy flight and inspiration,
To, like a bouquet, compose for you
The most beautiful mood in the world.

It will have the happiness of golden lilies
And the tenderness of a white-solar chamomile,
And the joy of simple bells,
Wearing bright blue shirts

A rose will flare up in him with love, beckoning,
Queen Orchid - admiration,
May it please you for a long time
A bouquet of feelings in a good mood!

May your mood be excellent
Upbeat, joyful and inspiring!
Let there be a day of pleasant moments,
I wish you surprises, compliments!

I wish you smiles and appropriate jokes,
Pleasant activities, interesting to you,
May all your wishes come true
Good to you, the sun and a lot of love!

Look around: the world is so beautiful, and therefore you certainly have thousands of reasons to enjoy life! Let your mood soar to the skies, and your smile shines brighter than the sun. Today everything will be exactly as you wish, nothing can prevent you from turning your plans into reality. Just be yourself and everything will work out!

Fight all the difficulties with a smile,
And don't lose your spirit
Don't be afraid to make mistakes
Don't take them seriously.

Let joy fill your soul
Cheerful laughter sounds from the lips,
And lifts the mood
You deserve success.

Let there be a mood today
Like sweet strawberry jam
Like beautiful white daisies,
Like delicious aromatic coffee in a cup.

Friendly let the sun laugh
And a ray knocks on your window.
Let the birds sing for you today
Let your eyelashes not tremble from tears.

Let the rainbow give its colors
May the world be full of kindness and affection,
Let the light wind kiss your hair,
And let the soul rejoice with joy!

Turn on the vital energy receiver soon, turn the antenna towards joy and catch the channel of good mood! Let the cheerful melody of happiness not subside until the evening. Make this music louder so that everyone around you is on the same wave of drive and positive!

Let every day be cheerful
Kind, joyful, free,
So that luck follows step by step
Followed you in this world!

Let the mood chirp
About success, inspiration,
Smile - life is beautiful
Sunny, warm and passionate!

I wish you a great mood, let it sparkle with all the facets of feelings and all the colors of the rainbow, where red is your fiery love, orange is joy, yellow is solar energy, green is your bright hopes and plans, blue is purity and reciprocity of feelings, blue is inexhaustible optimism, and purple - inner harmony and peace of mind.

This section contains the most original and beautiful wishes for good night and good morning, good day and mood. And also in this section, you can choose the right words for a declaration of love and marriage proposal.

Wishes for good mood in poetry and prose by SMS

When your loved one is in a bad mood, you can make him feel good by sending a beautiful SMS wishing you a good mood with romantic words of love. If you are not strong in poetry or prose, then this section will help you with this! Here you will find universal and targeted, beautiful and sometimes funny wishes for a good mood, written in poetry and prose. Wish good mood to your loved one!

Let him cover his head
A lot of positive.
And pass by
All problems are gone.

And luck pursues
In the morning,
Good mood,
Will never leave.

Smile and don't frown.
The storm will pass soon.
Everything around will be happy with the sun
And your sadness will disappear.

Let it paint in all the colors of the rainbow
Your life is unearthly luck.
Let every moment be filled with joy
And lift your spirits.

I want to wish my beloved man a good mood! Let everything around you please and bring pleasure! Enjoy every moment, smile and absorb a lot of positive impressions! I love you, appreciate, adore and cherish!

Let the mood be cool
Let your eyes burn
I want to swim all day
In success, joy, love.

I want to be positive
joke, laugh, smile,
Gloomy thoughts and despondency
Never give up.

I will collect the rays of dawn in a bouquet,
I will breathe into him great love for you,
In my palms I will hold the sun's light
And I'll draw your cute image for them,

I will give you joy, loving,
Chasing away your worries and doubts!
May your day be great
I wish you a good mood!

My dear person, I wish you a wonderful mood and a feeling of incredible happiness, good spirits and optimism of the soul, incredible inspiration and amazing ideas, great thoughts and fun ideas.

Beloved, I wish you
Warm and positive sea,
May happiness surround you
It's time to forget about troubles, grief,
May the mood always
It will be good and wonderful
you smile and then
Everything in life will be very cool!

Key to eternal luck
It's a good mood
So that joy walks beside
You need to smile more often.

Don't build any barriers
Develop, achieve goals
Appreciate every minute in life
After all, living in the world is very cool.

Don't forget to smile
And the day will be full of luck
Everything will work everywhere.
Have a good mood!

Let the mood be bright
On such a bright, joyful day!
I only wish you luck
Emotions colorful flow!

Today in the world all the peaks
They will be subdued by you!
There are definitely reasons for happiness
After all, all "taboos" are allowed!

Let a good mood
Today you will have
And may luck, happiness, joy
Blues and boredom will win
I love you very much
Don't forget about this
Come on, smile more
And never be discouraged!

I want to wish you
glorious mood,
smile and not see
Obvious negative.

Let nothing overshadow
Good mood.
I wish this day
Happiness and peace.

May it be a beautiful day
And an evening of romance
Let there be only happiness
In beautiful bright candy wrappers.

Let there be mood
Great, just like a holiday.
Love you! I want to say -
Smile more.

Continuing the topic:
Tax system

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