MP advice. Np market advice

The Supervisory Board of the "Market Council" approved the restructuring of the debts of energy retailers "Rosseti"

« Market Council"sanctioned the conclusion of agreements for the restructuring of debts of guaranteeing suppliers of Rosseti in the North Caucasus, ...

March 6, 2020 at 15:04

Bystrov: “In 51 out of 61 WECM regions, it is already more profitable for consumers to build their own generation on HV”

It is more profitable to build your own generation because high level marginal prices for electricity, said the chairman of the board of the Association "NP Market Council» Maxim Bystrov, speaking at the FAS seminar “Evolution of tariff regulation in 2020: a step into the future”. According to the press release...

March 5, 2020 at 13:10

"Market Council" adjusted additional dopa, waiting for clarification of the conditions for the selection of thermal power plants for modernization

The Supervisory Board of the "Market Council" at a meeting on February 26 adopted amendments to the agreement on accession to the trading system wholesale market(DOP) related to the clarification of the procedure for the selection of projects for the modernization of thermal power plants, the regulator announced on February 28. The purpose of the changes is to bring the regulations of the wholesale market in line with the draft resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Amendments to the WECM Rules on the Issues of Additional Selection of Projects for the Modernization of TPP General Facilities Using Innovative...

February 28, 2020 at 13:02

Consumers ask the Cabinet to recalculate the parameters of TPP modernization

Large industry is asking Deputy Prime Minister Yuri Borisov to revise the parameters of the program for the modernization of old thermal power plants in the amount of 1.9 trillion rubles. Business is confident that the final electricity prices in 2022-2028 will rise twice as high as inflation, contrary to the instructions of the president, and the “overpayment” will reach 750.6 billion rubles, Kommersant wrote on February 28. Now the Ministry of Energy, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and the Ministry of Economy must clarify the price growth forecast. But the Market Council reminds that so far the program costs the market 40% cheaper than ...

February 28, 2020 at 03:47

Consumers asked the Market Council to evaluate the effectiveness of subsidizing tariffs in the Far Eastern Federal District

The "Community of Consumers of Energy" (CEC), which unites large industrial consumers, turned to " Market Council» with a request to analyze the effectiveness of reducing electricity tariffs in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District...

February 21, 2020 at 19:32

Consumer spending on CSA RES in 2014-2019 amounted to 43.7 billion rubles

Consumers of the Russian energy market will spend 1.5-1.6 trillion rubles to support "green" energy until the end of the CSA RES program (commissioning of facilities by the end of 2024); expenses from the start of the program in 2014 to the end of 2019 amounted to 43.7 billion rubles, RIA Novosti was told in the Market Council. The CSA RES program provides for the construction of solar and wind power plants, as well as mini-hydro power plants, which are selected through a competitive selection process. They are guaranteed a return on investment through increased...

February 14, 2020 at 07:17 pm

Projects for the modernization of old thermal power plants with commissioning in 2025, as expected, will cost the market more than the objects of previous selections. In absolute terms, the volume of selection of renovation projects for 2025 amounted to 83.4 billion rubles, Kommersant reported. The specific capital costs of projects increased by an average of 1.5%, and the additional burden on the market after the commissioning of facilities, according to the Market Council, will amount to 14 billion rubles a year. At the same time, it is still impossible to talk about a comprehensive modernization of thermal generation, experts say: ...

February 12, 2020 at 09:49

"Market Council" proposes to update the outdated distribution generation at the expense of subsidies from the Far Eastern Federal District

« Market Council” proposes to fundamentally change the mechanism for distributing surcharges when subsidizing electricity tariffs in the Far...

January 29, 2020 at 03:47

The forecast cost of the TPP modernization program decreased by 0.8 trillion rubles, to 1.3 trillion

The cost of the 10-year TPP modernization program, originally estimated at 2.1 trillion rubles, following the results of the selections for 2022-2025, decreased by 800 billion rubles, to 1.3 trillion rubles in 2021 prices, the chairman of the board told reporters on January 28 Market Council Maxim Bystrov. As the head of the regulator noted, the initial calculations were made according to the most conservative (costly) scenario, while the total costs within the distribution of those released as the program ends ...

January 29, 2020 at 02:24

In 2019, energy prices increased by 3.2% in DH 1 and by 0.2% in DH 2

Free prices in the Russian energy market in 2019 increased in the first price zone (1 CZ, the European part and the Urals) by 3.2%, to 1287.32 rubles per 1 MW / h, in the second (2 CZ, Siberia) - by 0.2 %, up to 896.44 rubles, follows from the materials of the EFiR information terminal. The rise in prices is recorded for the fourth year in a row. Since 2016, energy prices in 1 CH have been above the level of 1,200 rubles per 1 MW/h. As Interfax was told in the Market Council, last year the total volumes of supply and demand in 1 CZ decreased ...

January 15, 2020 at 23:32

Consumers propose to change the structure of the supervisory board of the "Market Council"

We went out” to them with proposals, but the association is “open for dialogue”. The Ministry of Energy and the Council of Energy Producers did not respond to a request. " Market Council"is a self-regulatory organization aimed at maintaining a balance of interests of all market participants, notes Vladimir Sklyar...

December 16, 2019 at 10:03 am

"Market Council" again fined "RusHydro" and "Quadra - Power Generation" for the delay in the commissioning of thermal power plants

The station was supposed to be put into operation before January 1. Accordingly, the association has already fined the company, while the amount of fines “ Market Council does not disclose. At the end of June, the head of the company, Nikolai Shulginov, said that RusHydro plans to launch the Zaramagskaya HPP-1 this ...

November 26, 2019 at 19:15

Get ready. Consumers themselves are confident that price growth will be higher than the regulator's forecast and will outstrip inflation. Regulator of energy markets Market Council» prepared a forecast for the growth of energy prices for industrial enterprises for 2020. " Market Council» evaluates the cost of electricity...

October 21, 2019 at 10:29 am

Experts considered unrealistic the idea of ​​freezing energy prices for exporters and the transition to "one-rate"

Large consumers, fearing rising electricity prices, come up with new ways to reduce costs. Rusal asks to freeze the cost of electricity for exporters, and the main supplier of Russian Railways, Rusenergosbyt, proposed abandoning the separate determination of prices for electricity and capacity. The ideas of consumers are unfeasible in the current energy system, analysts say, so large industry will continue to leave the market for its own generation. Rusal (part of En+), exporting...

October 14, 2019 at 09:30

Consumers propose to conduct "pre-COM" a year before the start of delivery

Transfers of project inputs, said on October 11 the director of work with natural monopolies"Rusala" Maxim Balashov at the conference of the association " Market Council". “It is necessary to provide for “preCOM” a year before (the start of delivery - ed.), so that consumers and suppliers meet and clarify ...


The Market Council will discuss the development of generation in the domestic energy sector in Pyatigorsk

Ex-head of the Market Council placed under house arrest

Moscow. September 28th. INTERFAX.RU - En + Group top manager Oleg Deripaska, former head of the Market Council Dmitry Ponomarev has been placed under house arrest until November 7 in a fraud case, Interfax was told by the press service of Moscow's Nagatinskiy Court.

“At the request of the investigator, a measure of restraint in the form of house arrest was chosen against Ponomarev for a period until November 7,” the court representative said.

Interview with a member of the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council Vadim Geraskin

What is the Russian spot market like, how to reform the electricity market, are bilateral agreements needed? This and much more was told to RBC by a member of the Supervisory Board of NP Market Council, Deputy CEO"Basic Element" Vadim Geraskin.

The Ministry of Energy proposed to abandon the creation of federal energy sales

The Russian Ministry of Energy proposes that the government abandon the idea of ​​creating a federal energy supply organization to save troubled regional energy sales companies and granting this status to the state energy holding InterRAO, a source in the ministry said.

In the energy sector, resignations are taking place in Putin's style

Recent criticism of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has borne fruit: several top managers of energy companies have resigned
The first personnel decisions will be discussed today at a government commission led by Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, a White House employee told Vedomosti. According to him, at least two resignations will be considered there - board member FSK Alexander Bobrova And Deputy General Director of IDGC Holding Alexey Sannikov. Sannikov wrote a letter of resignation with an open date and is waiting for the commission's decision, a source close to the holding confirms. Another candidate for resignation - CEO "Tyumenenergo"(controlled by IDGC Holding) Evgeny Kryuchkov adds another government official. Fourth person on the list - head of the NP guaranteeing suppliers and power supply companies Yuri Zhelyabovsky, who, according to a spokesperson for the partnership, wrote an early termination statement after being criticized by the prime minister. Perhaps Zhelyabovsky will also leave the post of general director of Energostrim, the issue will be resolved in the next day or two, says a company representative.

There will still be resignations, a top manager of one of the companies believes: after such criticism, "it makes no sense to work in positions related to state power." And if people do not quit, there will be criminal cases, adds Konstantin Simonov, president of the Energy Security Fund. He is convinced that the changes have just begun: serious reshuffles are coming in the Ministry of Energy, and in other departments and NPs.

Kommersant's sources list the same Kryuchkov and Zhelyabovsky among the candidates for dismissal. Also, according to them, General Director of MES Urals Gennady Nikitin may be fired. The resignations of the top officials of state-owned companies in the industry are not expected.
Read more:

Government Commission updates the rules of the retail electricity market

CFTO and the Market Council proposed to create a database of powers of attorney to organize the dispatch of empty wagons

The Center for Branded Transport Services of Russian Railways OJSC and the NP Council of Market Participants of Railway Rolling Stock Operators have proposed creating an electronic database of powers of attorney for organizing the dispatch of empty cars, according to a joint report by Russian Railways and the Market Council.


"Market Council" supported the FAS

The FAS has found another ally in the fight against the merger of the generating assets of the Renova group of Viktor Vekselberg (IES-Holding) and Gazprom. Experts of NP "Market Council" believe that the merger of companies will lead to limited competition in the energy market and is undesirable. The corresponding conclusion was submitted to the FAS. Based on this document, the antimonopolists will make a final decision by the end of December.

Planned electricity consumption in Russia increased by 0.9% over the past week

In general, by price zones, planned electricity consumption in Russia increased by 0.9% over the past week, the total volume of consumption since the beginning of the year increased by 1.6% compared to the same period last year. This is evidenced by the data of NP Market Council.

The Supervisory Board of NP Market Council adopted amendments to the Regulations for Financial Settlements on the Wholesale Electricity Market.

The amendments and additions adopted by the Supervisory Board are aimed at bringing the provisions of the Regulation on financial settlements in the wholesale market in line with the requirements of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 877 dated November 4, 2011 in terms of the publication by a commercial operator (JSC ATS) of additional values ​​related to the functioning of last resort suppliers in the wholesale market .

The Board of the NP "Market Council" appreciated the merits of the top managers of JSC "Arkhenergosbyt"

On the eve of the Day of Power Engineers, Dmitry Ponomarev, Chairman of the Board of the non-profit partnership Market Council, sent personal thanks for his personal contribution to the development of the retail electricity market to Deputy General Director of CJSC Mezhregionsoyuzenergo - Manager of JSC Arkhenergosbyt Nikolay Krivtsunov, Deputy Manager for Economics and Finance Petr Sharin, Sergey Kurochkin, Deputy Manager for Energy Purchase and Sales, and Sergey Bessert, Deputy Manager for Legal Affairs. This was reported by the press service of JSC "Arkhenergosbyt".

NP "Market Council" put into operation a new version of the AIS "Electricity and Capacity Markets"

Moscow. October 25, 2011. NP "Market Council" put into operation a new version of the AIS "Electricity and Capacity Markets".

"Market Council" recalculated debts on the WECM - as of December 1, the total debt of market participants amounted to 29.8 billion rubles

MOSCOW, December 9 (BigpowerNews) - As of December 1, 2011, the total debt of the participants of the WECM of the Russian Federation amounted to 29.8 billion rubles, NP Market Council reports.

The Market Council plans to form an average price for rolling stock

NP "Council of Participants in the Market for Services of Railway Rolling Stock Operators" will create a directorate, the purpose of which will be to summarize information about the needs and availability of rolling stock on the Russian Railways network, Chairman of the Partnership Presidium Sergey Maltsev said at the IX international conference "Market transport services: interaction and partnership».

NP "Market Council"

Non-profit partnership "Market Council for the organization of an effective system of wholesale and retail electrical energy and capacity” (“Market Council”) is a self-regulatory organization that unites participants in the wholesale electricity and capacity market.

Location Key Figures

Chairman of the Board - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kravchenko

Industry Website

Market Council (Non-profit partnership "Market Council for the organization of an effective system of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and capacity") - a company that provides the organization of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and power (formerly - Non-profit partnership "Administrator trading system»).

Chairman of the Board - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Kravchenko.


The non-profit partnership "Administrator of the Trading System of the Wholesale Electricity Market of the Unified Energy System" (NP "ATS") was established on November 23, 2001 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 526 of July 11, 2001 "On reforming the electric power industry Russian Federation».

In pursuance federal law dated November 4, 2007 No. 250-FZ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the implementation of measures to reform the energy system of Russia" annual meeting members of NP ATS On July 28, 2008, it was decided to rename the Non-Commercial Partnership "Administrator of the Trading System of the Wholesale Electricity (Capacity) Energy System" into the Non-Commercial Partnership "Market Council for Organizing an Efficient System of Wholesale and Retail Trade in Electric Energy and Capacity" ( Market Council). Since April 1, 2008, the specified Federal Law has assigned the functions of the Market Council to the Non-Commercial Partnership "ATS". Also, the Federal Law establishes that from April 1, 2008, the organization of trade in the wholesale electricity and power market, related to the conclusion and organization of the execution of transactions for the circulation of electrical energy, power and other objects of trade, the circulation of which is allowed on the wholesale market, must be carried out by commercial wholesale market operator. On December 13, 2007, the state registration of the Open joint-stock company"Administrator of the trading system of the wholesale electricity market." In accordance with the decision of the Supervisory Board of NP ATS dated November 30, 2007, from April 1, 2008 JSC ATS was entrusted with the function of a commercial operator of the wholesale market.


In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Electric Power Industry" and the charter, the main goals of the partnership are:

  • ensuring the functioning of the commercial infrastructure of the wholesale market;
  • ensuring effective interconnection of the wholesale and retail markets;
  • creating favorable conditions for attracting investments in the electric power industry;
  • the presence of a common position of participants in the wholesale and retail markets in the development normative documents regulating the functioning of the electric power industry;
  • organization on the basis of self-regulation of an effective system of wholesale and retail trade in electricity, capacity, other goods and services admitted to circulation in the wholesale and retail markets, in order to ensure the energy security of the Russian Federation, the unity of the economic space, freedom of economic activity and competition in the wholesale and retail markets markets, balancing the interests of producers and buyers of electrical energy and capacity, meeting public needs for a reliable and sustainable supply of electrical energy.

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, all subjects of the wholesale market must be members of the Partnership.


see also

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

    Electricity Market Council- Market Council is non-profit organization, which was formed in the form of a non-profit partnership and unites, on the basis of membership, subjects of the electric power industry and large consumers of electric energy. (as amended by the Federal Law of ... ... Official terminology

    NP "Market Council"- Non-commercial partnership "Market Council for organizing an effective system of wholesale and retail trade in electrical energy and power" since 2008 earlier: NP "ATS" organization, technical, energy. Source:… … Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Financial Market of the Russian Federation is an advisory body under the President of the Russian Federation, created in order to improve state policy in the field of development ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Council of Ministers of the European Union) This Council should not be confused with the Cabinet of Ministers in countries such as France or the former USSR, or with the European Council. The Council of Ministers of the EU is responsible for the adoption of European legislation ... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    - (Eng. The Islamic Financial Services Board, IFSB) international organization, created to develop, implement and monitor compliance with global prudential standards in the field of Islamic banking, capital markets and ... ... Wikipedia

    ECOFIN The Economic and Financial Affairs Council financial matters The EU is one of the earliest organs of the Council of the European Union, consisting of the ministers of economy and finance from all 27 countries of the European Union. When discussing... Financial vocabulary

    Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of the financial market- 1. The Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Financial Market of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is an advisory body under the President of the Russian Federation, created in order to improve state policy in ... ... Official terminology

    This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

    - (CMEA) intergovernmental economic. org tsiya socialist. countries, created to promote, by combining and coordinating the efforts of the countries members of the Council, the systematic development of Nar. x VA, economic acceleration. and tech. progress, acceleration Soviet historical encyclopedia

    CONSENT BOARD- (French CONSEIL Dregional policy economic organization, established on the basis of the West African Monetary Union in 1959. Members: Benin, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Niger, Togo (since 1966) . The purpose of the group is to develop ... ... Foreign economic explanatory dictionary


  • Competitive wholesale and retail electricity markets in Russia. Monograph, Andreev V.A. The monograph considers topical theoretical and scientific-practical issues of problem formation and development competitive market wholesale and retail electricity in Russia. Book…
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