Comments on Medvedev's words about teachers. Teachers and Medvedev: what to do with school salaries

Russian teachers are outraged by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev's remarks that underpaid teachers should go into business. “Red Line quotes several comments from teachers given to various media outlets.

Medvedev to the question of a teacher from Dagestan about the salaries of teachers in 10-15 thousand rubles: “I am often asked about teachers and professors. This is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. The same business."

The prime minister also expressed confidence that a modern teacher is able not only to receive a salary according to the schedule, but also "to earn in some other way."

A teacher of Russian language and literature from St. Petersburg considers the prime minister's words inadequate. “Judging by Medvedev's comment, the government does not care about education and the future of children. He said without thinking. It turns out that he is separate, the people are separate, the country is separate. He said that teaching is a calling. And what - teachers now have to suck their paws? - said the teacher "Rosbalt".

A chemistry teacher from the city of Kyakhta, Natalya Ismagilova, told the Number One portal that teachers are outraged by this attitude of the government. “Not taking into account the rates of a laboratory assistant and other additional duties, I, a teacher of the highest category, receive only 16 thousand rubles per hour. We don't have time to do business. How many reports, all sorts of pieces of paper have been dumped on us. You come home at six o'clock and immediately sit down at the computer. It is necessary to prepare a lesson, and check notebooks, and also draw up a working program. There is no free time at all. Like there are no perks. In Soviet times, we could at least get medical treatment, relax in sanatoriums. Now there is nothing. But all the social burdens are for us: the census of children, work on elections, and so on. And all this is on a voluntary basis,” Ismagilova said.

“Yes, teaching children is our calling. But to use it is cowardice. This is dishonorable and unfair. How much pressure can be put on patriotism, vocation, love for children, and so on? The teacher also needs to live somehow. And something to provide for their children. Rest, finally. Instead of saying such things, the state needs to create normal conditions for the life of teachers. Just taking from a teacher, without giving him anything in return, is impudence,” the teacher emphasized.

Retired teacher Olga Vasilyeva was offended by the prime minister's words: “It's very sad to hear. Teachers are qualified specialists who deliberately went to study for this specialty. Many have a lot of experience and expertise. Good teacher invests everything in his work: money, strength, nerves. Almost everything is given to the children. And to hear such a statement from the country's prime minister is at least surprising. It is very disappointing when now teachers, roughly speaking, are sent to go “sell potatoes”.

Former teacher Marina Klimova followed the prime minister's advice, but bitterly regrets it: “I went to school to work according to my calling. She loved her job and the kids. But, unfortunately, what is happening now in connection with these reforms in schools is a nightmare. Last year, I was forced to leave the profession in order to be able to earn a normal income and provide for my children. Now I work in trade, that is, I have to do an unloved business. Medvedev advises all teachers to do what I do? Who will work in schools then?

“I am surprised at the resilience of our teachers, those who are able to endure real bullying for years. Monstrous reforms, inhumane working conditions, humiliating runs for stimulus payments, writing tons of reports and all sorts of other nonsense that distracts from what a teacher should really do - teach children. And all this for the sake of calling. But I think that a person who is directly involved in the mess that is now happening in our schools is ashamed to say such things! Instead of giving such stupid advice, isn't it time to get down to business and finally put things in order in this area and at least try to return our education system to its former glory? - emphasized Marina Klimova.

On May 24, in Feodosia, when asked by a pensioner, Dmitry Medvedev announced that there was no money in the budget for indexing pensions, advising ""

Singer and comedian Semyon Slepakov wrote on the well-known phrase of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, "No money, but you hold on." The last verse contains these words:

“All in all, this is great news.

We go on vacation happily, with a clear conscience.

As a reward for working without closing your eyes,

luxury yachts and private jets are waiting for us.

The Maldives are waiting for us, Monte Carlo is waiting, London and Phuket.

We would take you - there is simply no money.

Formerly Dmitry Medvedev about the lack of money for indexation of pensions.

"The neoliberal policy of the Medvedev government has completely exhausted itself and is leading the country to collapse," - Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov, speaking at the party's pre-election congress.

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in the course of communication with the participants of the forum "Territory of Meanings" on Klyazma, he advised teachers complaining about low salaries to earn money in business. “I am often asked about teachers and lecturers. This is a calling, and if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. The same business,” Mr. Medvedev said.

The Prime Minister's statement was a response to a question from a teacher from Dagestan about why in Russia the salaries of the security forces are so much higher than the salaries of teachers.

Medvedev said in response that when he worked as a teacher after graduating from university, he received 90 rubles a month, while novice police officers received 250 rubles each.

The Prime Minister's speech provoked a lively reaction in social networks - among the statements on this subject there were many critical remarks.

“Dmitry Anatolyevich confuses insipid with sweet. The teacher should not make ends meet, as he said in his speech. The teacher should not look for a way to earn money on the side. The teacher should work normally, comfortably. You can spit on our profession, as, in fact, has been done for many years, but history shows that national security and teaching are very strongly interconnected, even more than with the security forces, ”said Teacher of the Year in an interview with the radio station“ Moscow Speaks ” -2009", teacher of physics at Noginsk school No. 5 Vadim Muranov.

“Separately interesting - in what miracle country did policemen receive 250 rubles each? I stood at the machine, overfulfilled the plan, and it didn’t always work out 250, and not for everyone. By the way, then I served in the police in another country. In 1992, my salary was 26 (twenty-six) US dollars, and in 1998 as much as 180 US dollars,” a well-known publicist and journalist wrote on his Facebook page. translator Dmitry "Goblin" Puchkov, a former officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

About "good mood and health"

Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev owns a large number of phrases that people remember and have become almost aphorisms.

In May 2016, during a visit by the Russian Prime Minister to Crimea, Medvedev was approached by a pensioner who complained about the low level of pensions.

Answering the woman, the prime minister, in particular, said: “There is simply no money now. If we find money, we will index it. Hang in there, all the best to you, Have a good mood and health."

This saying immediately became part of folklore and has been walking around the country to this day.

Commenting on this speech, Russian President Vladimir Putin said: “I did not see Dmitry Anatolyevich say something like that about this. You can always either take a phrase from the context as such, or take it from that general conversation: everything can also coincide in words, but in spirit, the meaning, perhaps, can somehow be presented differently.

The head of state is absolutely right - it's just not about the most successfully constructed phrase. However, it is not in vain that the proverb says: “The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it!”.

About the "young country of Russia"

On December 31, 2010, in his capacity as president, Dmitry Medvedev said: “We have a rich and ancient history, and we are justifiably proud of it. At the same time, Russia is a young country. Let me remind you that next year she will be only twenty years old.

As in the case of Medvedev's recent speech in Crimea, the politician meant nothing bad. However, the wording “Russia is a young country, it is only 20 years old” surprised many. It turned out that the Russian Federation does not identify itself not only with the Soviet period, but also moves away from the thousand-year history of Russian statehood as a whole. Meanwhile, Russian Federation, for example, is officially the legal successor of the USSR under international agreements.

Medvedev's words about "a young country that is only 20 years old" were also included in the "golden fund" of his statements.

About the words "cast in granite"

In December 2009, at a meeting of the commission for the modernization of the economy Head of Russian Technologies Sergey Chemezov after the speech of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, he asked for the floor in order to answer, as he put it, the "remark" of the head of state.

Medvedev did not like Chemezov's remark, and he snapped: “My retort is not mine, but a verdict. You have replies. And what I say is cast in granite.

According to reference books, granite is an acidic igneous intrusive rock composed of quartz, plagioclase, potassium feldspar, and micas - biotite and/or muscovite. Granites are the most important rocks in the earth's crust. They are widespread and form the basis of most of all continents.

Granite is used as a facing stone, as the main material for the manufacture of monuments, but the casting of anything from it is rather problematic.

Of course, once again we are talking about an inaccurate wording.

About "big and fat cats" in sports

In 2010, after the unsuccessful 2010 Olympics in Vancouver for Russia, Dmitry Medvedev said words that are extremely relevant given the current situation in Russian sports.

At a meeting with the leadership of United Russia, Medvedev said: “The figure of the athlete himself should be put at the forefront - not the federations, which we sometimes have big and fat like cats, let alone the leaders of the federations and not even coaches, with all the colossal respect: athletes achieve success - they should be the epicenter of attention.

Unfortunately, these words were not heard and understood. "Big and fat cats" from sports officials have put Russia on the brink of removal from the 2016 Olympics. It is possible that at least now the "fat cats" will be thoroughly shaken - albeit with an obvious delay.

The premier's speech at the Territory of Meanings educational forum became the reason for the people's anger. Answering the question of a teacher from Dagestan why teachers have a small salary, and the policemen have a large one, Medvedev replied that a teacher is a vocation, and whoever wants to earn money will find an opportunity "somehow, so to speak, to earn something else."

The Russians, who still remember Medvedev's call “there is no money, but you hold on,” reacted with indignation to another verbal affront of the prime minister. As a result, a petition soon appeared on demanding that he be fired. “The Cabinet of Ministers should be headed by a competent, educated person who cares for the country,” the document says. Behind a short time the petition gained over 150,000 signatures.

However, this conflict is more curious for its background. Indeed, recently Dmitry Medvedev has more than once made obvious blunders in his speeches, although, it must be said, he did not shine with eloquence before either. Now, however, his misses are receiving increased attention. What is it - the people are tired of the mistakes of the authorities, or is pedaling the mistakes of the prime minister is artificial? It is possible that this is so. After all, Medvedev is convenient for the Kremlin as a lightning rod through which people's discontent can be lowered into the ground. After all, one should hardly expect that Vladimir Putin will dismiss the prime minister. As you know, Medvedev is the leader of United Russia, and his dismissal would visibly hit the party's rating on the eve of the elections. However, there is also an opinion that Dmitry Anatolyevich himself is the main beneficiary of this story. As you know, the president does not like it if someone tries to force him to make decisions, so the petition will most likely go unanswered, and Medvedev, on the contrary, will retain his post.

Vitaly ARKOV, political scientist:

- It is beneficial for someone to remove the prime minister from office, depicting the appearance of discontent. In Russia, there is a special portal where any citizen can make a petition and, if it is popular, implement a public initiative. What is being done on other sites, especially foreign ones, is not of decisive importance for the Russian authorities.

Nikolay MIRONOV, head of the Center for Economic and Political Reforms:

- They are working against Medvedev both along the lines of Alexei Kudrin and along the lines of the pre-election opposition. Any unsuccessful word or photo is immediately promoted in media publications and social networks. Another thing is that there is discontent in the country, so everything falls on fertile ground.

Alexey MUKHIN, CEO of the Center for Political Information:

- According to my information and according to indirect data, Medvedev will retain the post of prime minister after the September elections. That is, no one will replace him in the foreseeable future. At a certain point, it looked like Medvedev might soon be "left." But now I would venture to suggest that he will retain the post of prime minister after September 18 - and until December 2017.

On August 3, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, in response to a question from a young teacher from Dagestan about the low salaries of young specialists, answered that you can’t earn much in this field, and advised him to go into business. These words were heard during the speech of the head of the Russian government at the youth forum "Territory of Meanings", held in the Vladimir region.

Young people warmly welcomed Medvedev at the forum - the prime minister was asked many questions. A teacher from Dagestan asked about teachers' salaries, which are hard to live on, because teachers' salaries are 10-15 thousand rubles, while law enforcement officers earn several times more.

Medvedev replied that the work of teachers is a calling, and for money you need to go into business. “I am absolutely sure that a modern energetic teacher is able not only to receive wages, which he is supposed to according to the official schedule, but also somehow, so to speak, to earn something else, ”he said.

Medvedev explained that he himself, working as a teacher, did a lot of additional work - he conducted seminars, gave lectures, "making ends meet."

“But the most important thing, I say again, is personal choice. I am often asked about this: both for teachers and teachers. You know, it's a calling. And if you want to earn money, there are a lot of great places where you can do it faster and better. The same business,” summed up the Prime Minister.

Medvedev's statement stirred up both the blogosphere and social networks. Users were indignant at the words of the Russian prime minister calling on teachers to go into business for money.

Yuri Zakharov from Tyumen recalled the famous mythical passage from Lenin's quote, not excluding the relationship between the character of this passage and the head of government: “Someone said that any cook can rule the state. Isn't he one of those?

Muscovite Ilya Andreevich gave advice to Medvedev: “In general, then we should take a tax for teaching! Instead of squandering wages!

In turn, a resident of Bryansk, Alexander Beskov, wished to see Medvedev in an unusual role: "He would like to arrange a stand-up show, he never ceases to please."

At the same time, Alexander Parfiriev, a resident of Donetsk, is sure that, having made the transition from teaching to the business sphere, teachers will go from fire to fire: “Of course, but in business they will choke with taxes, they will be checked!”

Elena Mikheeva, a Petersburger, is not sure of the adequacy of the prime minister’s statements: “Something blows the roof off Medvedev, he says such things without thinking ... He answered the male teacher that if the teachers are not satisfied with the salary, you can go to another area, to business, for example ... And who will teach children at school? There is not a single school in St. Petersburg that is 100% staffed. Where are his copywriters? Let them write speeches to him, otherwise unrest will begin in the country because of him.”

Galina Shcherbak from Murmansk was upset by the Prime Minister's statements: “It is only incomprehensible why calling work cannot be adequately paid. Very upset. It just becomes quite sad when you understand the direction of thoughts of those who are at the helm of the country. Therefore, probably, training is now smoothly but surely transforming into business.”

Responded to Medvedev's statement and a segment of users of the Twitter service. So, the user Alexustas remembered the famous series Breaking Bad (“Breaking Bad”), the main character of which is a chemistry teacher Walter White who is forced to make a living by manufacturing chemical drugs. “A friend of mine, a chemistry teacher, decided to go into business after Medvedev’s statement!” - wrote Alexustas, accompanying his tweet with a screenshot from the series.

The user Fred_ino reacted to the part of the Prime Minister's phrase in which the security forces appeared: "Medvedev modestly kept silent that the security forces have been in business for a long time."

In turn, Willi_rusland did not rule out that, after Medvedev's words, one should prepare for the worst: “In the early 90s, teachers, from hunger, went into the“ business ”- selling seeds in the market. Apparently, Medvedev is preparing us for something terrible.”

User Antonsemakin reacted sarcastically to Medvedev’s words: “Medvedev advised teachers who were dissatisfied with their salaries to go to fight in the DPR.”

Some users even remembered the Russian classics. So, 23kiskis remembered Pushkin: “Oh, how many wonderful discoveries Dima Medvedev gave us…”.

In addition to statements, memes with frames from the TV series Breaking Bad, as well as a picture with the image of Dmitry Medvedev and the inscription "Nothing personal, just business" were popular in the comments.

The reaction to Medvedev's words that teachers, for the sake of higher incomes, should change their profession and go, for example, into business, was not long in coming. Outrage reigns in teacher publics on VKontakte. Gazeta.Ru publishes some teachers' comments about Medvedev's words.

Olga Ch., teacher from Voronezh:

“I myself am a teacher. Extremely outraged by the words of the Prime Minister, advising teachers to look for other earnings. The teacher performs the most important function in society: not only teaches, but also educates! It educates a person who is responsible to himself and to the Fatherland, ready to defend his homeland, appreciating the exploits and dedication of his ancestors, ready to benefit society. Many thanks to all the teachers who, in such difficult conditions in the field of education, continue their pedagogical activities!”

Anna K., teacher of physics in Mordovia:

“In principle, it is simply impossible to go into business in our small village. The whole business consists only in trading in the market, but even a teacher will not be able to combine his work. I have, for example, up to an hour or two lessons, then until four in the evening - extracurricular activities. After that, I come home, pick up my two children from kindergarten. While doing them, I check notebooks. And you still need to have time to write a plan outline for the next day. In total, I have 18 hours a week, there is also a class guide, and I am also the head of the laboratory. At the same time, my salary is 11,500 rubles, and with stimulating hands I get 16 thousand rubles. I don’t understand why this work cannot be paid more.”

Irina D., teacher from Moscow:

“I have long disliked the prime minister, but what was said today simply caused indignation. Honestly, I don’t want to return from vacation, knowing that I’m waiting again ... The children are holding me back, but every day less and less. As Tatyana Sanna from Fizruk said: “The teacher died in me.”

Alexander P., teacher from Nizhny Novgorod:

“It seems to me that Medvedev is provoking teachers and professors. I wanted to write a detailed analysis of the text of the speech of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation with my comments (as I can), and then it suddenly dawned on me: this is the reaction from teachers in social networks that the authorities are most likely waiting for. For what purpose, I don't know. Therefore, I will show maximum restraint and correctness. I will simply indicate my tough position on the issue raised: in employment contracts And job descriptions teachers (including mine) do not have the term "vocation". There are such words as "work", "duties", "rights", "responsibility", "law". And - oh horror! - "wage".

From the point of view of morality, the work of a teacher, of course, falls under the category of “vocation”, “gift”, “mission”, finally. But from the point of view of law and law, this is labor that must be paid, and paid adequately (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 7, Part 1). A teacher (teacher) is a profession that a person has spent time and effort to master. Got a qualification. And this profession can (and should!) be primarily not a lyrical vocation, but a very specific and legitimate means of subsistence.

Or if you write us down as saints, then at least save us, teachers, from the obligation to pay income tax of 13% (like the Russian Orthodox Church). For me personally, there will be a quite significant increase in money (although this money in itself is small even at two rates).

Continuing the topic:
Tax system

For me, a person is initially NOTHING, it is shit in the hole, a fiddle in your pocket. However, he can, is able to grow up to the Great Heavens Above, to Eternity - if behind his back...